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Lover of Life

Just got myself a hamster a few weeks ago. She's pretty cool, but I found out one of the only things on her mind is escaping the cage...sheesh...she chews on stuff trying to escape making ass loads of noise at night so I put a ball in there for her at night when shes active.

She loves treats, too..holy cow...she can eat a whole piece of apple alone..it's pretty cute to watch her..lol

Anyone else have a hamster or hamsters?


I bought my son a female Syrian Hamster. She's ALWAYS looking for a way to escape. lol
We give her fresh veges and leaves to much on...but not too much.
I've thought about giving her some fan leaves to munch. Have you tried that?

Jaqen H'gar

I had one when i was younger, bred it with a friends, it ate all its own babies! didnt like it much after that..

Trying to escape is prettty much how they spend their lives, i think thats what i would do to if someone put me in a cage tbh.


3rd-Eye Jedi
I did a tv segment on a pet show about pets, one on gerbils one on tarantulas


Well-known member
I took care of my niece’s hamster while her family went on vacation for a couple of weeks. They brought over the cage and all the supplies since it was easier than going to their house every few days.

Now I have a cat so felt it best to put the cage and hamster in a spare bedroom keeping the door closed. No problems for the first week and a half. Then one night I was awakened by this crazy commotion, jumped out of bed only to find the cat and hamster zooming around the living room. Things were flying, a lamp got knocked over, the cat was wailing and I’m still half asleep but waking up quickly. I finally corned the hamster before the cat was able to get it and put it back in the cage. Here’s the funny part, the hamster jumped in the wheel and started running, and I mean running. He went on for about 10 minutes…I think he was so pumped and still thinking he was escaping the cat. At the time I was a little pumped too.

Yeah, so one of their goals in life is to escape the confines of their enclosures. Not only did he get out of the cage but squeezed beneath the crack under the bedroom door not knowing what lurked on the other side. I was just thankful to be able to give it back to my niece when her family returned and told her I didn’t have any problems, lol.


i never recovered from seeing my little white hamster babies turned inside out and devoured by their mother overnight.
hamster - 5$
cage - 20$
therapist - 2000$

Green Squall

Well-known member
I've always felt bad for little critters who live their whole lives in a small cage. I'd build them a huge, bad ass, custom cage lol.


Well-known member
Now for the rest of the story. I later found out that my niece’s hamster was somewhat a Houdini. He was always getting out of his cage. They kept him in their basement and I guess it was common for him to get out and they would then have to search. Unfortunately the last search found him in the well of the sump pump, drowned. He must have fallen in and couldn’t get out. That was their last hamster.

Don’t mean to relay a downer, the poor thing did provide some pleasure. I have to agree with Green Squall, it doesn’t seem fitting to keep a creature like that all caged up. I’m sure his times of freedom where as much a pleasure to him as the searching for him was an annoyance to his keepers.

Rick C-137

so hamsters are nocturnal?

Also are they smart enough to bond with owners? I know rats do, they make kick ass pets