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Has it really been 4 years since OG?


New member
I just want to read a few of those classic funny threads again

Like the guy having trouble understanding how much was in an ounce (I think), the thread went on for ages. Fucking funny.

Anyone know the one I mean?


Active member
"Reaper" (from russia with love)

...remember the bunker he had...like (30) 1000 watters ...plus a cpl grows even bigger than that

No, but I wish I did. 30k in a bunker is ridiculous... I'm sure I've seen it, but it's slipping me mind :(

Was he from Russia or was that just his user title? Must know what country produced such a bad ass :p


Active member
ICmag carries on the torch with ease in my opinion. What I'm trying to say is that ICmag is not like 2nd place to overgrow. They are both paramount and compliment each other.

It's the beginning of the next ten years friends, if we embrace it with optimism, you can expect great things. The times are a changing once more, we will see much.

If the hard drives from the OG servers can be saved, that information is gold. I have already seen small torrents popping up all over the net with old OG tutorials and saved threads. I think our pro cannabis stance should not stop with that, the freedom of the internet is at stake as well. Freedom of information. This is something we will choose to have, or choose to lose.

Mr.Nirvana, the community thanks you for your efforts.



Active member
No, but I wish I did. 30k in a bunker is ridiculous... I'm sure I've seen it, but it's slipping me mind :(

Was he from Russia or was that just his user title? Must know what country produced such a bad ass :p

pretty sure he was from russia.

...he signed all his posts "from russia with love"

besides "the bunker" he had a warehouse w/ 40k and 400 white widows in hydro.

....he couldent pull enuf electric to run all 40 lights at once so he split the warehouse into 2 rooms and ran (2) alternating 20k flower cycles.


Active member
pretty sure he was from russia.

...he signed all his posts "from russia with love"

besides "the bunker" he had a warehouse w/ 40k and 400 white widows in hydro.

....he couldent pull enuf electric to run all 40 lights at once so he split the warehouse into 2 rooms and ran (2) alternating 20k flower cycles.

I wonder if he is still alive. bitchin' threads he made. does feel like yesturday.

Hash Zeppelin

Ski Bum Rodeo Clown
Premium user
ICMag Donor
I really miss O.G. That is the community that really tought me how to grow right. It is where I was first intoduced to B.O.G. And hempcat and trichrome farmer.....etc

I.C. mag has done a kick ass job of picking up right where O.G. left off, and I love it here. Even the people that I dont agree with in the political forums are still pretty cool.


Old School Cottonmouth
Well I think it is important to remember that OG is gone. Even if it came back it is gone. OG was a community that was abandoned.

Even if it came back, and lots of people went back, it would still be a ghost town. The community is what makes a site and the community is now here. I miss OG but it's kinda like missing an ex-gf. Even if you got back together things wouldn't be like they were before. Know what I mean?

Anyway people I miss, aside from just folks I talked to like F1 growers, and wannabebreeder, rahan, and other folks.

I miss di wee dalats thai thread. Where the chopper pilot from nam went back to thailand or where ever and re found that massive field of sativas and the same french family growing it thirty years later.

I miss Derraylds giant african sativas. Reapers massive bunkers and pictures of half naked russian hos. My old sativa thread, lots of stuff.

And LMAO thanks for the poster for bring up that old thread about whether weed should be "loose" or "in bundles". That was hilarious.


Strain Whore Extraordinaire!
I got on OG once in my early days of growing but that was it only once so i didnt have a chance to make friends but from all i read in this thread from all you OG survivors is my experience here in IC, From making good honest friends to getting any and all the knowledge any person seeks with in a matter of weeks to even HRS I love this site since i stumbled upon it,and from what yall said i think IC carries the torch quite well.


ICMag Donor
No, it doesn't :p

For every ONE great article here on ICMag there were at least 30 on Overgrow.

That's fact (or is FAQ? :p ).

RIP Overgrow. I first found you around 2000~2001 right around the tender age of 13. Read all I could possibly want to read and then multiply that by 5... Love Overgrow. Love it.

Anyone remember people who aren't here on IC?

Memy SelfandI - Master of Pot photography! I actually used to think his name was "mimi" and i thought it was a chick. Eventually I read out the entire name lol....Owner of one of the sickest, if not THE sickest fully worked tubes... absolutely insane tube!

Tick - Master of Grow Room design and building. IF you remember him, you already know why ;)

HashBoss - Wish I could remember his friends name! Master of Roor use! Hashbean420 took down a 1.6g hit, well my man Hash Boss took down a 1.7g hit ;) He's the man. Wish he posted here....

Marbleslinger - Ahhh, the love of my glass life. I don't think anyone who was on Overgrow at any one point in time didn't want a Slinger Double bubbler. I was one of the lucky few to have one, and I miss it daily. Hourly. I want it.

If you got more, post em so we can all help each other remember what and who were lost when Overgrow was taken from us.

I'm saddened that the Overgrow Refugee section here was closed, but it's understandable.

ummm Excuse me but Im entitled to my opinion! thank you very much!:noway:


Active member


Man oh man do I miss OG/CW
I still think about OG and Cannabis World a couple times a month at least...
Like a good friend that aint there no more for one reason or another...

Used to find so many people from all over the world that loved pot and loved to smoke.....20' THAI, Medjool, Raco, Roorer, Bopper, DHK, 3LB, Green Shaman, Genefinder, Shanti, Breeder Steve, and on and on and on...
I do miss all the top notch breeders and especially the "Older Stoners".
Dudes with all the top notch info (just like Dalat dude from nam')

Dont really know exactly what it was but I just enjoyed the site very much...

I do hope it comes back online, ill be there for sure.

Peace and positive vibes.



Active member
I miss OG too, and reaper. Remember the gorgeous women he always had posing with his grows? Saweet! Remember ortsa? Pretty impressive grows coming from that guy too!
i'm sorry, but with all respect, Gipsy, ICMAG, as much as i love it, is just the pinky toe on overgrow's huge ass feet.

hell, unless it was a dream i remember they even had an experiments sub forum, as in, people messing around with auxins and giberillins and all that other cool crap!

There was even talk of gene-splicing, well, i'm sure there's gotta be a thread here somewhere, but people there were serious, and they actually had the resources to attempt them!!!

That's what was great about overgrow... I don't knwo why the phenomenom hasn't been repeated here, but they attracted a caliber of smoker that is usually the most un-integrated into stoner society. I truly believe overgrow could have been used to orchestrate large demonstrations and political movements.

Meh, maybe i'm just remmebering a grand past that never was, but i sure miss OG...

anyone remember when we were all designing keychains and shit we wanted the OG logo on??? They were supposed to go out as gifts to subscribers or something like that...


Active member
OG was the shit, and I miss it... but I LOVE ICmag!! I appreciate everyone that makes this place possible and functional. It is now my home. And even if OG comes back, of course I'll be going there daily, but ICmag will be my home.


Active member
Psh... if OG ever comes back up, Gypsy himself will be there :p (probably not)

I remember Ortsa for sure, I think about his stuff every once in awhile(mostly his yummy looking sheets of 'cid). I swear, I don't know how I am forgetting Reapers stuff. There's a like a .10% chance I never saw his stuff.


Active member
I swear, I don't know how I am forgetting Reapers stuff. There's a like a .10% chance I never saw his stuff.

someone salvaged this from reapers work...ill see if i can find any more



The Hopeful Protagonist
Live for today.....not yesterday....

Live for today.....not yesterday....

Yesterday, all my troubles seemed so far away.
Now it looks as though they're here to stay.
Oh, I believe in yesterday.

Tomorrow will be better... :joint: