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Hamstrings 2008 Grow


Well-known member
Well here we go 2008!!! Good luck to everyone this year.

I hope someone will gain some knowledge from this grow. Lets start by having a goal and mine is to build my seed bank back up for future years and have some personal bud.

In the past I would start seeds indoors and move out but last year the better half caught me (not a very well kept secret) and said for the last time the bitches go or I do. I lost all my good genetics but had several hundred of an unknown cross left. After reading Wally’s thread “Striking seedlings at the patch” I decided to give it go.
This year I hope to improve on my technique and my strain selection because my unknown cross turned into weed only suitable for hash and thank god for hash.

I use a black 25 gal. Container for heat collection in spring. To keep the seedlings separated (a mistake I made last year) I used 3x2.5 by 11 inches long down spout. I fill each tube with moisture retaining potting soil with 2-3 inches of seed starter on top. I soak my seeds for 24hrs and bring them to the site in a moist towel inside a Ziploc bag.

The cover is 50% built in the garage and 50% on sight. It is a wooden frame with green house material over top. I leave 1-2inch air space all around. It keeps almost all critters and all elements except the sun out. I provide for all needs of the seedlings.

Now in the years past I have had plenty of seeds but this year I will be depending on hopefully 50 seeds to build my seed stash back up. I have spent the winter researching breeding techniques and also I want to ensure that my choice for germination is the best.

I have thought and thought about germination and it seems like the obvious choice to wait for a taproot to show before putting them in the soil but depending on weather I could shock them by going into the cold frame with a taproot.

Here is my question. (Please keep in mind I can not start seedlings inside.)

Should I sow the seeds after soaking or wait for seeds to show tap root before putting them in the cold frame?


Waiting for a taproot would be my choice
at least when the bean cracks.
Nice cold frame.Nice rain gutter technique
Good luck Hamstring!


Hi hamstring.

I have always believed that the more taproot your seed is allowed to show during germination, the more likely you are to have a runt or no-show, so I watch my soaking seeds very closely and plant them the second they start to crack but before the taproot extends. The only reason I soak them at all is so that I can be sure i am planting the seed in the proper position with the tail pointed down. Some seeds are so round you cant tell until they pop how they should be planted.

Sorry to hear about the gene loss. Lets hope you recover. I too learned from Wallyducks seedling essay and am moving down a similar path has you. I have a little seedling strike box for each site, just big enough to hold the seedlings designated for that site. I do wait until they have popped through the soil to take them there however. I don't trust on site germination because of outdoor temps swings and the difficulty of ensuring consistent moisture and the cost of seeds.. Having plenty of seeds makes that easier though.

Keep us posted and the very best of luck with the grow. I hope the weather is perfect for you and yields and potency exceed your wildest dreams.



Well-known member
No, they are not femed seeds and thanks for the input on seed germination that’s what I am looking for.

Thanks buddy for the info I knew you would have some good advice. I would love to start them indoors but do not think it will fly. I agree when you have plenty of seeds this method is absolutely worth trying to perfect for your own location. Our spring weather has been miserable and the temp swings are crazy. It froze last night here I have not seen this in many years.

I received my AK99xFL and some GG strains and am still waiting on the NLXBB and one other freebie I hope. Thanks for the strain recommendation I hope to get a chance to see it in action.

I hope others will chime in if they have had some personal experience. Just when you think you have the cat by the tail everything can take a u-turn on you.
No matter what I am looking forward to this growing season because half the fun is the learning experience it’s the only thing in the end that cannot be taken by rippers, LEO or any other circumstances.

I wish everyone good and safe growing it's going to great in 2008.


Well-known member
Well finally some updates. I have 3 strains going here Dr atomics BBxFL (Thanks Silver Back for the recommendation), Breeder Brads AK99xFl and Greens GG mix. I had around a 92% germ ratio. Some of the plants got banged up during some unplanned moving but I am very happy over all with results. The GG mix showed a tap root in 18hrs amazing!! All seeds had good germs rate though.

It’s been on hell of a start with very low temps and plenty of unforeseen problems. I have been doing this for quite a few years and never had this many problems. My marsh site was close to a disaster. I had 4 wheel tracks (those things can go anywhere) 20 yards from one of cold frames. Lugged what felt like a 100lb container several hundred yards through water and thorns to remove it from the security threat. Once I arrived at my vehicle and there was an unmarked Sheriffs car setting next to me running my plate number. I have been through a paranoid nightmare this year. I take so many precautions too; 4:30 am start times, parking in public spots, biking and then walking miles to the entrance location but I guess you can never underestimate the power of small town cops being nosey.

All seedlings are anywhere from 4 – 8inchs and will be moved shortly. Normally I would like them to be larger but the cold weather has really slowed the growth.

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Active member
Hey hamstring,

The little plants look like they are off to a good start. Man, so many problems can happen during spring time planting. That will only make the the finished bud that much sweeter when you get it. Be careful out there though.

I hope you like my GG mix. The AK99 x Freezeland is a strain by Jaysprout (Boreal Genetics), not Breederbrad BTW. Have fun out there.



Well-known member
Greens thanks for the well wishes.

Thanks for the correction I should have thanked BB2 for the recommendation on the AK99 x Freezeland . I will make sure to give some props to Jaysprout over at ULDG.

You hit it on the head all the headaches to get to the finished product only make the bud sweeter.


Well-known member
Ok some update pics and info. As I am sure everyone is aware parts of the Midwest are flooded for the second year in a row. I have managed to keep something going though. So much for the 100 year flood rule. Our local rivers have reached the highest levels since the 1800s. :fsu:

All the pics are of my high risk/high ground site. These are all BBxNL and they are obviously a big indica. I can not wait to try some of this weed.


Well-known member
Check out the big fans I have never grown a plant with such large fans.

I have some GG strains that made it and will post pics when I get them. Go Greens!! can wait to see how fast they finish.



Well-known member
I have some AK99XFL in the bucket ready to go in the ground. They have been waiting 2 weeks for the rain to stop and they are beat to hell but they will survive.

My objective is to try and come up with a good way to start seeds in the bush and I have already learned much from this experience. First off the pic shows one of my main problems I need to over come and that’s transportation from the cold frame to the site location.

First Problem
These were grown in 11 inch down spouts. The only way to transport these was 10 plants in a 5 gallon bucket. This makes your forearms screem “you f***ing bastard". The bigger problem is that the plants take a beating through the bush. I tried putting a papper bag over the top but its just not the way to go. I really believe that round tubes that could be slid over the top of each other would protect the plants and allow for better transportation from cold frame to site.

Second problem
You would think that 11 inches of root zone would be great right. Well when you remove the plant from the 11 inch down spout it refuses to stay in tact. You end up with a 4-5 inch root zone. Next year I believe the tubes will be shorter for sure.

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Well-known member
Well thats it for now. I will update my other sites soon but may need the Bule Planet camera crew to get the pics

I send out a PEACE for my flooded midwest brothers, keep the faith IL,WI, IO our time will come!!!

I welcome all comments as thats whats its all about becoming a better grower and thats all that matters.


Hey hamstring

The rain delayed me by a couple of weeks but i know you guys are dying and yes for the 2nd year. Its going ok here for now but Im gun shy after last year. Lets hope.

I had several very very nute sensitive bbxnl. I mean they couldnt even see the nute bag. Youre going to like the finish date and the stone.

For seedlings, I just use 16oz styrofoam cups. They are about 6" deep and seedlings can get 6" tall or maybe 8 with no problem and theyre lite. I have a styrofoam cooler that holds 12 cups firmly with no room to fall over and with the lid on, it goes through the bush without damaging the plants. Ive made a little sling that allows me to carry it on my back sort of like a square back pack.

this year when I made my seedling cage, i made it of 1x8 and didn't put a bottom in it. My bottom was dirt. I punched a bit larger holes in the bottom of the cups and the plants that I couldnt plant right away actually developed some roots through the bottom of the cup which really helped with moisture and root binding. Even though the roots that were sticking throught the bootom got torn a bit, there wasnt any harm when I took them out to transplant.

I hate 4 wheelers.
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Well-known member
Hey SB
Thanks for the advice on the BBXNL. I just gave the damn things a feed of 20x20x20 water-soluble and a top feed of slow release of 17x17x17. I have to go and tend to the GG strains soon so I may pull off the top feed.

Yeah, I really thought the 11inch length would give them better start but it makes no sense if you cannot retain the root zone. I like the advice on the 12 pack cooler I built a pack for 2 liter bottles back in the day that worked well.

I’m all for making the load lighter and like your ideas. 4 wheelers do suck they can go everywhere and the four-cycle type are fairly quite. I would be always looking over my shoulder if I weren’t out so early. I know you get an early start when heading to bush it’s worth it.


Well-known member
Wanted to update my grow thread with some pics of my GG mix. These guys were saturated and beat to hell. I had broken stems and all kinds of problems. I never expected to find anything alive at this patch.

I am really impressed with germination and vigor of this strain it is a survivor way to go Greens. I can wait to see them flower and how long it takes them to finish.

The last two plots will be interesting as I am sure they saw a lot of water not sure they flooded as they are near a feeder river to the large flooded rivers of the Midwest but I will update with pics good or bad.


Well-known member
This next update is a testament to the vitality of MJ. All the plants in this next 2 plots were planted during a rain storm complete with huge winds and lighting. Out of the 20 I put in 14 plants survived.

I never thought any would survive because this storm was the beginning to the group of storms the Midwest received that caused all the flooding. I cant tell you how happy I am with site selection because neither of the two sites saw any flooding because of height above water line and the fact that many of our small tributaries to the larger rivers only saw flooding where the two met.

These first pics are of a combination of AK99xFL by jaysprout and BBXNL. Don’t ask which is which because when your planting in a monsoon with high winds and lighting a lot of good planting practices go out the window. 5/10 survived here and as with everything this year they are way behind size compared to last year. I left early in the morning with clear skies and ended up spending 3 hours of hell in the bush.



Well-known member
These pics are of a combination of Greens GG mix and AK99xFL. Again I am so surprised any of these made it let alone 9/10 plants. My camera phone has clarity issues but two of GG mix were flowering already. I can not wait to see these finish it will be nice to have some early bud.



Well-known member
As hopefully you can se here in these shitty pics I have a bad case of Leaf Hopper Burn in five plants. Although the pics suck you can see how devastating a bad case can be. Insect problems are very localized as I had 4 plants 35 yards away with no signs of hopper burn. I included a clear picture of what Leaf Hooper damage looks like. Sometimes it can be mistaken for nute damage or fungus but it is from an insect and is easily controlled. Not during this visit though I was not prepared to deal with this.



Well-known member
Update on the plants. Everything is going well July should be a heavy veg month. At the GG Mix plot had one of my plants show it’s sex was a nice size male. Out of the 7 plants I believe there is two more males but I like to wait for the balls to drop rather than depend on the pre-flowers for determination especially on a new strain. Couple of the females are showing flowering but looks to be just starting.

Hey Greens if you are out there how far are your GG’s right now?

I love this pic looks like "chief somkem bud" giving his ok on the GG mix.

Here is the big male that got pulled.

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Well-known member
These second shots are of the BBxNL and the AK99xFl. Again you can see the size of fans on the BBxFL huge fans. If I am correct I have more than a 50% male ratio on the BBxFL but will wait to see. I am going to dig up a few of the males when the show sex in the next 3 weeks and transplant for fertilization. They are getting big right around 3.5 ft tall and about 2.5 ft in diameter they should finish off around 4 ft tall and 3 ft diameter which is a far cry form where I was last year but glad to complaining about size at all.

Hope everyone is having some success out there and good luck.


Two of the AK99xFL that were planted 2.3 weeks ago looking well.

This is actually (two )5 gal buckets sitting on top of each other.

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Your'e looking good hamstring. Big indica fans pick up lots of lights and lead to good growth. There's a big growth spurt comming. Keep us posted.
