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Had my 126w for about a week now...


I have to say I am very satisfied.
Plant responded well to the change to LED, except I think I let it get too close - I started 6inches from the top and she grew right up to 2 inches away before I noticed!

The lack of heat is very nice... I have this S&P inline fan and I probably only need a PC case fan to cool my cab now.

Pretty happy with my purchase :smokey:


We want PICS man! :)
What happened when plants were 2 inches from LEDs?


I hesitate to post pics because of plant problems I'm having which are not the LEDs fault.

I think its a combo of over/underwatering, and maybe slightly high PH(soil runoff is 7.2)
and maybe all that combined with getting really close to high intensity light after being vegged under low intensity CFL made her droop and wilt like crazy.
Also I topped it about 3 days before it went under the LED.

But I raised the light back to about 7 inches, left her alone.. and she is recovering - in fact the whole time she keeps growing...


Active member
ahhh that wonderful learning curve lol. :)

hehehe...i had some issues adjusting to no heat also...don't be afraid to post your pics...they will only help others...that is why we are here.

i fried one of mine a bit when the heater got too hot...trying to keep things warm in the basement...

she looks like this after a week:

try and get your pH into the 6.0-6.5 range if you can.

seven inches from the light should be fine.

best wishes with your new light engine...

i love mine!:whistling: