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Has anyone run Sweet Seed Autos @ 24/7 for the whole grow?


Wondering if anyone has done this. I have done 24/0 for 4 weeks and done 20/4 also. The plants definitely responded better to the permanent light 24/0. But i switched it up when i put them under the HPS..

It is more for steady temperature in the groom rather than yield though. Interested if anyone done it, or what Tommy/Jaypp think

Thanks, doob :joint:

Tommy G

:|Sweet Seeds®|:
Cheers doob!

I usually go with 18/6 or 20/4, but yes, I've tried 24/0 and it's also an option. Personally I would only do 24/0 while vegging the plants, once they start flowering I would change to 18/6 or 20/4. This does not mean that I don't believe you can get slightly better results with 24/0 all the way, but I think that if there is a difference, it is such a small diference that does not compensate for the disadvantages of doing 24/0.

If I was living a very cold and humid place I would probably seriously consider 24/0 always. So it's also a decision that depends on the environment.

Cheers and sweet smokes!



Thanks for quick response Tommy. I will try 24/0, it is very appealing for getting a steady environment in there.

Have you found 24/0 gets more vigorous growth in the first few weeks?

Tommy G

:|Sweet Seeds®|:
Thanks for quick response Tommy. I will try 24/0, it is very appealing for getting a steady environment in there.

Have you found 24/0 gets more vigorous growth in the first few weeks?

Cheers mate, you're welcome :tiphat:

Again, I would have to say that it depends on other parameters regarding (mostly) the environment. If you have excessively high temperature range on 18/6, than maybe with 24/0 you'll feel the diference in terms of vigorous growth, as they will tend to grow with more vigour on a 24/0 light schedule.

On the other hand, if you feel that the "daytime" temperature is not very different from the "night time" temperature, it means that the temperature range is low and hence, in my opinion, there is no tendence for better results with 24/0.

I'll share one example just to be sure that everyone who reads this understands what I'm saying.

Situation 1: You grow on 18/6 and the daily maximum temperature is 28ºC while the minimum is 24ºC. The temperature range is of 4ºC and that's pretty much acceptable, so I'd keep with the 18/6 all the way.

Situation 2: You grow on 18/6 and the daily maximum temperature is 26ºC while the minimum is 14ºC. The temperature range is of 12ºC and that's a sort of range that could slow up growth a little bit, so I'd change to 24/0 and if then I realize that it has a big impact in reducing the temperature range, I would go with 24/0 all the way.

Although this is just a personal opinion from someone who's not an expert in light and photosinthesys, what I'm saying is that I think the 6 extra hours of light don't have a direct impact on the growth pace/speed. But they may have an indirect impact by helping to create a more adequate environment for the plants which could make them grow faster and show more vigour.

This is in veg stage, in flowering I get the sensation that 24/0 of HPS kinda hurts the flowers in a way that they get an aroma that is more dry and not so fresh. Like if you leave your plants from an extra week or two after they are ready to harvest and with the HPS close to the flowers. It will suck "life" from the flowers, which loose the fresh aromas that most cannabis growers so much enjoy.

Best way for you is testing the various options and find out what's your favourite way to go. There's not a big difference between both options anyway, so you run no risks in testing them out.

All the best and sweet grows! :peppermintstick:



Thought i should update, as my killerkush autos are on week 13, and MILES off being finished!!!

Be warned, my plants kept on vegging using the 24/0, I had to switch lighting to hurry them along, as you can imagine this is holding up my others and wrecked my cycle, not to mention the jars running low

These pictures were taken week 12, completely out grown my tent :/ I have made this box, added a tube heater and this is keeping them 24-25degC in the root zone, so happy with that for future grows

This is the bud basically in the light lol, week 13.

So yeah, longest sweet seeds autos in history? Using 20/4 I never went over 11 weeks seed to harvest, lesson learned