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harvest question


hey guys im about to start
my next grow..
but i had a question about my last harvest
pre-harvest and up to harvest the flowers looked amazing
but once dryed it became very dry to the touch
even with a month and 1/2 of curing in a jar
its still dry
was this due from over feeding or poor flushing?
or did i just over dry it?


Green is Gold
You over dried it Emerica. Happens, no biggie. If you're really worried about it cut off a few fan leaves from your current grow and throw them in the jars, the moisture from the leaves can help rehydrate your buds a little bit. It won't be as fresh as freshly cut herb, but will not be as cripsy dry. Overly dry buds suck but not as much as moldy buds from too much moisture!


ok over drying is a simple fix
really sucks cause everyone normally says to leave it
5-6 days but theres alot of factors just happy to know what to look for
on my next harvest
this is why i love icmag you always get helpful people
really that would work never thought of it lol
how many leaves would you put in a ounce mason jar?


you can alway's rehydrate it...but if it's THAT dry then you might have lost some potency(think dirt dry mexi)


New member
one of the old timers here uses a few baby carrots to rehydrate the buds, and it doesn't alter any taste or smell


Weedomus Maximus
one of the old timers here uses a few baby carrots to rehydrate the buds, and it doesn't alter any taste or smell

Lots of ways to rehydrate the product; many prefer to add a fresh leaf to a container. The bud will be more moist, but it still won't cure if over-dried to begin with. Good luck.
