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HAARP Engineering 'FRANKENSTORM' Hurricane Sandy - CAUGHT on SATELLITE and RADAR!!! ‏


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
hempcat you trust your government?

with their track record?

how about the globalwarming conspiracy? the government created it...but don't ask al gore.
you are right, it's all in my head...


you are exhausting...

The government didn't create global warming, mother nature did. As for trusting the government, where did I ever say that I trusted the government? In fact there is a post by me, further up this page where I said that just because I don't believe in these conspiracy theories doesn't mean I trust the government. That's okay though I know you don't really try and understand what people are saying. You just look to see if it seems like they're disagreeing with you and if so you start making riddiculous assertions that aren't even related to the topic.

So you consider the daily mail to be the beacon of truth huh? Wow I guess next you'll be telling us big foot is real because you saw a story about it in the National Enquirer?


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
a conspiracy theorist is derogatory term for a critical thinker. nothing to do with being mad or paranoid

It's only derogatory if the person it's directed at is a critical thinker. Just because you say there are secret societies controlling things and playing a smoke and mirrors game with the general public doesn't mean you're correct or a critical thinker.


Brother, I'm very sorry. That text you entered is not making any sense at all to me. It's like it's chinese or something. I'm not a scientist or a doctor or a climatologist. Can you explain that to me in layman's terms what that graph is saying?


Notice around 1950 on the time axis. The thick lines with anthropogenic(man made) and natural forcing (volcanoes, changes in the sun, natural cycle) go up and the thin lines (without anthropogenic forcing) go down. Basically different models that use different input parameters compared with each other. The thing you would want to pay attention to is the distance between the thick and thin lines of the same colors, as this attempts to distinguish between man made and natural change in climate.

Also, since you don't have any training in science I'm going to say this... These are models. This is only our approximation. I guess my opinion is this. We attempt to treat the earth better, reduce things that to the best of our collective knowledge harm the earth (read harm us...the earth will be just fine), protect our water and air, and waste less. The payoff is that some things become more expensive, like gas in california compared to texas or the cost of operating a coal burning power plant. Unfortunately this ripples into a lot of other things like plastics. This extra cost to manufacturers is then shared with consumers. These things becoming more expensive is where the conspiracy aspect comes in. It's also why a lot of conservatives are so against the idea of climate change. They see it as the govt. making a lot of things more expensive without justification (if man indeed does not affect the climate).

I think the real bottom line of that daily mail article that was posted is that climate change might be happening slower than we previously thought. This is good news. To me it means that we have more time to act, but we shouldn't start thinking this means we don't need to worry about it anymore. All of you guys believing in haarp believe in chaos theory, right? How could you believe that haarp is capable of such changes but the collective consumption of humanity shitting all over the earth is not?


Active member
I guess my opinion is this. We attempt to treat the earth better, reduce things that to the best of our collective knowledge harm the earth (read harm us...the earth will be just fine), protect our water and air, and waste less.

Who is we?

Multibillion dollar corporations don't give a fuck.


Which is why we have to make them pay. They care about money. That's why a conservative rag like the mail would spin that story. Also I guess I forgot a should after we. We "should" attempt.


I’m God’s solider, devil’s apostle
all the drama when all we are trying to do is converse.

Meteorologist all over the WORLD are saying that the storm was geoengineered.

1 week prior to the hurricane (that i didnt know was coming till last minute) i had noticed CRAZY gridding going on in the sky which lead me to think that "they are doin something up there" so within a week a hurricane comes up the coast and slams into jersey. and i saw with my own eyes those cocksuckers grid the sky to (what looked like)control the direction of the storm. they did this all over coastal maine week prior to storm. If you think the Rockefellers are going to let bar harbor get hit by a bad storm haha yea right them dudes got enough money to control anything they want.

for real tho i want to know why the fuck they are spraying nano particles like crazy in grids east to west right before the hurricane

are these nano particles antennae that can be controlled via satelite or navy program? my buddy in the navy says its part of an advanced radar defense system but im not buying that shit... The whitehouse says its to curb global warming... so who the fuck is telling the truth??? what are these assholes spraying??? and what can we do to stop them


Active member
Could they be sprayed to get a mirror effect that blocks the increasing sun radiation which is rumored to change biological life and alter most living things. Sun is heating and getting brighter, so the whitehouse is not lying but not telling the whole truth either.

Ancient Mass Extinctions Caused by Cosmic Radiation, Scientists Say

Edit. Added link to back wild theories
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headband 707

Plant whisperer
Have fun in fantasy land....

The world you live in must be very small and scary...

And if logic ever decides to come along and slap you in the face, lemme know, maybe we can discuss reality.

LOL I'm just curious here what is it that you don't believe? Is it that there is no such thing as free energy ? Is this the same thing as believing in our power companies? You really need to break this one down yourself.. If I had FREE ENERGY who do you think might not want this out? LOL...I assume you have not watched the video "Thrive" I suggest you watch the whole thing then you get back on what you think...stay safe headband 707:tiphat:

headband 707

Plant whisperer
The government didn't create global warming, mother nature did. As for trusting the government, where did I ever say that I trusted the government? In fact there is a post by me, further up this page where I said that just because I don't believe in these conspiracy theories doesn't mean I trust the government. That's okay though I know you don't really try and understand what people are saying. You just look to see if it seems like they're disagreeing with you and if so you start making riddiculous assertions that aren't even related to the topic.

So you consider the daily mail to be the beacon of truth huh? Wow I guess next you'll be telling us big foot is real because you saw a story about it in the National Enquirer?

Okay Hempcat your first statement the the Gov didn't creat global warming is so WRONG!!! lol..Bra how do you think Global Warming is started? It's started by OUR GOV allowing too many emmisions into the atmosphere through industry! Not changing the cars to electic not stopping the factories because they made so much money from them!
It's these emmisions that have put holes in the ozone layers hence the Global warming of this earth!
headband 707:tiphat:


Active member
LOL I'm just curious here what is it that you don't believe? Is it that there is no such thing as free energy ? Is this the same thing as believing in our power companies? You really need to break this one down yourself.. If I had FREE ENERGY who do you think might not want this out? LOL...I assume you have not watched the video "Thrive" I suggest you watch the whole thing then you get back on what you think...stay safe headband 707:tiphat:

Hmmm, free.

What is free?

First you must ask what is cost, or input.

Yes, the sun sends down energy. Scientifically it's not free, it took resources and a nuclear reaction. But ok for arguments sake, it didn't cost us anything to get it here.

Ok, now how do we harvest this "free" energy?

That brings me to earth, and it's inhabitants.

Mans labor!

The most important resource of all, for without our labor, only the plants would be harvesting the suns "free" energy.

Ahhh, but that poses a problem. If mans labor is needed to build the equipment, transport, design, maintain, advance etc who pays?

Nothing is free.


Active member
Maintenance free life, good luck lol....

How do we build it in the first place, who pays, what if I want nothing to do with your communal utopia?


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Do you see the problem?

I see an over exaggerated trend line (red line. Slope should be closer to zero).

Also, I see this goes back to 1973. If you took the picture you have, and zoomed in on one section, you could paint a pretty bad picture for temp trend.

You have to look at a more in depth history. If you look into it, you'll see the earth has has some wild temp swings without the presence of humans, and yet life survived and we are here to investigate it.