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Harvard Positive Psycology! Life changing lectures!


Hi all,

I watched these lectures about six months ago and they changed my life. My levels of happiness are far higher, I focus less on the negative (which made me far less paranoid) and I now have more friends too

The lectures are from the Harvard Positive Psychology 1504 subject, by Tal Ben-Shahar. Every second year this subject is tought in front of 2000 students, making it the largest and most popular subject at Harvard.

... and now all 13 lectures are on YouTube for FREE

Lecture 1-13 (Not incl. 2): www.youtube.com/watch?v=IwUecXRvnS0 (Click 'Show More' to access all lectures, except lecture 2)
Lecture 2: www.youtube.com/watch?v=7IGGKXijqx0

I watched one lecture (1-1.3hr each) per night (in bed, on my phone, before sleeping) over a two week period. It's a small time investment for a massive happiness return.

Also, this isn't your typical self help. It's a Harvard psychology subject based on (soft) scientific evidence of what makes us happy.


NOTE: Lecture 2 is the Chinese version (has Chinese subtitles), because the English version is blocked due to HBO copyright violation.
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we're farming cannabis here, not links mwz, lol

seriously, I think the mods are trying to keep links to a minimum so maybe just post the first one.


Links are fixed :) I read the forum guidelines regarding links and security. Another way to access the lectures (with the exception of lecture 2) is to go to youtube and search for 'Harvard 01 positive psychology 1504'. I'm really passionate about this topic as it's helped me so much.

So, here's a few examples of how Positive Psychology helped my cannabis farming :D

Paranoia and police
When it came to police, I used to get so nervous at even a single sight. I used to not only look for signs of undercover cars in new cars, but in old cars too! When pulled over, I would always be treated with extra caution, as I displayed negative characteristics (anxiety). The moment the sniffer dog handler saw me, the dog would make a b line for me.

These paranoid/anxious characteristics are not beneficial for the pot smoker/grower!! I developed these traits over time, I think from viewing certain negative media like news programs, COPS type shows and dramas which always show the police officer making the drug arrest.

So, I built up a reality in my head, where I do a certain activity and the police are out to get that activity (and that's ALL they do.) Now while there's some truth to this, police do a whole lot more than bust people for drugs. Yet, in my head, all they did was 'get people for drug offenses'. I built it up to a point where I couldn't look at a police officer without associating a drug arrest.

Police have a 'where there's smoke there's fire' mentality. They get curious when you get nervous. So, how did I fix this?

I brain washed myself into believing that police have a positive element. Every single time I saw a cop car or police officer, instead of associating a negative thought (getting busted) I associated a positive thought. My positive thought is

"Police are people just like you or me, who put their life towards helping and making the community a safer place. Deep inside each and every police officer is a person who just wants to help someone else."

I used it as a mantra (over and over) every time I saw cops. Eventually I over ride my negative thoughts by replacing them with positive thoughts. Now when I see police officers, I just think 'he's just on his way to help someone /smile'. My life is infinitely more comfortable because of this! I've even been pulled over and able to be smiling and happy towards to officer. It's important to portray an image of what they are not looking for! Whether it's the car you drive, the clothes you wear or your behavior.

Yes, cops are c***s ... but in telling myself they are not, I lifted the paranoia. It takes work and dedication, as you can't slip, you have to tell yourself the mantra every time you see them. But it's worth it :D


Don't Drone Me, Bro!
ICMag Donor
I've watched a bit of it so far. Great stuff. Nice to see western culture applying the scientific method to prove something that Eastern culture has practiced for thousands of years.

We're a little behind the curve over here.


follow your heart
ICMag Donor
haven't watched.. but saw there in the more info, torrent links to DL it all..

another thing that might spark your interest.. type in google, something like.. traits of good luck people..

others are books that have interviewed "highly successful people".. they have similar patterns / traits / behavior

when I was like 17 tony robbins sparked some things in my brain.. haha, I can laugh at that now.. shhhh didn't tell my dad I was listening to this stuff when he was watching tv... hahahahaha

remember , nothing is coincidence.. the highest thing I've learned ( it actually came from "meditation" ) follow your heart.


Nice to see western culture applying the scientific method to prove something that Eastern culture has practiced for thousands of years.

That's so true!!!

@habeeb - Researching highly successful people is a great idea! Especially people who were disadvantaged from the start. What traits helped these people overcome their challenges and how can you embrace these traits in your life.

A great audio book to torrent d/l (and listen when your at work) is 'The how of happiness' by Sonja Lyubomirsky.


Well-known member
Bump. Most valuable information I have stumbled upon since discovering delta9xs Passive Plant Killer Thread. Just finished the 23 lectures and I am instituting changes to aid in the pursuit of the ultimate currency (happiness).

Here is a great hour long presentation by Tal Ben-Shahar (Professor of the course) that gives a synopsis of what the class covers.


I thoroughly recommend the full course. This isn't huey duey self help this is science and academia put to use.

Thank you, Thank you, Thank You to OP for posting.

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