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happy frog soil need a pro


Weed Robot
I first had them in stiraphone cups and reason I put them in one gallon pot because they was well rooted they been in the new soil for a week


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then removal will be easy ....just let the majority of the happyfrog fallaway.......from the clonez.......they can keep what every little soil the want or that stays attached.........REUSE all that soil......
just mix......WELl.........for 60clones.....in 1galz thatz alot o' dirt......
get a childrens hard plastic swimming pool.......
throw in 3-4 bag of HpF......add the perlite and lime.......mix'er UP good.....
REAL well........then replant........

persoanlly I would CUT that soil EVERY time I use it......
whether for clones or treez.........


Weed Robot
I will just transplant to permitnet ten gallons pots thanks for the tip keep you updated it's going to be a nice grow.right now I'm flushing one room 4000w 39 plants all hydro arijan ultra haze1 and silver haze I'll take pics tomorrow


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I would not transplant to the ten gal....not yet....go back to the 1gal first and let them biatches ROOT tell they......R cumm'in out the botttom.......
U must develop a BETTER rrotball system befor going into the BIG pots......
I f U skip this the clones will grow and strech and be weaker less yeilding plantz.........U must repalnt in stagez........


Weed Robot
Ok will do the one gallon pots how about nutts that soil has tons of it I went and bought advanced nutrients sensi two parts with all the additives I can't even use yet because the reading off the run off was 3.2 ec that's high for young plants and how the feedings go feed water water feed I also wonder how do you flush plant for salt when you have 60 plants growing do you have a drain on floor or carry one by one or will I be safe every time I feed let water drain alittle out the bottom so that brakes down salts


To Have More ... Desire Less
NO nutes for 2-3 weeks......the HpF has tonz of schit in it.......
then start w/ 1/2 dose....and see how they respond......
YES......they must have runoff to avoid salts and or lockout


Active member
I used happy frog last time and was fine but this time got a lot of burning the first couple weeks, it's been over 3 weeks since transplanting and I haven't given them any nutes yet. They did grow out of it ok but I switched back to Ocean Forest.


Weed Robot
today i put some lime powder it brought ph to 6.5 lots of work im thinking i should add liquid lime so that the root ball gets ph'd too i also transplanted because the one gallon pots had enough roots i put them in 10 gallons.i want my root ball to be ph perfect i did some soil test and its 4.6 the soil i fixed is 6.5 .so what i'm saying is the root ball is 4.6 and the soil i put them in today is fix to 6.5 should i use liquid lime and poor it at the roots to bring it up because there was no way i can take the soil from roots without damaging the roots.
hope someone understands


Weed Robot
anyone liquid lime can i add it to root ball to bring ph up the rest of the soil i put it in is
good now my consern is the root ball its one gallon of roots ph 4.6 i transpanted in ten gallons pot soil is ph 6.5
does it make sense?
can one tell me if i should do liquid lime

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