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Hamstrings striking seeds in the bush 2009


Well-known member
For me anyway I wouldnt go full strength with the 20-20-20 while in the cold frame. I will probably hit them with 1/4 strenght maybe 2-3 times max no need to get crazy because in my experience they are going to get strechy anyways and over feeding will just make it worse.

He we go again brother lets see what happens this year. Good luck to ya.


hey hamstring! lookin great my friend. my friend called me up today saying buy me some autoflowers to throw outside and lets get this shit going!!!!
gonna go check out the spot tomorrow and ill get back to ya with whether we are gonna go for it or not. i guess tellin me to go for it for so long may have finally kicked in:woohoo:.....havent smoked in a week btw.:joint:


Well-known member
Here we go again 5 days of warm weather and sunshine (finally) and a shot of ¼ strength 20-20-20.

Look again at the size difference from last time. The GG3 vigor just keeps amazing me. I have to believe with the amount of leaf material and size the next 7 days will be a growth explosion.

It wont allow me to edit the pics in the post for some reason so the comparison pic is from last post not the thumbnail below.



The ak99xfl looks remarkable too although they have never caught up to the GG3 I am far from disappointed. UDG has great genetics if you haven’t tried any you need to.


Well-known member
I guess if I could change anything it would be to have the time to put another cold frame out and see how well the germination and seedling growth would be with out my constant visits. I built these cold frames with a once every two weeks visits schedule in mind. What you don’t see is that each cup has large holes in the bottom and under the cups is 6 inches of water retention type soil. The idea was that once the cups soil started to dry out the roots would seek the moist soil below them allowing for infrequent visits.

The soil below the cups has stayed moist from day one but I have not tested my theory. I am a guerrilla grower and this is more of a backyard type approach with all these visits. It’s hard to let them go it alone but I really need to get an idea of what is possible. I really would like to take this show on the road with a 5-6hr travel to more remote areas. Even if the grow is a success the intent has not been met.


It’s hard to let them go it alone but I really need to get an idea of what is possible. .

that is exactly what I have been thinking to myself lately, although I am still babysitting mine very close by..
what a difference just those 5 sunny days have made too..
like you, I'm lurking your thread, always learning..


Well-known member
hey hamstring! lookin great my friend. my friend called me up today saying buy me some autoflowers to throw outside and lets get this shit going!!!!
gonna go check out the spot tomorrow and ill get back to ya with whether we are gonna go for it or not. i guess tellin me to go for it for so long may have finally kicked in:woohoo:.....havent smoked in a week btw.:joint:

double D(dank)
Good luck with your grow and not sure the GG is considered a true auto but finishes Sept 1st or sooner depending on which GG. Can’t wait to see some pics.


Well-known member
that is exactly what I have been thinking to myself lately, although I am still babysitting mine very close by..
what a difference just those 5 sunny days have made too..
like you, I'm lurking your thread, always learning..

Looks like the outdoor is moving forward for you too Cellardweller over at your thread. Hope things keep moving forward.

I totally agree with you on the seeing what’s possible because I am nowhere close to what expectations are. As a wanna be guerrilla grower it seems vital to me to be able to set and forget for 14 days. It opens up so many doors to get this germination down pat.



man I would love to be able to go a whole 14 days without touching my spot, but I don't know if thats going to be possible yet. guess I'm gonna find out soon though..
I don't have too many expectations, just a succesful run..


Well-known member
Ok guys, I think I have really gained some valuable info here for my germination technique. All these seedlings were put into this cold frame aporx. 6 days ago. Since then we have had nothing but mid 70’s or above temps and nothing but sunshine.

I would have been willing to bet that after 6 days these cups would have been dry and all the seedlings wilted or dead. What I found was a far cry from that. As can see the soil is still moist in fact too moist.

The only difference between this cold frame and all the others is the fact it was buried two inches from the top and that made all the difference in the world. I don’t want to make hasty judgments but using this method I believe a guerrilla (depending on climate of course) a Midwest or Northeast guerrilla anyways, could start seeds and come back in a 2 weeks without worry of drying out. I used moisture control type soil nothing special just bought from the big box stores.

Buy burying the container you retain much more moisture but give up a few things too always a trade off. The buried container does not get as warm and therefore less heat in the root zone so I would assume slower growth and flooding of the container is also a danger as well as mice and rats and slugs could more easily access your seedlings. All in all I have learned a lot from this.

Hard to see but in the upper right hand corner you can see that this container is buried 2 inches from the top.


All seedlings are a F2 of BBxNL mid oct finisher.



East Coast Grower
So I ended up feeding them 18-18-21 at about 1/4 maybe less strength. Certainly no ill effects, just getting to their 2nd set of leaves soon and have to be cared for constantly still. Hopefully they're ready to really grow soon.
Good info on the coldframe, wanted to build one over the winter but never happened


Well-known member
Yea, 20-20-20 or any close variation with water-soluble ferts should not hurt them. To be honest I think I went over the 1/4 strenght but I have never suffered any burn if you stay around that ratio.
As far as putting them in the ground I am anxious also but don’t want to rush them. I am thinking I have another week for the GG3 and maybe 2 weeks on the AK99XFL.

Yours should take off once those second set of leaves get fully developed. Good luck with your grow. If you get the chance to make some seeds this year you should try the simple coldframe with your lat it would be worth the time especially if you cant have a indoor grow and even if you do it frees up space.


hammy, what do you think of using slow release pellets mixed into the soil at the start of flower in July?

I think your work and dedication on the coldframe is tops! some real good info in there..


Well-known member
I have never used slow release flower ferts bought them before but never used them :wallbash:

I have used slow release veg ferts for first time last year and I have no quams about trying the slow release bloom ferts. Sounds like a good idea actually less time at the plot = better security.

What I like to do when possible is slow release veg ferts because you cant count on frequent visits but follow up when situation arises with some water soluble 20-20-20.

Hows your outdoor grow coming along?


slowly but surely.
the lings are only a couple weeks old and doing fine. I figure to have em out in another two weeks as I want to get some height on em here first before I top em..


Well-known member
Shits getting hectic brother. Just trying to squeeze a full time job into a full time hobby. Just got done revamping my carrying pack for transporting the seedling cups to their spots. I still have the last 24 more holes to dig I cant FN believe I did not get that done over the long weekend . Family first but it starts to squeeze you brother. Once they are in the ground we can relax a little.


I love the techniques your using with the coldframes hamstring. They look extremely healthy and hardy. Wish you the best man and look forward to seeing them blow up once you transplant.


Well-known member
Thanks brother this is as much a learning experience as anything. In my case and I believe others (not for everyone though) the cold frame germination offers people a chance to grow who ordinarily would not be able too. It also allows a guerrilla to expand his numbers and increase distance form HQ he can grow. Or at least that’s the plan.

Not sure how long but I am only looking for a month or so then they get transplanted into the ground.


Well-known member
Thanks man I appreciate the kind words from a guy with your experience. Read many a thread by you.

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