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Harlequin x Sour Tsunami


Gene Mangler
Beautiful looking plant & killer stem rub aroma.
Hybrid of 2 high CBD strains, we'll run'er thru the lab when she's done.

Dusting 1 branch with a F13 leaning male of F13xSWT3 & 1 branch with some Cherry Fuel males. Petrol x Buddha's Sister.

Looking forward to trying some high CBD nugz! :joint:

About a week in, stay tuned...


Gene Mangler
Hey guys! good to see ya highlighter! :) howz it?

I'll grab a new pic tonight, she's lookin pretty nice @ around 30 days in.
Trich'in up nice, decent aroma. Kind of a lite fruity hash, maybe a touch of kush in there too?

Hit 1 lower branch with the dark F13xSWT3 male. Should be a decent match.
Have a couple clones to hit (whole plant) with the best 4 Cherry Fuel dewds. Petrol x Buddha's Sister. Excited to see what this one produces.


Gene Mangler
Thx man :) this should be an adventure. I like uncharted territory.

Thought I'd mention some basic goals here, after a bit of thought on the subject.
I'm personally new to the whole CBD thang :)

I'd like to round up phenotypes of 3:1, 2:1 & 1:1 thc/cbd ratios for smoking/testing.
I'm leaning towards a 1:1 to 2:1 ratio for edible extracts, but puffin is a whole other ballgame.

So... time to grow out/round up some phenos, test'em, get to lab rattin' & see what kind of high the different ratios lean towards?

Should be some valuable anecdotal, for moving forward from there...


came across this thread while searching "harlequin". Where can you get seeds of this one or your cross even? Got a couple med patients in colorado and other places that could benefit from this for sure.


Gene Mangler
Hey :)

The original Harlequin is a CO strain AFAIK? Should be cuts available.

I'll have some beans in about 60 days.

7 Willows

Chef, I like where you are headed with this. I read a feature on that Sour Tsunami in High Times sometime in last few years and this is 1st time I've seen it online. Never comes up in those CBD threads.

Staying tuned for this


Gene Mangler
Cool guys, this should be worthwhile. ;)

I'm going to test her in stages, took 1st sample last night at 40. Will do a 50, 60 for sure too. Heard max thc/cbd is around 2 weeks before normal harvest window.
Want to see for myself ;)


Gene Mangler
@ 45 days...

Have a branch of F13xSWT3 almost ready.
Have a full plant ready for the Cherry Fuel males in a few days. (Petrol x Buddha's Sister)

This girl is tasty & that was quik dry 45d samples...
Has a grape/fruit/hashy kush thing goin on ;)

Seriously think shes gonna boot my Pfrut/fruity pebbles cut from my lineup. She's held her own against all fruity challengers for years, but this has a syrupy finish that just can't be beat!

Yummmmm :) The CBD's are just a bonus.
I'll have labs for her at 40, 50 & 60 days real soon.


Gene Mangler
First one is down & 40, 50, 60 day samples going to lab tomorrow. ;)
Smaller whole plant getting Cherry Fuel pollen tonight. [Petrol x Buddha's Sister]

Will post some pics & labs soon.

Really happy with this smoke, just the way it is.
Hats off to SoHum on this one... :tiphat:


Gene Mangler
Yeah, 0.1 CBD on the 60 day lol fk

SoHumm states a 75% ratio on CBD phenos, so....
Someone was unlucky or selected for taste, cuz this is a worthy cut on taste alone.
I have some F13xSWT3 beans already & a whole plant of Cherry Fuel hybrids in the oven. Both should really compliment each other.

I guess now, it's time to get poppin some of these hybrids soon & see?

I'll pick this thread back up when the hybrids pop, probably late summer.


Caregiver Extraordinaire
ICMag Donor
good shit

I've grown sour tsu from herm. seeds in the past, didn't have it tested, but was a good experience overall even tho i can't attest to the CBD traits passing on.

about to get a cut of harlequin..... glad people are workn on these high CBD strains!

Sour Tsunami is an AMAZING strain, great mellow buzz and super chocolate / carob/ coffee/ cocoa flavor, which is IMVHO alot like the GSC flavor

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