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Hanging Around Non-Stoned People While Stoned



well yeah... those prices are amazing... i mean, that would be so fun to just smoke out of a cab for a few hours and have a tour of the city.


one in the chamber
Hell yeah...and with native guides like me and Sadu who have both lived in the US...you wouldn't have to worry about getting robbed or ripped off. We could take you guys all over the place, take care of your food, get you hookers, whatever..hehe...we should get a pimped out bus with all the weed you can smoke, black lights n shit, disco balls, all that..haha....would probably involve a few bribes in the process! We could even have tours to ganja fields...fuckin...damn, I think it would be a fucking good idea. Now all I need is the money to make it happen! We could make it happen for a good price too, like $1500 a week (everything included: smoke, drinks, hotels, food, massages, transportation, even fuckin laundry). We could have a fine ass chick on the bus who would just roll spliffs and pack chillums..hehe...organic meals on wheels too. lots of munchies ready to go...drinks, beers, whatever...damn!
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I have problems hanging out with sober people when im high too, My theory is that when you're high and you're chilling with non smokers, they think that you are completely stupid, out of it, and incapable of doing anything right under the influence. Almost like they treat you like a child or something. Im always telling them, dude i know wtf im doing. chill out.


one in the chamber
thats true too mo...people who don't smoke don't have any idea what it's like. i tend to smoke by my damn self nowadays...good time to think shit over and just kick back n relax...


glock23 - 1500 a week? Yeah thats a little too pricey for me.... do you have a lite version of that plan?

Mohill - Yeah I know...sometimes sober people, who hate on weed, will look down on you or something. But whatever...its not to be looked down on. People drink, people smoke cigs, people get high... there are so many different states of mind out there.


one in the chamber
haha..yeah I guess we could have different levels of packages for different budgets. we could offer a discount if a group got down....like if you came with 5 people or something...for $1500 you could stay at real nice hotels and eat at the best places all the time...for $500 you would still have a blast and have all the weed and hash you could possibly smoke. I should seriously look into this. We could have like 10 varieties of bud and 10 varieties of hash on board. Sadu, when you read this, get at me, let's see if i we can figure something out ;)
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glock23 said:
thats true too mo...people who don't smoke don't have any idea what it's like. i tend to smoke by my damn self nowadays...good time to think shit over and just kick back n relax...

Aw man, i hate smoking by myself. As soon as i get a sack i call up one of my buddies and ask if they want to blaze up, and if i cant find anyone i usually just wait.


one in the chamber
for real? I hate smoking with other people nowadays. Nobody else ever has any weed in this town ;) I like to smoke with chicks though...especially chicks who have never been high before. Then I whip out Mr. Happy and they get to work on him.


glock23 said:
for real? I hate smoking with other people nowadays. Nobody else ever has any weed in this town ;) I like to smoke with chicks though...especially chicks who have never been high before. Then I whip out Mr. Happy and they get to work on him.

Wow man, we must just live in 2 completely different places lol. whenever i call up my friends, they always have bud too. We just match each other all day. But honestly i LOVE sharing my weed with my fellow smoker friends, even if they dont have any. It makes me feel good for some reason, and my friends are dope, they will smoke me out in return the next time they get bud too. It also saves money, cuz we all share our shit. I smoked with my girlfriend occasionally and i like messin around baked, it makes everything feel waaay better lol.


Active member
Glock ur a real funny guy! Your interested in spreading weed like timothy leary was with the LSD! Fuck! I'd hop on ur bus! I like that price. I like cruising around in any kind of vehicle when I'm high! Not driving of course! Black lights trip me out! People's eyes and teeth glow yellow flourescent if you get better than 60watt lol.

Naga is totally on the money! I stay as far away from "used to be" smokers as I can, cause whenever they see you smoking or acting giddy they make this face like you have no dignity or something, and i just digust's me.

Not all the "used to be" smokers are bad but like he said the ones with an agenda, are going call you out about it.

I know a guy who's recently become christian, he "used to" smoke but know seems to like saying stuff like. "The only difference between me and you, is I don't burn out"
No the only difference between you and me is I'm enjoying myself while your waiting for the big payoff LOL.

I absolutly love going to movies high, even better is just walking around a mall with a bunch of stoned friends, wandering through the foodcourt and spending way too much there LOL. It's actually fun for me to watch other people's shock as we do some of the strangest things theyve ever seen!

One of the best times! was being high at west edmonton mall's waterpark!
The fuckin water slides were orgasmic! I was dashing back up the stairs with a shit-eating grin on my face for like 2 hours till i decided to go float around in the wave pool!


Active member
so you live in india?


yea i kinda know what you mean. it makes me think of alot of the indian or asian chicks i meet, therir parents are usually uber-conservative/republican and very anti-drug.

The ones who're uber-republican/ anti drug suck goat balls. I know, my family is traditional, but not unsensible like the uber-conservative republican minions. Like nobody makes a big deal out of weed. I can recall a time when me and my older bro accompanied our grandpa to a hunting vacation in Yugoslavia. My older bro scored weed and we smoked it inside our guest house. The room reeked but my grandpa didn't care. We all would have a very good time as a result. If he hunted deer, he used to bring some meat back w/ 2-3 of his Yugoslav friends.

We all just used to have it cooked in the guest house lawn, and all of us had a good time. And come on, of course grampa knew we were both blitzed out of our skulls. He didn't comment on it at all nor did he even raise it once. Same w/ my parents. Which is what made it really nice- believe it or not, we actually used to look forward to family get togethers.

Hell yeah...and with native guides like me and Sadu who have both lived in the US...you wouldn't have to worry about getting robbed or ripped off. We could take you guys all over the place, take care of your food, get you hookers, whatever..hehe...we should get a pimped out bus with all the weed you can smoke, black lights n shit, disco balls, all that..haha....would probably involve a few bribes in the process! We could even have tours to ganja fields...fuckin...damn, I think it would be a fucking good idea. Now all I need is the money to make it happen! We could make it happen for a good price too, like $1500 a week (everything included: smoke, drinks, hotels, food, massages, transportation, even fuckin laundry). We could have a fine ass chick on the bus who would just roll spliffs and pack chillums..hehe...organic meals on wheels too. lots of munchies ready to go...drinks, beers, whatever...damn!

Do you really need a guide for a cannabis tour to India tho :D ??? It's like asking for the services of a tour guide to show u casinos in Las Vegas. The EASIEST way is to simply get that visa, fly down here and buy yourselfs a 2nd hand 250 Jawa motorbike real cheap for like 8,000 Rupees ($173.91). You'll need to be in the cities to do this though. If you want something classier, you can buy a Royal Enfield 350cc for 30,000 Rupees ($652). And then, all you need is a compass :D As in the further down south you go, weed is more popular and the more north you head, charas (hash) is. With a 250 cc Jawa, you can travel anywhere and whereever you go, you won't have to worry about mankind's greatest enemy aka sobriety.

Just have a good mechanic inspect the 2nd hand and be with the mechanic the whole time when he checks up the bike. DO NOT go for the mechanic your seller recommends for obvious reasons. Also, to be purely safe, get a mechanic from a reasonable distance from your seller's location. You don't want your mechanic and seller to establish any sort of "understanding."

Either ways, as you're ready to leave India, just go to your departure city (usually Delhi) and park the bike near a park and chain it by a tree. If you're lucky you'll have your bike back the next time you visit. This is why I recommend Jawas over ROyal Enfields for visitors.

$1500 a week? That's a bit uncompetitive :D And the luxury bus idea really won't work especially if you're commuting between the rural parts of Andra Pradesh, Orissa, Assam, Kashmir etc. For one you're fucked if your bus breaks down. And second, Maoist rebels seem to particularly favour large groups of tourists especially travelling on luxury buses :D If you dress fairly simple and trek by motorbike etc, nobody will care.

And avoid hiring hot chics. Many of them have a business of making a scene just when you least expect it. Just when you think everything's smooth sailing, one sudden day you'll get a notice, followed by a police visit claiming you and/or your clients harassed her sexually. This is a very profitable business. While there are few genuine cases, I'd say about 90-95% of them are made up. Here's the economics: The girl complains to the police, police registers a case, they come to your doorstep, extract a backsheesh (which can go up to 50,000- 1,00,000 Rupees) and split it w/ the girl. No need for complicated business prerequisites such as capital investment, running capital, marketing plans etc. In addition, the polise also get a good name registered that they're protecting the rights of women and it helps them climb the rank ladder also. The womens' protection laws were prolly erected with a good intention in mind, which is a good thing. But there is enormous exploitation of this act to fill the pockets of a few talented gold diggers and corrupt bureaucrats. Which is a bad thing.

I dunno, but organised ganja "group tours" to India has never clicked. Even in the pre 1989 days. Simply because even a first timer who sets foot will find almost anything with very minimal effort. Also, most hotels aren't networked in India (unless they're 3 star plus), which makes planning an organised trip a NIGHTMARE. Coming back to ganja, another contributing reason could be that even if theres no town or settlement nearby you should have no problems finding wild grown greens in forests in hill stations w/ a bit of trekking.

The payment problem is also here and tourism is a very credit laden industry. Unless you're planning on building a lodge in every corner in India, chances are you're going to need to use a 3rd party hotel (which u don't own) to house your clients. Here, the usual agreement works that on the 5th of each month (if you bring few tourists) or per transaction (if you bring lots of tourists) you get your kickback. These guys NEVER pay on time.

If he owes you 10,000 Rupees, after 3 months of constant pestering you get abt. 3000. Another 3 months and you'll get 1500. It will be another 3 months before u get another 1000. And in another 3, you'll have to pretty much forget your payment. Same w/ bus operators. Unless you want to purchase your own bus, you'll have to lease out someone else's. You'll have to pay 10% of the value of the bus an avg. comfortable tourist bus is about 40 lac for the large ones and abt. 10 lacs for the smallest ones. Prob here is, if someone gives the guy say, 15% or 20% AFTER you sign the contract,and paid your 10% advance, he won't hesitate to give him the bus keys.

And before you get your money back from the bastard your grandchildren will be ready for marriage, if you get what I'm sayin'. If you REALLY want to make money in India they are other channels- mainly thru brokerage/ goods trading but not thru organised tourism.
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one in the chamber
I hear you sadu, it is pretty damn easy to come across pot in India. I'd just take the work out of it and ensure it was safer for the tourists. They wouldn't have to worry about transportation and finding safe places to eat and sleep. I could also ensure they always had the best stash too. I guess I would be better off renting an SUV (Toyota Qualis?) or a fairly decent car (Skoda) so as not to attract too much attention. Not as much fun as the luxury bus with black lights, but I hear you about the rebels. I hear Bihar is a problem too.

I'd advertise online if I was gonna do this. I'd work out a discounted deal with the hotels...no kickbacks. I'd pay cash on the spot for the rooms. Alternatively, we own enough quality property in India to house our guests in. We have like four apartments that are just dormant and gathering dust...

Didn't know about the laws concerning the chicks. I guess I could just do it on a smaller scale and have a trustworthy driver.

Is it possible to get a firearm license that is good for the whole of India?

I intend to get a bike the next time I'm in India. Hopefully I won't kill myself on it ;)
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Mr. Nevermind

I only smoke with my girl . I cant smoke with alot of people, too much stupid chatter. I'm happy with my girl coming over, smoking with her, having a nice dinner, watching a good movie and a nice time in bed( She rolls up before we go to bed so we bring one to bed with us just in case). I dont like sitting wiht people and smingn wiht them having to hear "man im soo fucking high!!" It just annoying. It was ok when i was young but now its just silly.

I used to make it a point to get real high and go around people who didnt smoke and thought stoners were stupid. I would have a conversation that usually would lead to a debate on subjects like politics, finance, terrorism, legalization of drugs and so on. I would usually hand people their asses in debate , then they would say "wow man you really know your shit" and i would reply " yeah and the funniest part is i am high and made your sober ass look stupid, still thing weed id for stupid people?" Once they realized that i am much smarter than they claim to be and i am high, thier attitude would change. After a while it just got boring, so know i just get high and play "hide the bone" with my girl



Active member
I could also ensure they always had the best stash too. I guess I would be better off renting an SUV (Toyota Qualis?) or a fairly decent car (Skoda) so as not to attract too much attention.

They're higher end luxury cars in India man! A Skoda costs 11 lakhs base down model. A better bet would be to get a Soviet made UAZ jeep or a regular Mahindra commander. If u step into Naxalite territory using a skoda or a Toyota, they'd see that you have enough $$$ to buy an import. And all of a sudden, their MBA skills go skyhigh, if you get my meaning...

And Skodas and Toyota Qualis vehicles are pretty much sissy. You'll fuck the car up in like 50,000 kilometers. If you want a car to run off the beaten path, nothing does it better than a HM Ambassidor. Or a Contessa. Still the #1 cars for our roads. For jeep/ SUV type vehicles, the best choices are the UAZ from USSR as well as the local Mahindra Commander. The Maruti Gypsy sucks ass, don't buy it.

They wouldn't have to worry about transportation and finding safe places to eat and sleep.

Prob is, India is good to go as far as transport are concerned. And as it is, the State already provides quality transport thru the railways. You can get to almost ANY spot- except the jungles- using the country's railway networks. And your price will surely not compete with what the railways can offer. And they have airconditioned coaches on board as well.

If you're very insistant on this trade, you should come down here and scout the scenes first. Travel around and find new hotels that are being constructed and see if you can plan a tour around them. New hotels are more accomodative to new brokers.

Business, as far as hoteling is concerned is focused heavily around the concept of "parambarai vyabaram"- generational trade. A family owning an established guest house, for example would be doing biz w/ a broker for a solid 2 generations at least. So, travel around and see if you find new hotels and/or guest houses coming up. And try to plan a tour around them...

Of course, you can go to higher end group run hotels/ lodges but they'll almost always ask for your sales tax and central tax certificates. The ones that don't are most certainly out there to cheat u in some form or other. In many cases, the hotel will advertise you a rate, from which you will put forth a quotation. Just when your client(s) are arriving in the checkin counter, suddenly it becomes "peak season" with "heavy rush" and the price is suddenly increased by 50-200%. If your client asks WTF, he'll just push the blame on you such as he called you several times to inform you about the price hike but you never responded etc. ANd theres nothing u can do about it. The client gets pissed. You get pissed. And your rep is ruined.

Which is why...although I STILL DO NOT recommend organised tourism in India for any purpose as a trade, your best bet still is to find a new, upcoming hotel. I kno you have property in India but I bet they're in the cities. And besides are the bldg. taxes etc. paid to date? Does your property have an electricity connection?

And the star hotels will ask u for a security deposit as a prerequisite to doing business. And those deposits will even be skyhigh for US standards.

Didn't know about the laws concerning the chicks. I guess I could just do it on a smaller scale and have a trustworthy driver.

Prob. is not with the law. Prob. is with the gold diggers...law or not, and whether you're in Khandahar or Amsterdam, gold diggers are always a problem in more than just 1 ways.

A trustworthy driver? You'll find one of those the day I find a peace loving terrorist :D My sincere advise as far as India goes is to stick w/ the plants and the fungi.

If you're totally serious, the next time 'round you come here, try and emulate what you want to do yourself and see what kinds of obsticles, and difficulties you run into. This way at least you know where you need to focus on etc.

Is it possible to get a firearm license that is good for the whole of India?

Firearms are a bitch to acquire. Well, if you're a gypsy you can legally acquire a moshin nagant rifle, but that's about it. If you're thinking shotguns, automatic pistols and assault rifles, you'll have more luck in Peshawar. People own firearms but the legal crocodile shit that goes with it makes it too much of a pain in the ass to own one.

Like u need to apply for the license and by the time its issued, you'd have already lost your interest in owning a firearm. And you have to take your gun to the police station every now and then to update and log your license. Also, if there's a riot and firearms were used (ex; gunshots were heard), people owning guns usually get called up and grilled by the police. The questioning isin't all that bad but waiting for the inespector to show up is like waiting for a snowstorm in Texas during summer. As in, you're called. You go to the station, wait for 4-5 hours non stop and are told to come again the following day/ week (or whatever). This process continues on a good 4-5 times before you actually get questioned. Enough to make a gun enthusiast give up his hobby, usually. And the guns u get to own are nothing more than spinoffs of the type 38 pistol.

And speaking of the bike, get a Jawa 250cc or a Royal Enfield esp if you're going to do long hauls. DO NOT get a 100cc or a 125cc bike. You can get a 150cc but I wouldn't recommend it. The 100cc/125ccs are used only for urban travel and u'll fuck yourself up as well as your bike if you subject them to rough terrain and hills.
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one in the chamber
UAZ huh? Cool, never heard of 'em. Hehe....I guess Third Eye tours might be a little difficult then huh. I guess I could just focus on Mumbai or something, but I can't stand the pollution there. Worst pollution I've ever seen anywhere...

Ah well, I guess being a pot dealer for rich tourists wouldn't be so bad either...hehe....Mosin-Nagants are good rifles. I've heard Peshawar has a sizeable arms bazaar. I need to get up there so I can get me some twisted gardah and an AK..hehe.

I've never even heard of the Jawa to be honest. I'm gonna google it now to see if I can find a pic of it. Thanks Sadu, nobody I know could give me information about India like you can :D


I don't really mind being around sober people when I'm high. SOmetimes its weird...I smoke a lot before I go to a skatepark and sometimes they have kind of weird vibes anyways. Its always a better session though if most people are getting high.

It seems like the people that don't smoke always think your dumb when your high. I'm like you nevermind...its fun to show people that your not "a dumb stoner" when your high.


Well-known member
All this talk of India has made me realize the East Indians I knew were all full of shit, they told me there is no herb in India at all and if you did find it, you could easily be killed by the guy selling it to you, these guys parents were from Punjab and are either 1st or 2nd gen Canadian. Just to be relevent to the topic, sober or high doesn't matter like many have said, just depends on their attitudes.


Active member
All this talk of India has made me realize the East Indians I knew were all full of shit, they told me there is no herb in India at all and if you did find it, you could easily be killed by the guy selling it to you, these guys parents were from Punjab and are either 1st or 2nd gen Canadian.

Sorry for loitering off topic...but this is too funny... :D


Those are scare stories told by prohibitionist parents to discourage the kid from trying to find pot. I'd believe it till I was in 2nd grade tho. Too bad most Indians who live abroad have a prohibitionist mindset.

Now why would the dude selling u herbs kill you? I mean, shit...the price of a glass of bhang lassi which will get u lifted for 4-6 hrs solid is around 50-60 Rupees, slightly more than one US dollar. And you have state run bhang (Cannabis) shops.

It's too bad some fake Indians like the ones who told u this ridiculously stupid piece of info pretend to know it all without even venturing 50 feet away their gated homes or their 5 star hotel room... ... . .. . .


wow you guys are giving me that weird hindu vibe keep telling us more info!!!

we are eager to learn!!!

more stories!!! i am going to india for sure, its all orchestrated already

but stories, me like!