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Happy To Be Here....


New member
Hi All...
First I would like to say, I am overjoyed to have found this site!

I am into being a dad, computers (mostly GFX/3D), Guitars, and of
course, cannabis. Currently I make a living(?) building, repairing,
upgrading, and modding PC's. I also do web and print graphics as
well as 3D projects, and I hope to progress into a full-time game
development career.

One of the reasons I signed up here is because I seek help with a
project that I am working on. Essentially I need extremely clean
high-res images, that are of "professional" quality... and since
some of the sweetest plants I've seen (and some of the best
photography, imho) are here, then this is where I need to be!

Anyone who supplies images I can use will receive a copy of the
entire "finished" project when it is completed. There is also the
possibility to make a few bucks, but I honestly doubt that anyone
(including myself) is going to get rich off of it. It is currently more
a community project than anything else.

If anyone is interested, please PM me at your earliest convenience.
It's a really cool project, and if you love cannabis, you will love this!

Full details will be disclosed to interested parties.

Why don't I just take the pics myself? Well there are three very
good reasons.

1. I have a generic digi-cam and a small budget. I can
not currently afford better gear, and even if I could...
2. I am a lousy photographer! Also...
3. I need as much "variety" as possible. As many different strains
as I can get. I simply don't have access. Anyway...

It's nice meeting you all, thanks for letting me join your
magnificent community, and tell everyone I said high!



Hiya JohnnyPotseed....welcome to the infodome! ;)

What type of photo's do you need?
Wide angle group shots?, close up?...sexing plants?...branching profiles?...Macroscopic pics?...setups?...rootporn?

Throw us a bone here....th@'s how ya attract a crowd!:)


just for the record...you have to have a certain # of posts before getting pm privileges. I think the # is 50 or so, but I am probably wrong...you might have to look it up.



New member
Thanks for the greetings all, it's good to meet you!

welcome and good luck with your project
I appreciate that... and I have high hopes for the project. I think some
of you will find it rather enjoyable.

What type of photo's do you need?
Wide angle group shots?, close up?...sexing plants?...branching profiles?...Macroscopic pics?...setups?...rootporn?
What I need gets a bit involved for the photographers... as everything needs to
be very clean and thorough, anyway, here is what I need:

I wish to put together "image sets" for different strains, for example...
I would create a folder with the name of the strain, and in it I would put
images of the various parts of the plant.

ALL images would need to be evenly lit (NO shadows or light spots if at all possible).

Also, blur should be avoided. It's OK if backgrounds are blurry, so long as the focus
is clean and even across the part(s) of the image to be saved, and that the edges
(of leaf sets for example) are sharp and crisp.

Images need to be of the highest resolution possible. The goal for the "finished"
dimensions of trimmed "square" images should be 2048 x 2048 @ print quality 300 PPI.
Basically, a leaf set should be 2048 x 2048 AFTER trimming all the possible excess away.

Stems and branches should have 2048 pixels of usable length, width is not as
important with these.

The items below are needed for EACH strain

-LEAF IMAGES: Preferably, leaf images would be taken OFF the plant. The leaf set
should be laid flat and photographed from overhead, taking care to avoid light spots,
shadows, glare, etc.. as mentioned above. Also, the stem should remain fully intact.

As for which leaves:
-Large Leaf Sets (several of each)
-Medium Leaf Sets (several of each)
-Small Leaf Sets (several of each)

SEEDLINGS: Simply need to be photographed from overhead. If leaves are overlapping
each other, take several images so each leaf is clearly visible, or as much so as possible.

STEMS: Stems of various sizes are needed. I realize it would be difficult to get a 2400
pixel wide image of a secondary branch, and even harder on small stems, so with these,
"as large as possible" is OK.

STALKS: This is more of a "harvest" thing, but if possible, I need images of stalks that
are stripped of ALL bud and leaf. Roots are OK, and would be a huge bonus. I need these
to show the branching pattern variations between strains. Images should contain at
least one top view, and a couple side views from different angles. Ideally, the stem
images would come from these, and include the main stalk, photographed in 2 or 3
sections (depending on the height of the plant)... so a "3 piece" would included an
image of the lower 3rd and root ball, the center, and the upper third.

BUDS: These can be shot from the top and maybe a couple side shots as well. Mainly,
EXTREME closeups of the surface that will fill as much of a 2048 pixel square image as


Growth Stages: Capturing the growth stages of the strain would be awesome. Say...
-4-6 weeks
-Pre-Flowering/Early Flowering
-Ready To Harvest
Each stage would not have to be documented as thoroughly as above, these
would be for reference material to show growth rate, and branch development
for the individual strains. If you can be more thorough, that's cool too.

Plants with deficiencies, diseases, and pest damage... focusing mainly on the leaves
and buds... but similarly damaged stalks and stems are welcome as well.

ROCKWOOL: Blocks, slabs, loose. Images taken square to the surface of a slab for example. ALSO: Shots of the bottom of rockwool cubes with exposed roots. Hopefully
starter cubes as well as larger blocks. Once again,, HIGHEST resolution possible!

I realize this all seems odd, but there is a method to my madness. Any help would be
greatly appreciated... and as I said originally, EVERYone that helps gets a copy of the
finished project, and also anything derived from it.

So.. if you want to be part of a cool project, please let me know. I'm confident
you wont regret it! If you have any questions/concerns, please don't hesitate
to ask.

Thanks You VERY Much,


Sounds like a good, long project
. Good luck on it and I look forward to seeing the finished product.


New member
Hi Folks ,
This is Jeyruse, I have finished my studies this
year itself. I am staying in Sydney. Glad to introduce myself
in this site. And pleased to meet all the other members
of this site.
