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Has Anyone successfully Made Them ReWeigh?



Someone I know has just got the judge to go for a reweigh! Anyone done this? I'll follow up if there is any interest. Stuff has been sitting for 2 years...


Well after two years, depending on how they stored it, you would expect it to be dry and crispy; maybe it would lose 20% of the weight; if you are way over to start with it wouldn't I think make much difference, but if you were right on the borderline it might make the diference between trafficking and personal.
I do doubt the cops scales though; a long time ago they allegedly caught me with a quarter; now I had weighed it on my old tin scales and it weighed just over a quarter; but on their digital scales they said it weighed 13.5 grams, which is nearly half an oz.
Now I know it wasn't half an oz, and if you tried to sell it to a knowlegeable person as half an oz they wouldn't beleive you.
So either the cop was bullshitting about what he said was the weight,which has been known to happen, or their scales were way out of whack.
But anyway I just got a caution so I wasn't going to contest it.

RM - aquagrower

Active member
And this is exactly the reason i went DWC years ago. Around here, LEO has to take the plant out of the pot, shake it a couple times to remove loose medium, and drop it on the scale. I had heard (from a lawyer) that ya could file a motion to re-weigh, and should the worst come to pass, I don't want to pay for the weight of the dirt.


I think here if it is harvested then they go by weight, but if it's in the ground or a pot or whatever then they go for cultivation and specify plant numbers, and they don't weigh it.


Someone I know has just got the judge to go for a reweigh! Anyone done this? I'll follow up if there is any interest. Stuff has been sitting for 2 years...

I only know of a couple of others who've been successful with this, it certainly takes persistence, doesn't it? Good for that person!

I'm interested.


Judge gave the order for an independent lab to re - weigh with safe guards present to watch...so we will soon see what happens... stuff happens slow...


Well at least it will stall the case for longer; give your friend time to start doing volunteer work for charities and join the local church, and hopefully get references from them; will all help at the sentencing, show the judge he's turned his life around.


The tactic to use is to ask to prove that the scale that was used was certified. When the cops bring certification papers for A scale, ask where in the documentation it is recorded WHICH scale was used. When they can't, simply ask the question of how do we know if the weight is accurate or not? And when the prosecutor asks for relevance point out that the weight is relevant in the law in that if its one weight you dont go to jail, and if its over that weight you go to jail. Just wanting to make sure that the scale is accurate.

There are so many evidentiary tactics you can take here... the problem is that most people who get caught with drugs cant afford the lawyer to ask these questions in court.


Weed has been sent to an independent lab....so sloooooow...moving like a fucking sloth...waiting for results...


Active member
I always thought that the plants had to be dry. True street value seems to be exactly how much oil is in these plants. It is strange that people do time for cutting agents and that is what plant matter is! Probably why hash has such low weight limits in non-med states. Hash isn't really not more potent, just more pure~

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