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Happy Meals now ILLEGAL in San Francisco.......

Leon Brooks

fat ppl make me sick,short of a serious medical condition.PUT THE FOOD DOWN FATTY. fat parents equal fat kids (usually), hell its not like the kids are driving themselves to mcD, they happen to be in the car.


Tiger, Tiger, burning bright...
treewizard said:
Real food that isn't genetically fucked with, soaked with poison, or otherwise processed into crap is more expensive than the imitation stuff.

Thanks for bringing this up. People who scream 'ban fast food/corporate food' and 'make your own burgers' seem to forget this every time a food thread comes up.

McDouble, $1

Homemade Cheeseburger, $3 (meat), $1 (buns), $3 (cheese) = $7

Cost per burger (assuming four 1/4 lb burgers per pound of meat), $1.75

At McD's, the cost of just the meat would get you a Burger, fries and drink.

Again, not promoting McD's, but food nazis tend to forget about cost.


Active member
Thanks for bringing this up. People who scream 'ban fast food/corporate food' and 'make your own burgers' seem to forget this every time a food thread comes up.

McDouble, $1

Homemade Cheeseburger, $3 (meat), $1 (buns), $3 (cheese) = $7

Cost per burger (assuming four 1/4 lb burgers per pound of meat), $1.75

At McD's, the cost of just the meat would get you a Burger, fries and drink.

Again, not promoting McD's, but food nazis tend to forget about cost.

And food is food is food is food right?
The store bought food will go MUCH further in your body then some bs mcdonalds crap.

And if you buy smart, and on sale when you can, you can get your price per actual meal down quite low. And its nutritious, and good for you and will power your body much longer/more efficiently then mcD's.

I've lived on the cheap before, i am now but just not as bad as before. I know how it is. I felt better and hungry less often when I started buying groceries and making my own food.

My food cost increased by about 5% and I was eating like a king compared to what I was doing before.


Tiger, Tiger, burning bright...
And food is food is food is food right?
The store bought food will go MUCH further in your body then some bs mcdonalds crap.

And if you buy smart, and on sale when you can, you can get your price per actual meal down quite low. And its nutritious, and good for you and will power your body much longer/more efficiently then mcD's.

I've lived on the cheap before, i am now but just not as bad as before. I know how it is. I felt better and hungry less often when I started buying groceries and making my own food.

My food cost increased by about 5% and I was eating like a king compared to what I was doing before.

But rolling up to a counter and slapping a $1 bill on the counter for a "hamburger" is too easy to pass up for some people.

When you've only got $1, yeah, it's hard to pass up.

You talk about price per meal, but that's just a rationalization. It may break down to cheaper per meal, but you still pay a much larger chunk on the front end. Plus, your cost per meal assumes there will be leftovers, or the ingredients can be used for something else, which is far from accurate.

No matter how much better for you it is, it is more expensive.

I can feed my family on a $600 a month grocery bill, barely. That, unfortunately, includes many boxed and pre-prepared items. Getting the ingredients to replace all that 'from scratch' would sky rocket our grocery bill. I know, we've tried.

And if you want to talk about getting away from all corporate foods, the cost is just ridiculous.

Again, I'm not disagreeing with "McDonald's is poor food", but cost is something that is so often overlooked in these discussions.

Oh, for reference:

To buy the ingredients to make our usual meals from scratch with organic/unprocessed food would cost us literally double what we currently spend. Not to mention tripling our prep time.

And it wouldn't last long enough for us to use it all. No preservatives, y'know? :D


Tiger, Tiger, burning bright...
Food nazi's would be the ones banning the toys from fat kids...

Shame on them :moon:

Um, noooo.

The "food nazis" are the ones demanding every fast food joint, restaurant, and large corporate food operations be shut down, and people being required to eat only what the FNs consider "healthy".


A foot without a sock...


Anyway, I don't think they're "food nazis" who are wanting that...They're more like anti-capitalists.


Andinismo Hierbatero



Tiger, Tiger, burning bright...


I can't believe I didn't even think of that when I wrote 'food nazi' :biglaugh:

Anyway, I don't think they're "food nazis" who are wanting that...They're more like anti-capitalists.

Eh, if you look at some other food threads, you'll notice that there are quite a few folks on this forum that direct their beliefs at food producers in particular.


Good riddance, I'm a nurse at a children's hospital and I fucking hate fat kids. They always put up the biggest fights when I have to take blood or give them shots because their blubber makes it impossible to find a vein. Fuck fat kids, fuck McDonalds.


Don't Drone Me, Bro!
ICMag Donor
If a nation expects to be ignorant and free ... it expects what never was and never will be.

Thomas Jefferson

There is one thing about history. You can't beat it. It always repeats itself. If you fail to educate yourself, which especially means questioning and examining your government's motive's, freedom will be nothing more than illusion sold on the boob tube and other mainstream media.

“What luck for the rulers that men do not think”
Adolf Hitler

“Make the lie big, make it simple, keep saying it, and eventually they will believe it”
Adolf Hitler


Tiger, Tiger, burning bright...
Good riddance, I'm a nurse at a children's hospital and I fucking hate fat kids. They always put up the biggest fights when I have to take blood or give them shots because their blubber makes it impossible to find a vein. Fuck fat kids, fuck McDonalds.

Sounds like you should find a new job. Especially since you suck so god-awfully hard at it. If you can't pull blood off a kid, no matter what size, then you are a complete failure as a nurse.

Try pulling blood off a dehydrated 92 year old dementia patient. On second thought, don't. Your head would probably explode.

Fuck incompetent nurses!


Sounds like you should find a new job. Especially since you suck so god-awfully hard at it. If you can't pull blood off a kid, no matter what size, then you are a complete failure as a nurse.

Try pulling blood off a dehydrated 92 year old dementia patient. On second thought, don't. Your head would probably explode.

Fuck incompetent nurses!

The fuck? Are you a nurse? Try pulling blood off of obese 7 year olds, it's not easy with an inch of fat covering them hypertensive destined veins.


Cannabrex Formulator
You say that 90% is orchestrated by the powerful people for profit...isn't that what capitalism is about. Thinking...inventing something that you could market and make money on.

Yes indeed...that is what it is about.....untrammeled, unchecked and uncontrolled growth and resource depletion in a finite resource system, with most of the benefits going to an infinitesimal fraction of the population....the very same fraction of the population that controls the media, the governments and and the armed forces of the world. Evil, bloated, parasitic Corpo-Nazi goatblowers...you know the type. Think Monsanto, Federal Reserve, Big Pharma and all those fuckers.

Kinda fucking sick, malignant and self-consuming, dontcha think?

Remember folks.....the only thing in nature that grows for growths sake with no checks is cancer........and we have modeled our entire paradigm along those lines......real fucking "superior" of us mighty humans.....

Anyone who can honestly defend the present paradigm as something positive is a donkeyhonking idiot of the highest order.


Tiger, Tiger, burning bright...
The fuck? Are you a nurse? Try pulling blood off of obese 7 year olds, it's not easy with an inch of fat covering them hypertensive destined veins.

No, but my wife who shoved me out of the way and wrote that is. So don't worry, you're not being judged by just some random dude, you're being judged by competent professionals.

E from wife: Hypertensive means the vessels would stand out more due to higher pressure, which would actually make for an easier stick. Thanks for proving my point.


No, but my wife who shoved me out of the way and wrote that is. So don't worry, you're not being judged by just some random dude, you're being judged by competent professionals.

E from wife: Hypertensive means the vessels would stand out more due to higher pressure, which would actually make for an easier stick. Thanks for proving my point.

Well I can see that your wife also has a "competent" understanding of the english language because I said that their veins were hypertensive destined due to their poor diet and sedentary lifestyle. I was making fun of fat kids, it would seem she did not get the joke (they are not hypertensive, yet, they're 7 years old).

Anyways your wife obviously doesn't have to put up with these brats on a daily basis, and my not being able to stick them has as much to do with them squirming around as does the 4 inch layer of blubber covering their bodies. Your wife is a health professional and you're arguing for prize incentivising kids to eat McDeath?


After reading 90% of this thread here are my views/points

It is OTT the a law has been passed to prevent them from adding the Toys.
I also agree that advertising aimed at childen should be banned, certain countries in the EU only allow toy adverts after a certain time of night on TV.

Heres something else I cant get my head around, a company has the same rights as a human being in the US a very poor law if you ask me.

what seems to shock me is the fact that its down to the parents of the children to educate them selves & their children about healthy eating but no one seems to be listening to that?

As I have said many times I travel to the states a lot & there is one thing I always do when bringing some one that has never been before it might sound sick but I show them the toilets in Atlanta Airport the pure size of them has had a few of my friends bog eyed wondering who the hell sits on that!!!

They get their answer when they see the size of some of the people walking around.
I dont want to upset or offend anyone but I have never seen such huge fat people in such high numbers as from the late 90's on in the states. Clearly your country has a problem with fast food or just poor food in general?


hey genk...since we are quoting the Matrix now I've got a quote for you..."ignorance is bliss". If you want to pull the wool over your eyes and think that just b/c it is a business they won't target me next your a fool. It is already happening, just so PROGRESSively slow the masses usually don't recognize. If you don't think so, remember this conversation when you are forced to purchase health insurance just for living in this country. I bet your one of these people who are wandering where your "free" health care is at. I feel sorry for people who think like you do and angry at the same time because you are becoming the masses and when that happens, look out liberties. It will be like living in a socialist/communist/marxist country that gets to decide your quality of life. I would like to go on some more about this, but I have to be a good dad and go take care of my kid...you know like cook some real food instead of going to McDonalds and passing the buck on to someone else to look after my kid.


Well-known member

more politicians and less common sense prevails

SAN FRANCISCO (AFP) – A California county is stopping restaurants from using toys to lure children to high-calorie, salt-laden food such as popular "Happy Meals" hawked by fast-food giant McDonald's.

So, let me see if I understand this, in San Francisco it's legal to openly own & operate a business such as a "Gay Bathhouse" where people can gather to fuck & suck total strangers and spread AID's and other STD's, however, a kid can't have a toy with his Happy Meal? Brilliant!

I would expect no less from a California District that keeps electing a Nazi like Nancy Pelosi to office.

For the record, I'm not anti-gay nor homophobic. If a man would rather go out of a limb than down on a bush, thats his business.
My moto is don't be a meanie, let the gays have a weenie, however, let the kids have a toy with their "happy meal" as well.
