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Harper Appoints Evangelical Pastor to 'Study' Marijuana and Schizophrenia


Contact your local MP and freak this insane b.s. use of tax payer money. Their getting paid half a million to do an unscientific study. The same idiot who tell us dinosaurs didn't exist.

By Jacob Hunter, WhyProhibition.ca - Thursday, August 20 2009
Tags: CC Magazine Feature Articles, Headline News, Canada, mental health, religion, Schizophrenia, science, Stephen Harper.
WHYPROHIBITION.CA - Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper has pledged $555,000 to study the links between cannabis and mental illness, and has put evangelical pastor Chris Summerville in charge of the project.

Chris Summerville is the is the interim CEO of the Schizophrenia Society of Canada and an evangelical pastor.
The new Canadian Mental Health Commission is "a wonderful opportunity" for Christians to be involved in dealing with one of the most pressing issues in our society, according to one of its members.

Chris Summerville is one of 11 non-government members of the new Commission's board of directors. Besides struggling with mental health issues himself, he is the interim CEO of the Schizophrenia Society of Canada, executive director of the Manitoba Schizophrenia Society, and a certified Psychosocial Rehabilitation Practitioner. He is also a committed Christian and an ordained pastor with the Associated Gospel Churches of Canada.

Summerville said he hopes to bring a holistic approach to the issue that addresses body, mind, soul and spirit.

According to the Associated Gospel Church website, history section: "The AGC traces its beginnings to the early 1890s when a group of independent evangelical churches became known as the Christian Workers' Church of Canada"

UPDATE: The Canadian Schizophrenia Society Board of Directors contain no apparent Medical Doctors or PhD's, and the first name of the list appears to be a police officer from Toronto.

UPDATE 2: Pam Forsythe is a practising Psychiatrist

For more info, check out the announcement yesterday:
Cannibis smokers have a seven-fold schizophrenia risk

Harper government devotes funds to studying the link between marijuana use and mental illness

WINNIPEG – The Harper government is putting up $550,000 to gather research on marijuana use and mental illness.

The Schizophrenia Society of Canada will use the money to further research the links between cannabis and early psychosis as well as develop promotional materials warning youth about the dangers of smoking pot.

The money is part of Ottawa's $30 million national anti-drug strategy announced in 2007.

Chris Summerville, CEO of the Schizophrenia Society, said the public doesn't realize that cannabis users have a seven-fold increase in risk of developing schizophrenia.

He pointed to recent research out of Victoria, B.C., linking pot smoking and mental illness.

As part of the society's research, some 30 youths who have experienced psychosis will be trained to gather information about the reasons their peers use cannabis.

The results will be used to develop educational materials aimed at decreasing the use of illicit drugs among young people.

Winnipeg Conservative MP Joy Smith said Tuesday that while the public regards marijuana as a soft drug, there may be very serious consequences for young pot smokers who have a predisposition to mental illness.

"Science has shown that cannabis may actually trigger the onset of psychosis and may also intensify the symptoms for those who already have a psychotic illness," Smith said in announcing the grant.

"It has been suggested that up to 80 per cent of youth who have had a psychotic episode were using cannabis. And that's pretty shocking," said Smith, who was filling in for Health Minister Leona Aglukkaq at news conference.

- Visit WhyProhibition.ca.



Active member
"Science has shown that cannabis may actually trigger the onset of psychosis and may also intensify the symptoms for those who already have a psychotic illness," Smith said in announcing the grant.

Uh, so can many prescription drugs and alcohol. Let's ban those too!

You should THANK cannabis for revealing those among us who have a psychotic illness and need treatment.

Let's let EVERYONE smoke cannabis and then we will be able to find them and provide treatment, not incarceration!


Cannabis Connoisseur
ICMag Donor
What a waste of money, and a bogus study, they really want to get some dirt on pot and use it against us to perpetuat the war on drugs. Harpers proposing mandatory minnimums and harsher penalties for drug offences. Canadas war on drugs is taking off.
AS part of one of the many Programs within the canadian system that deals with psychosis and manic I can say without a doubt that That the psychosis and Manic were symptoms before the person got help, and turned to marijuana to self-medicate, so when they end up in the program, almost half are heavy users.. It's a shame.

And I'll be writing multiple MP's about this as well as getting my Program, it's directors, assistants and psychiatrists to send real factual information to these MP's and their rediculous use of Canadian tax payer money
"It has been suggested that up to 80 per cent of youth who have had a psychotic episode were using cannabis. And that's pretty shocking," said Smith, who was filling in for Health Minister Leona Aglukkaq at news conference.

That's one of the worst lies i've seen in awhile!


I hang my head in shame as a Canadian.
i do not at all. at least we have had a grip on it for awhile. And the fact still stands, we are very, very, very lenient on marijuana related offenses. Most people turn a blind eye to it, as they are rational; even police in my own experiences. Now that our neighbours are fighting more and more vivaciously every year, we stand to win this war of oppression sooner than i personally had ever believed possible. that's my take.

Open Eyes

Ah, yes, nothing beats the government sponsoring radical biased, Christian backed research. LMOA

If they had their way we would all be getting fucked by pedophile priests and made to suck their members off as a thank you.


Active member
Yup, since when is a priest, (especially an evangelical one) a scientist? Pretty much the opposite IMO...

Lots of science on cannabis already exists - he could start his reading with the Shafer report.

Herr Harper must go, he is bad news!


danny karey

as a canadian........This is f'n sad!!!!!! Silent lemon, the laws where lenient.. not so much anymore.....and especially if C-15 goes threw, were all fucked!!!

I have been charged for growing over 100 plants and all I got was a 2500$ fine
(which I never paid) but that was about 10 yrs ago.....and thats with a record as long as my arm. I think times have changed for the worse..........But we'll see!!



Listen to me jerky
We won't ever understand what they are tryin to do. Remember, since we smoke, we are all obviously nuts

Black Ra1n

Cannaculturist ~OGA~
I'm saddened as well, Harper is no good for any advance in the cause. Things have gotten worse and as some have stated if the new bill goes through.... hmmm I may have to move. Education is the only way things are going to change, we need to deprogram the public from the propaganda they've been bombarded with!

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