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Hallucinogenic Strains?



mexi brick will have what your looking for and then some, you might have to weed through a few but it can be found easily.


OverGrow Refugee
Socrates said:
Kali Mist, Kali Mist, Kali Mist.

Eat it, then smoke it. Then hold on.

Hit the nail right on the head...Hands down the trippyest weed I have ever smoked..But must be the old cut circa 1997


I did grew a selected Jack Herer clone some years ago which was leaning on the haze side.
Psychedelic high. A little made you laugh then think too much then laugh etc. Smoked heavily, high was close to mushrooms.


to respond to Irieeyes I have lots of experience with belladonna. There is a pheno of belladonna that if grown right and picked with around 40%amber can give u visuals. If picked with milky crystals very speedy paranoid enducing.
I dont like the strain because i get used to it so quick if you smoke it alot it wont get you high anymore and a strain like that sucks for me.
After not smokin all day I got A sack of some very well grown island sweet skunk and that stuff gave me slight visuals also.
Bolth times I experinced visuals from weed I hadnt smoked all day before that point so that helped in me getting really stoned.rambaling


You're going to want to get ahold of as many African, Asian and Landrace strains that you can find. They have the highest THCV content which is one of the most 'trippy' like, psychoactive cannabinoids found in MJ. Malawi Gold is supposed to have an incredible amount of THCV, check it out from Ace seeds.

On a side note, not sure what its stats are, but 3D The Third Dimension from TGA/Subcool is some powerful gear, has some really intense CEV Closed Eye Visuals when smoking and it's the closet I've come to 'tripping' on MJ, it was a very complex high. Rightfully so, as it is comprised of at least 12 different strains. It's lineage is Apollo-13 X Jack the Ripper (JCxSQ), which turns out to be [Genius x Princess88] x [Pluton X Purple Haze X Lambsbread X NL X Jack Herer] X [Romulan X Cindy99]

3D Third Dimension
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The sweet skunk is [grapefruit (canadian clone)x NLhaze] made accidentally by Steve .
NL x Haze one more time ...(quite dominant in cross )
A Marley Collie well done, in full sun, can be hallucinogenic , little spirals in your vision .... And the hash is quite heavy too .
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C21H30O2 said:
ive had weed that is more hallucinogenic than shrooms by far and there are sativas out there that are like dropping acid.
Must have crappy acid ,and a dodgy shroom brew,..peace..


xOOx said:
auditory hallucinations, yes.

i've had those also, again, look for good sativa/haze cross. music will echo, very similar to when your right past the point of tipsy/buzzed drunk, but before the drunken spins come on to ruin your whole drunken state (this is why i hate drinking). or if you ever done whippets. it jumps along the lines of that euphoric ear sound, not quite waah waah, but its there. time sometimes seem to drag on forever or move VERY slow (song is on 1 minute, but feels like 10), dreamy floaty kinda echos, a sound in the distance may sound 100x louder, etc. your body is in super alert mode ready for action mode.

this is very possible to get from good herb guys. maybe you guys think the herb is adulterated, when it really isn't i've gotten these effects from simply dried airy homegrown, not sure what you guys are smokin, lol. wish could send samples of pif to everyone and they would be like holy shit, lol.

wow that sounds perfect. i went through a phase where i did thousands of whippets in a month and a half but now I don't bother with that shit anymore. So what strains should i grow to get that effect because i love all the things you described.


the Revenant
greenbeats said:
You're going to want to get ahold of as many African, Asian and Landrace strains that you can find. They have the highest THCV content which is one of the most 'trippy' like, psychoactive cannabinoids found in MJ. Malawi Gold is supposed to have an incredible amount of THCV, check it out from Ace seeds.

On a side note, not sure what its stats are, but 3D The Third Dimension from TGA/Subcool is some powerful gear, has some really intense CEV Closed Eye Visuals when smoking and it's the closet I've come to 'tripping' on MJ, it was a very complex high. Rightfully so, as it is comprised of at least 12 different strains. It's lineage is Apollo-13 X Jack the Ripper (JCxSQ), which turns out to be [Genius x Princess88] x [Pluton X Purple Haze X Lambsbread X NL X Jack Herer] X [Romulan X Cindy99]

3D Third Dimension

You may wana check your info on THCV, it counteracts THC. So if there alot of THCV then you wont get high. Oh and subtool is a terrible seed seller and shudnt even be called a breeder.


New member
Malawi Gold (Sativa)!

Malawi Gold (Sativa)!

Nondual said:
The closest thing you may find to what you're looking for is Malawi from Africa.
Yep! I have a friend who says this Malawi Gold Sativa will cause one to "trip"! Strong stuff! =Judy= :bashhead:
Pirate138 said:
You may wana check your info on THCV, it counteracts THC. So if there alot of THCV then you wont get high. Oh and subtool is a terrible seed seller and shudnt even be called a breeder.

from what I've read THCV affects different receptors in the brain


the Revenant
This is from Sam S on another thread:

Originally Posted by Sam_Skunkman
BTW you said "one guys opinion is not enough, since the high is always subjective, and different cannabinoids effect different people differently"

Does that mean that some people get high from varieties without THC? If it it all just subjective?
If I give you a pure CBD variety with no THC, nobody can get high with it. If you think otherwise you are just being contrary, and foolish. I smoked huge amounts of pure THCV with several friends including Rob Clarke, Reeferman, and others that I can not mention, none got high at all. In fact THCV is a THC antagonist, it prevents you from getting high on THC, like CBD does if CBD is taken in large doses before the THC. I also smoked herbal cannabis with 1% THCV/10%THC, 5%THCV/5% THC, 10%THCV/1% THC, the rest of the Cannabinoids being absent. And you do not want THCV, it ruins the high.
I have a GC for 20 years and I know what my varieties Cannabinoids are, and believe me you do not want THCV to get high. GW is looking for medicines not pot that gets you high.

BTW, I do know why tropical varieties can sometimes have an amazing fast up high. It has nothing to do with THCV. But if you do not believe me do find some variety with a small amount of THCV and self the female a few generations and you will end up with a THCV dominate plant, if you have a GC or other analytical method to find it. But if you are expecting to get high like I was, be warned it will disappoint you.

-infamous SamS
Pirate138 said:
This is from Sam S on another thread:

Originally Posted by Sam_Skunkman
BTW you said "one guys opinion is not enough, since the high is always subjective, and different cannabinoids effect different people differently"

Does that mean that some people get high from varieties without THC? If it it all just subjective?
If I give you a pure CBD variety with no THC, nobody can get high with it. If you think otherwise you are just being contrary, and foolish. I smoked huge amounts of pure THCV with several friends including Rob Clarke, Reeferman, and others that I can not mention, none got high at all. In fact THCV is a THC antagonist, it prevents you from getting high on THC, like CBD does if CBD is taken in large doses before the THC. I also smoked herbal cannabis with 1% THCV/10%THC, 5%THCV/5% THC, 10%THCV/1% THC, the rest of the Cannabinoids being absent. And you do not want THCV, it ruins the high.
I have a GC for 20 years and I know what my varieties Cannabinoids are, and believe me you do not want THCV to get high. GW is looking for medicines not pot that gets you high.

BTW, I do know why tropical varieties can sometimes have an amazing fast up high. It has nothing to do with THCV. But if you do not believe me do find some variety with a small amount of THCV and self the female a few generations and you will end up with a THCV dominate plant, if you have a GC or other analytical method to find it. But if you are expecting to get high like I was, be warned it will disappoint you.

-infamous SamS

no disrespect to sam I've never bothered reading his posts but cannabinoids are extremely complex, at a certain dose it can be an antagonist and at a higher dose an agonist , I don't know how one would extract thcv and smoke it.. curious to know how

http://www.nature.com/bjp/journal/v153/n2/full/0707442a.html ( great read)

Given the structural similarities between Delta9-THC and Delta9-THCV (Figure 1), this hypothesis is supported by evidence first, that Delta9-THC exhibits markedly less potency in vivo as a CB1 receptor agonist than its 11-hydroxy metabolite (Lemberger et al., 1973; Wilson and May, 1975; Watanabe et al., 1990) and second, that Delta9-THCV can undergo metabolism to an 11-hydroxy metabolite (Brown and Harvey, 1988).

they also say the effects of thcv are similar to thc only 4-5 times weaker.


The_Skunkist, are you 100% sure that iss is grapefruit x nl/haze? i thought it had something to do with with skunk from sensi seeds.


CantBe2High said:
... where I died, hung on the cross with Jesus, and ended up in my own personal hell where I was the god of my own little world where everybody was just like me. Be careful what you ask for :muahaha:

Sounds like polititians and law enforcement could bennefit from this, Mabey they would forget the "i am god" Bullshit, and realize their own little world isnt so fucking perfect afterall. :muahaha: :rant: