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Has anyone seen this?

You need to understand what LST it before you make such a comment to new growers. Low Stress Training=LST .......topping right after you LST is defeating the purpose.

Not saying its not possible but, one of the points to LST is to keep your tops.

but why not combine it?

top the plant.

then LST it to get more tops out of the two new branches.

look up "fluxing" and/or "main-lining"- they do the same


Well-known member
on the auto correct, i see it in the preferences tab of firefox
this may differ from your browser


I'm looking everywhere but I can't find it anywhere in preferences. No biggie. I see plenty of other correct fails all over the site. One I saw yesterday went on referring to "the beast" this and that, and it took me 5 minutes to figure out he was talking about the best. I thought I might be missing out on a new strain :D


The twins are doing great. Nice sturdy stem, which split and is producing what looks to be 2 beautiful bushy halves. Can't wait to see how they turn out. No LST, just a little help to give them more room to breathe :woohoo:



Well-known member
that is an interesting looking plant
i don't think i've seen this before, for what that's worth
love to see how it yields


Thanks. Won't be doing any LST (maybe crop once), since I'm already getting 2 plants out of the 1. Nice how what I thought was a weak stem unable to support any real growth turned into 2 strong branches of the same lusty White Widow. And thanks for the tip about the fan. I already run it on occasion.


The Dude
Hi Art, makes sense. I don't see the point. That's what I'm hoping for, a lot of juicy nodes.

I'm at about day 40, using Fox Farms Ocean Feed, and I just watered after 6-7 days (20% runoff, to get the girls digging for water). My PH is in the 5.5 range. I've read it's best not to feed when using FFOF, but I'm thinking of adding 1tbsp Blood Meal in a couple of days, nothing else. I could also add about 1/4 tbsp bat guano with nitrogen, but boy, that do stink. Well as they say, no pain, no gain...haha.

Any thoughts? I plan to go strictly organic, so I understand your input is based only on what you've learned through the mill, Art.

Couldnt help ya with organic input. Gotta ask in the organic thread. Im a noob im that department. My run was a success only cause i followed a recipe to the T.:tiphat:


At 50 days today, and the twins are doing swell. Big scare after last post...I cracked the stem trying to stretch them apart a bit more. Using some string and scotch tape I did the best I could to try and fix her, but in the end she just pulled herself together as though nothing happened. Ain't nature great! Gave her a healthy dose of nutes, and I hoping to see some nice growth in the next couple of days. Thanks for all the assist.

:plant grow:


The lady twins are doing 95% OK. Some unusual twisting/half-leaves formed on a couple of the tops. Not sure what it might be? My feed for both plants has been exactly the same, and Plant 1 is completely fine. I aerated the plants a bit, and the twins had a small top root that I uncovered. I doubt that's what caused this. The twins have have also been slightly wetter than Plant 1, and I can't seem to balance it out so that both plants are on par, but this isn't really a problem. Any ideas?

Also, runoff is at about 5.0 - 5.5. Using FFOF no matter what I do to the water, it never has any effect on the PH levels. I'd be concerned, but both plants are doing so well, that I'm not going to sweat it.



Well-known member
the twisted half leaves may be genetic
i've seen them before, not a problem unless in large numbers
but it wouldn't hurt to look underneath a twisted leaf
make sure no uninvited insects have dropped in


Thanks Grow. Here's another pic. The middle top shows how the leaves are spiraling. Just below that, you can see a discolored leaf. These are somewhat dried out with gray areas. Below that slightly to the left, you can see the half leaves, which look as though caterpillars have eaten away at them.

I checked the undersides of the leaves, but I don't see any signs of critters. These 3 shoots/leaves are the only ones affected, and are all from the same stem. The graying is somewhat more pronounced this PM, after I fed them this morning. I only added a small amount of blood meal, due to the high acidity of the FFOF.

It's only the one twin with the problem, and Plant 1 is doing great. I'm pretty certain they'll provide a healthy yield. I'm not too worried. It's good hearing back from you. Cheers, and good luck with your garden :tiphat:


Well-known member
hmm, you might have some canoeing going on
that usually happens from too warm a temperature
if it's only on the one branch, it may be a genetic quirk
but it typically shows up top where the warm air collects


That was one of my first considerations also, but both plants have grown to the same height, and there have been no ill effects to the 1st plant whatsoever. This started before I switched to the HPS lamp. Plus it's only happening to some of the upper leaves of one of the twin's stems.

I'm thinking more that it's due to my aerating/tilling the soil after I watered a couple of weeks ago. I might have injured some roots growing near the surface (which was what I thought might have caused the split stem originally), and that would explain the mutation only happening to the one side.

I'm almost certain it's not due to high heat, but keep those ideas coming, I can definitely use a second opinion.

Can't wait to see what kind of flowers I can expect. I should start to see something in a week or two.
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Here's an update regarding the "twins" which are developing nicely, however the canoeing that started about 3 weeks ago has somewhat spread. I've ruled out broad mites, since the effect would be to both plants, not just the one. I now also doubt it's due to transpiration from the fan, but I've directed the airflow more towards the lamp, and not the plants. Both plants are the same height, and they are about 1 1/2' from the lamp. Looking at both plants side by side, Plant 1 is totally healthy. There is also the ongoing twisting/spiraling with the twins, which hasn't developed with Plant 1. My only other guess is that due to the split stem at the base, somehow the nutes are reaching each side in half doses. I thought maybe the uptake on both sides would be equal to that of one plant (i.e. 2 plants growing as one). This does not appear to be the case. The developing buds on the twins also seem to be slightly smaller. None the less, there should be a nice yield, at least better than nothing as I first feared. :woohoo:



Now it's 28 days into flowering. 2 days ago I fed them Big Bloom and molasses. Something really affected the "twins", because right off the bat the leaves were twisting and wilting like crazy. Perhaps I overdid it with the molasses, going for a sweeter bud, but of late this plant seems more anaemic than Plant 1. They're both being fed the same, so it's got to have something to do with the split stem. I noticed the run-off tested at a phosphorous strawberry red level (it's beyond anything on my guide :cry:) after adding the Big Bloom, so the fluctuation of the PH levels probably is also taking it's toll. In a couple of days I'm going with a lesser dose of bone meal and guano, and upping the PH. The revised PH did the trick last time, unfortunately it's going to be too late to fix what's already transpired. In the 2nd pic you can see Plant 1 is in top shape.

At almost a month into flowering, I'm not sure whether or not to just let them make a dash to the finish line. Since it might be as much as 60 days more, I think I'll just start cutting way down on any nutes and adjusting the PH more. I want to do whatever it takes to make sure that the harvest is decent, maybe even going to 8/16 if necessary. If anyone has any ideas, please let me know?



Well-known member
looking mostly good, though i do see the sugar leaf troubles you mentioned
i use molasses myself, molasses does not sweeten bud
i'm a light user of it, great for a tea base
but it's mineral loaded, i have seen some saying it gave their bud a metallic taste
haven't had that experience, but it has a lot of iron
i suspect your twins don't like a lot of feed, that's not unusual, some plants are touchier