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HAARP Engineering 'FRANKENSTORM' Hurricane Sandy - CAUGHT on SATELLITE and RADAR!!! ‏

high life 45

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The chemtrails in my area are pretty gnarly sometimes. scary stuff

It can be EXTREMELY frightening when I dont see any "lines" in the sky, and the sky is completely clear blue. Its quiet with little to no breeze, its as if they have to cloud seed to give us any rain. I honestly dont think we would have even half the of the rain or overcast days we do without cloudseeding..

I think Mcminville is one of the could seeding capitols of the US.

I sometimes wonder if its just Weyerhauser watering all their doug firs.

I take photos and videos of cloud seeding just to document the different ones I see, I recently deleted alot of the photo, because I can see them everyday around here.

Heres a couple I took over the past couple years.

The one in the middle is the STRANGEST one I have seen. If you wanted my personal opinion, I would say that looks like some HAARPish bussiness.

We need to keep discussing this wether or not you think this is poisonous... IT SHOULD BE REGULATED.


Kiss My Ring
perhaps you should watch as dane wigington explains that what they are spraying causes drought, NOT rain. and that srm/geoengineering is much worse than previously thought.

good luck, and godspeed.



Trying to stay on topic,there is rumors i have not heard before about fuckyoushima,apparently japan was enriching uranium for iran,and Israel had spec ops working on sight deploy some nuke disguised as a cam or something like that,and saying there were 3 or more waves indicating tsunami bombs.Probably everyone pointing fingers blah blah blah,who knows,

heavy heavy contrails around here lately, its getting blatantly ridiculous....saw creepy creepy "envirofibers" falling the past few days,migrating spiders..whatever..sheeeezz



Active member
3/08/2016 — US Military confirms HAARP “ring” formed by Radio Waves hitting the Atmosphere / Ionosphere
The US Military has confirmed that a Plasma ring forms in a bullseye – RING shape when targeted high frequency radio waves cross each other while hitting the upper atmosphere.

Experiments were done using HAARP to produce plasma rings, and super heating in the atmosphere.

The attached diagram is from the DTIC military .mil government site


October 15, 2011 – The same pattern shown in the US Military HAARP ring plasma documents showed up across multiple (but not all) RADAR stations across the Southeast USA 2 days before a huge storm outbreak. Only a few stations producing the plasma out of dozens across the South and East coast. These rings were first said to be PHOTOSHOPS done by me, then the deniers backtracked, and said these were just mass flocks of Birds and Bugs all over the place for hundreds of miles in all directions. As it turns out, these were man made plasma rings due to over pumping the area with RADAR.

Now we come to find out they actually have used HAARP to make (and study) the superheated plasma rings which form when High power radio transmissions are crossed, and targeted at the upper atmosphere.


Genghis Kush

Active member
Ive been seeing those rings on the radar for a few years now.

they do it mostly late at night.

haarp weather control for sure.

when you zoom into where the radars are, its almost always a military base


ICMag Donor
HAARP, in Alaska, is not the only array used for these experiments. There are several arrays placed in various locatiins around the globe.
From what I understand: The controllers of these arrays have the ability to target specific areas anywhere on the globe in order to produce weather changes.

Chemtrails, loaded with heavy metals, are used like antenna, focusing & intensifying signals used to heat the atmosphere.


Active member
I swear they use chemtrails to create snow storms, this past winter we didnt get much snow, temps were abnormally warm, it seemed like when ever we did get snow it followed a warm day when they were out spraying.


ICMag Donor
Any evidence of HAARP activity with these current storms?
I've not got a tube to watch the patterns this go round.

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