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Hash Bash '08


New member
Anyone attending this yr?

This will be my first yr going, any specific places to go, bars to hit? I gather that the street fair is the place to be so ill prolly hit there.

Any other icmag-er's going to visit the event?


Active member
d-game- Welcome to IC! (Even though I just saw you're not actually a 'new' member) I'm assuming you're referring to the annual festivities is Ann Arbor, Michigan? If you are, it is something I've always wanted to attend. I've been to the Boston Freedom Rally, and the Hash Bash and the hempfest in Seattle are two more I'd love to experience. If anyone else has been, I'd also love to hear about it!


cooked cook

bake at 420 until nicely toasted
Ahhhhh the hash bash! :D

That's been going on for some time. Glad to hear they're keeping up the tradition. :yes:

Myself and another IC member (What up, j :wave: ) attended the Hash Bash in (get this) 1989.

We pretty much just stayed for the rally, and didn't check out much else going on in town. Something about having to work...or something equally stupid.
I remember seeing Steve Hagar and some of the HT crew show up in the freedom fighter getups.
I even appeared on local TV news coverage of the event, much to the entertainment of a buddy of mine, who was at work and looked up to see my stoned ass strolling along behind the reporter, staring into the camera :pointlaug hehehe
rock on, Michigan.


cooked cook said:
I even appeared on local TV news coverage of the event, much to the entertainment of a buddy of mine, who was at work and looked up to see my stoned ass strolling along behind the reporter, staring into the camera :pointlaug hehehe

LOL, that's classic! I love it.

Hey, cooked cook, you should post on the "rate the person above you's avatar" thread. The baking chef rocks!


New member
Sorry to hear that, what do you suppose the word is reguarding the street fair then?

Suppose thats still going to be happening?

Thanx for the potential heads up, id hate to drive down and waste a trip.


Monroe street fair is still on. No problem there.

And many people will show up for the Bash. It's always on the first Saturday of April. It has been for decades now.


i been going on and off since 1994 its a blast,campus cops have been dicks in more recent years though ,i missed last year.idk about this one if so you'll see me.-Y-
peanutbutter said:
I'll spend most of my time at the MI-NORML tent on Monroe st.

I can't smoke anything this year. I'm still out on bond and if I smoke even one toke I'll go to jail for a long time.

You're welcome to stop by and chat for a while.

dONT worry you can go buy 4 cases of glenn fiddich and drink yerself to death wit scotch...stil not as crazy as takn a puff of taht fuckn devil weed


so is this event only on saturday than? i am thinking of coming as its only 6-8 hour drive for me. and is there much to do there? thanks,cb


Bands, lots of likeminded people, people smoking in the street, cops looking the other way.

I might wear my avitar like last year.


cb8412 said:
so is this event only on saturday than? i am thinking of coming as its only 6-8 hour drive for me. and is there much to do there? thanks,cb

Yup, its on next saturday April 5th, I dunno about the event on the diag but the monroe street fair is supposed to be on and popping. So, if youre gonna make it, make sure you mapquest out directions to both the diag and to monroe street.

6-8hrs is a small stretch, but i guess i might drive that far also if it was the closet herb related event to me.

I dunno how many other ic'ers will show their faces, but ill be there, smoking well and attempting to enjoy life.

Those who may make the journey, speak up here or in PM so likeminded folks may congregate and enjoy the wonderful herb.

Less than one week until blastoff....
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ICMag Donor
cesartime said:
Im gonna hit hash bash this yr, or atleast the street festival.

ME TOO!!! It will be a bit of a journey, but I am going. It is actually something I am doing in part to help with my search for Monkey Paw...


Weather.com forcast for Ann Arbor April 5.

50 degrees, partly cloudy (Partly Sunny)

As we all know Michigan weather can change in an instatnt but it looks like it will be a great day for Hash Bash and the Monroe Street Fair!

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