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lets pray for more compassion and tolerance on our beloved plant!



Active member
Pffft!I cant wait for it to end,I had about enuf of BO as I can stand.The man isnt a fucking God!!!!!


obama is not the messiah , my state leaders are in dc right now begging for billions of dollars like government cheese, its all a puppet show, blah blah , yadda yadda yadda


Active member
Amen, bagseed77. The only change I expect to see over the next 4 years is what little is left in my pockets at the end of the day.

~Abbie :joint:


Active member
LOL as long as there are politics it will never change

The whole system of politics is just bullcrap


I'm with you esbe! A healthy dose of cynicism is a good thing. But you still need to be able to have hope, and Obama is giving me the most hope I've had in a long long time.

Nothing is going to be perfect....but I do think things will be getting better.

I'm happy as a clam.


668, Neighbor of the Beast
Happy America!!!

We've already witnessed a change in attitude from a lot of the world and their view of us. We've been guaranteed a change in our return to the Rule of Law and America is no longer in the torture business nor will we continue to violate human rights with the promised closing of Gitmo. Those are BIG changes in my book.

But seriously, change comes from within and from the bottom up. If we the citizens aren't willing to change then what can we honestly expect from one man?
It's time for us all to get behind and push and do something to make the world a better place to be in.

I.M. Boggled

Certified Bloomin' Idiot
Obama's Time Has Come (Congratulations Mr. President)

Obama's Time Has Come (Congratulations Mr. President)

On Inauguration Day, one nation

Obama's appeal for a 'new era of responsibility' has its roots in America's shared ideals.

Time and again, incoming presidents point Americans toward unity. Jefferson did so in the great debate over strong central government. Lincoln did when slavery cleaved the country. Now, after decades of cultural and political polarization and in the face of great challenges, it's Barack Obama's turn at choirmaster for the nation's disparate voices.

Americans excel at pulling together when needed. Look no further than last week's Hudson River emergency landing of US Airways Flight 1549, which combined the expertise of the pilots, the quick response of harbor boats, and the calm aid of crew and passengers.

But such common effort reaches far beyond a crisis, back over the centuries to the ideals that set the American experiment apart.

The diverse faces of the millions who came to witness the swearing in of the country's first African-American president testify to what ultimately unifies. It's not ethnicity or religious creed, which define so many nations, but the founding ideals of the United States – liberty, justice, and opportunity for all.

When put into practice, they attract and inspire the world over. They are the reason many in other countries tuned in to President Obama's inauguration and sent e-mails like this one: "Today, I feel like an American, too."

These values have had the power to throw off a monarchy, abolish slavery, and make way for women's suffrage. They have been worth suffering and dying for. They have plied the decades, refining and improving laws and behaviors until almost unawares, they produced a president whose very identity embodies unity as none before him has, and whose personal story is a nonfiction American dream.

As a candidate, Mr. Obama campaigned on oneness. In the weeks since the election, he has put that concept into practice: in his Cabinet, in reaching out to Republicans (including his opponent, John McCain), and in meeting with conservative columnists. He appears to be not just asking for input, but listening. As Jefferson pointed out, woe to that democracy that does not protect minority interests.

Obama repeatedly states that his will be an administration influenced by what works, by empirical evidence – not by party ideology. He's set a tone that honors that of his political hero, Lincoln: "With malice toward none, with charity for all." Applied consistently, it may earn him charity in return when he disappoints either side – as he will.

So far, Obama's having a unifying effect. Forty-seven percent of voters rejected him on Nov. 4, yet a New York Times/CBS News poll shows 79 percent of Americans are optimistic about the next four years under the new president – a level of support greater than that of the past five incoming chiefs.

It's a tall order, bringing a country together. But Obama is reaching beyond political bridge-building – as hard as that is – to a spiritual union grounded in individuals caring for each other, what he calls "a new era of responsibility."

Franklin D. Roosevelt hinted at the same in his first inaugural: "These dark days will be worth all they cost us if they teach us that our true destiny is not to be ministered unto but to minister to ourselves and to our fellow men."

As America's 44th president recognizes, the job ahead belongs to all of us.


IMB :)


The U.S stock market's are really welcoming Obama tonight, the 3 major indexes are in all in a solid -3,75% to -4,75%, I guess we are testing the lower trend lines again.

Obama has many challenges ahead of him and I wish him alot of luck trying to repair a broken down economy...
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I smoked a kali blunt this morning hoping the net gain for Obama and the nation is at least a positive one or a status quo ... not more .... new's ... South Korea with 6 Nucular warheads is so conforting ...


free your SELF
You shouldn't put so much faith in this guy.

Just because the man is black people think he will have compassion for the common man, that he will actually try to do good to help turn the world around for the better...nobody gets to be president by being a nice guy with good intentions. IT IS NOT POSSIBLE.

I knew that Obama would win from the moment I saw he was running for president. I didn't need to know who the other guy was.

Our societies and the world are crumbling and they know this...they know we know this. That is why they have offered this last glimmering bit of hope for the people. You finally have your black president. The world has changed and this is the proof!....
This guy will be responsible for more deaths, corruption and lies than Bush has under his belt. That is obvious to me. Just look where we are heading.

Do you all think Bush put those crazy anti-terrorist laws into place for no reason? This is the guy that will carry on the torch...prepare for some severely fucked up times to come people.

Say hello to the new world order. It will come just after the next big disaster grips the entire world forcing us to plead to the government to save us from this new threat. This is of course after the terrorism stories start to wear thin in the media and they require a new attention-grabbing atrocity giving us our new enemy.

Are you ready for your bio-metric ID card? Well you'll have to be because in a couple of years your driving license and passport will be useless and you'll have to pay for this card or you won't be able to live basically.
Take a look on your photocard driving license....I'll bet it has a date in 2011 that is your 'license valid to' date. I could be wrong but my friend checked his and it has exactly the same date on as mine.

This is your 4 minute warning.


ICMag Donor
Happy America!!!

We've already witnessed a change in attitude from a lot of the world and their view of us. We've been guaranteed a change in our return to the Rule of Law and America is no longer in the torture business nor will we continue to violate human rights with the promised closing of Gitmo. Those are BIG changes in my book.

But seriously, change comes from within and from the bottom up. If we the citizens aren't willing to change then what can we honestly expect from one man?
It's time for us all to get behind and push and do something to make the world a better place to be in.

Someguy says it very well..Hes only one man and cant do it all...we all have to do our part, recycle,hybred cars,solar all the things we can do each and everyday to make this a better county. I dont expect Obama to change the world, it takes each and everyone of us to do that, He can only do so much. I hope its a new "begining" for this country, we have to do something or else we are goin to be in a world of hurt, even more then we are now!
I was very glad to watch the ceramonies today, it was a moment in history that I can always remember!


Active member
I guess anything to believe in is better than nothing to believe in right!!
Realize that Obama aint your normal hood brother,knows nothing about what its like being poor or working for a living,the mans a Harvard grad for christ sake.
What Obama is tho is an eloquant speaker and a first class polotician,above and beyond all else,he is a polotician.......oh yeah,change is gonna come,just not like the sheeple think.
It is officialy an Obamanation......and with the country in such shit right now,whats he do?Throws the biggest most expensive party we ever paid for!!!Startin off on the good foot,lol,and the topper,know who paid for this party?The wall street cats with OUR money,the same ones that gave themselves fucking bonuses this year for failing....I could go on and on,but you people cant handle the truth.
Its almost like we just crowned a new world leader isnt it,like a king:moon:.Hell kings dont have party's so big!!!!!!!!
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