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HAARP Engineering 'FRANKENSTORM' Hurricane Sandy - CAUGHT on SATELLITE and RADAR!!! ‏


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
LOL the Gov counts on ppl that think like you but that doesn't work for me:tiphat: stay safe headband 707

Well that's not really true, the government counts more on people like you who waste time and energy focusing on things that might be rather then holding them accountable for the things they actually do.


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
United States patent #4,686,605 'Method and Apparatus for Altering a Region in the Earth's Atmosphere, Ionosphere and/or Magnetosphere' is one of the 12 HAARP patents.

Dr. Eastlund is credited as the inventor. It states, "Weather modification is possible by, for example, altering upper atmosphere wind patterns or altering solar absorption patterns by constructing one or more plumes of atmospheric particles which will act as a lens or focusing device."

I know that quote on the surface looks like a connection between HAARP and chemtrails, but, before we think we have the smoking gun, realize that they are probably talking about particles precipitated from the ionosphere forming a lens without the need of chemtrails; as outlined elsewhere in the patent.

The good news is, the patent goes on:

Also as alluded to earlier, molecular modifications of the atmosphere can take place so that positive environmental effects can be achieved. Besides actually changing the molecular composition of an atmospheric region, a particular molecule or molecules can be chosen for increased presence.

For example, ozone, nitrogen, etc. concentrations in the atmosphere could be artificially increased.

Similarly, environmental enhancement could be achieved by causing the breakup of various chemical entities such as carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide, nitrous oxides, and the like.Transportation of entities can also be realized when advantage is taken of the drag effects caused by regions of the atmosphere moving up along diverging field lines.

Small micron sized particles can be then transported, and, under certain circumstances and with the availability of sufficient energy, larger particles or objects could be similarly affected.

That, my friends is a smoking gun.

They are talking about introducing small particles into the atmosphere and then using HAARP to move them and the matter around them for the purpose of weather modification.

HAARP could be imagined to be used in conjunction with chemtrails in order to modify the weather.

Disbursed metallic particles such as,




...(the main chemtrail ingredients) may increase the atmosphere's conductivity and therefore enhance HAARP's weather modification performance.

A grand history of releasing stuff into the atmosphere as part of scientific research exists.

In the early 1960s our U.S. military dumped 350,000 2-4cm copper needles into the ionosphere attempting to create a 'telecommunications shield.'

The HAARP executive summary says:

DOD [Department of Defense] agencies already have on-going efforts in the broad area of active ionospheric experiments, including ionospheric enhancements. These include both space and ground based approaches.

The space-based efforts include chemical releases (e.g., the Air Force's Brazilian Ionospheric Modification Experiment, BIME; the Navy's RED AIR program; and multi-agency participation in the Combined Release and Radiation Effects Satellite, CERES).

Patent #4,686,605's description states,

"It has also been proposed to release large clouds of barium in the magnetosphere so that photoionization will increase the cold plasma density, thereby producing electron precipitation through enhanced whistler-mode interaction."

Barium is the second most common chemtrail ingredient.

These chemical releases are not all necessarily chemtrails, but they show our military's extensive atmospheric chemical release activities involving ground and space based monitoring and support.

Lastly, let us refer again to Angels Don't Play this HAARP:

...there is a super-powerful electrical connection between the ionosphere and the part of the atmosphere where our weather comes onstage, the lower atmosphere. Furthermore, scientific theories describe how the electrical energetic levels of the atmosphere are connected to cloud processes.

Chemtrails may enhance this connection between the lower and upper atmosphere.

Then, when HAARP manipulates the ionosphere, the lower areas of the atmosphere (where our weather happens) can be manipulated accordingly.


my emphasis added...
All I'm seeing here is a bunch of conjecture based on the fact that governments have put stuff in the air in the past.


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
Yeah who's twisting words?

Like all people who signed official secrets acts or the like, they respect that or end up dead or in jail. He cant get into specifics about classified projects. He is still speaking out and therefore qualifies as a whistleblower. He was the top expert and is the father of weather weapons but is now retired. So he has very relevant information that should be taken into account. Would he have access to any new classified operations/technologies? No.

We all should know black budgets and programm
mes exist. This isnt conspiracy theory it is just a fact. The actual budget is secret (duh) but is quoted as between a minimum of $50 billions per annum to perhaps $1.1 trillion.

We can be assured they have moved beyond bullets and even stealth bombers... so what are they testing out now?

We do know they are developing the cutting edge systems and openly discuss nanotech and all the rest i mentioned. It doesn't take a genius to figure this out.

We know historically as i proved all kinds of biological, chemical and experimental weaponry has been tested out on our own peoples.

Yes i linked to only one major "defense" contractor. They are developing these weapons systems and a quick look around their website confirms this. Same deal with the other ones. If you are genuinely interested you can take a look yourself.

“I don't know how man will fight World War III, but I do know how they will fight World War IV with sticks and stones." - Albert Einstein

That's just it I did look at the sites. You said they were the official sites. Yet only one was an official site of a defense contractor. The other two links were both to the same site which is the official site of a fairly minor news media outlet. If anyone was breaking ground breaking news all the big players would be all over it. Or do you honestly think The Register scooped CNN, MSNBC, Fox, ABC, CBS, etc?

You've proven nothing, everything you provide counts on what you think, which says plenty about you and very little about the agencies you accuse. Most of your theory depends on the notion that because it was done in the past means they'll continue into the future. The only proven testing on people was back in a time when we were just discovering these things and we didn't really know how dangerous it was. So like with the nuclear bomb, some people actually volunteered to be exposed so we could better understand the potential risks. Once we knew though we didn't keep doing it. Wholesale testing and killing of people by it's government is pretty shortsided, before long you have no people to fund the government or for the government to serve.


Living Organic Soil...
ICMag Donor
Ignorance is not strength Hempkat. The Nazi's were exported to the US after WW2 and brought with them all their top eugenicists and rocket scientists etc... this isnt theory.

Neither is the mass of evidence of testing done to vulnerable groups (orphans, disabled people, prisoners and lowly ranked military grunts) by USA military. Not to mention the raping of children with battery acid that family members were forced to watch in Iraq, waterboarding and torture with dogs etc. That is the system. It is perverted and sadistic and likes to perform occult rituals on children and young women. See J.Saville and friends in the UK or the massive Catholic church paedophile rings at last being fully investigated in Australia.

This has nothing to do with our discussion you may think. But you would be wrong. The same bunch of inbred families run this game and have done for a very long time. We are just useless eaters and they want the old days of serfdom back.

2012 -The Grand revealing (aka the truth will out) - Coming to a reality near you real soon!

All of this is coming out.

I think you are a smart enough chap to type in other names into a search engine was what i was saying mate. Do your own research like me and many others... but you must do so with an open and inquiring mind.

Watch this if you dare: warning contains graphic scenes of violence.


headband 707

Plant whisperer
I see some bad effects of indoctrination.

Btw, FOX has expanded its grip on peoples sleep by starting to broadcast in Finland too.
Shit, man. TV was full 'o bullshit before. Now there's nothing else.

Did you know that each country has it's own version of CNN in other words each place we went to had CNN with different ppl and same format. A format closer to the place it was in and as usual very slanted news lol headband 707:)


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
Ignorance is not strength Hempkat. The Nazi's were exported to the US after WW2 and brought with them all their top eugenicists and rocket scientists etc... this isnt theory.

Neither is the mass of evidence of testing done to vulnerable groups (orphans, disabled people, prisoners and lowly ranked military grunts) by USA military. Not to mention the raping of children with battery acid that family members were forced to watch in Iraq, waterboarding and torture with dogs etc. That is the system. It is perverted and sadistic and likes to perform occult rituals on children and young women. See J.Saville and friends in the UK or the massive Catholic church paedophile rings at last being fully investigated in Australia.

This has nothing to do with our discussion you may think. But you would be wrong. The same bunch of inbred families run this game and have done for a very long time. We are just useless eaters and they want the old days of serfdom back.

2012 -The Grand revealing (aka the truth will out) - Coming to a reality near you real soon!

All of this is coming out.

I think you are a smart enough chap to type in other names into a search engine was what i was saying mate. Do your own research like me and many others... but you must do so with an open and inquiring mind.

Watch this if you dare: warning contains graphic scenes of violence.


I have done the research and the conclusion I've come to is that it's all paranoia driven hysteria given some substance by the fact that certain individuals throughout history have behaved badly. You say approach it with an open mind because you seem to think the only way I could not agree with you is if I didn't have an open mind. To me though that sounds as if you are the one with the closed mind because you're not willing to accept that 99.9% of what you claim as proof is actually speculation and that the theory you cling to might be wrong..


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
HempKat: Here's a few pages for you to read. Looking forward to talking again when your sponge has sucked in all this.
I don't expect you to be back here argumenting anytime soon, because there's so much to read and digest in the articles on the site.


Well I don't care what you expect I'm not here to meet your's or anyone else's expectations. I've done the research and drawn my conclusions. I don't need to look at a bunch more pages of speculation from some blog. If you want to show me proof then show me proof, not things that say, may be, could be, probably is, looks like, those are all words of speculation.


Kiss My Ring
the question being why would anyone do that sort of thing?

not whether or not the capability exists.

what would anyone stand to gain from steering sandy into metropolis?

who would benefit?

i can't fathom justifying the cost in any way.

another katrina level debacle makes uncle big look incompetent.

so can anyone figure how they profited from this (were one to assume they done it...)?


Living Organic Soil...
ICMag Donor
The answer is called "disaster capitalism" or how to make a shit load of money out of other peoples loss and suffering.



The flurry of attempts to use Sandy's destructive power as a cash grab is just the latest chapter in the very long story I have called the The Shock Doctrine. And it is but the tiniest glimpse into the ways large corporations are seeking to reap enormous profits from climate chaos.

One example: between 2008 and 2010, at least 261 patents were filed or issued relating to "climate-ready" crops – seeds supposedly able to withstand extreme conditions such as droughts and floods; of these patents close to 80% were controlled by just six agribusiness giants, including Monsanto and Syngenta. With history as our teacher, we know that small farmers will go into debt trying to buy these new miracle seeds, and that many will lose their land.

In November 2010, the Economist ran a climate change cover story that provides a useful (if harrowing) blueprint for how climate change could serve as the pretext for the last great land grab, a final colonial clearing of the forests, farms and coastlines by a handful of multinationals. The editors explain that droughts and heat stress are such a threat to farmers that only big players can survive the turmoil, and that "abandoning the farm may be the way many farmers choose to adapt". They had the same message for fisherfolk occupying valuable ocean-front lands: wouldn't it be so much safer, given rising seas and all, if they joined their fellow farmers in the urban slums? "Protecting a single port city from floods is easier than protecting a similar population spread out along a coastline of fishing villages."


Living Organic Soil...
ICMag Donor
See also Agenda 21 from the ever loving coke heads at the UN.

Just another land grab but this time executed with 21st century weapons of war.

Tis much easier to look the other way...


Kiss My Ring

The former vice-president and climate champion, Al Gore, has called on Barack Obama to seize the moment and use his re-election victory to push through bold action on climate change.

The president has faced rising public pressure in the wake of superstorm Sandy to deliver on his promise to act on global warming.

But none of those calling on Obama to act carries the moral authority of Gore, who has devoted his post-political career to building a climate movement.

Now, Gore said, it is the president's turn. He urged Obama to immediately begin pushing for a carbon tax in negotiations over the "fiscal cliff" budget crisis.

The vice-president's intervention for a carbon tax could give critical support to an idea that has gained currency since the election – at least among Washington thinktanks. The conservative American Enterprise Institute held an all-day seminar on the carbon tax on Tuesday.

"I think all who look at these circumstances should agree that president Obama does have a mandate, should he choose to use it, to act boldly to solve the climate crisis, to begin solving it," Gore told the Guardian in a telephone interview.

"He has the mandate. He has the opportunity, and he has the inherent ability to provide the leadership needed. I really hope that he will, and I will respectfully ask him to do exactly that."

Gore will ratchet up his own pressure on Wednesday evening when he hosts a 24-hour live online broadcast from New York city on the connections between climate change and extreme events such as Sandy.

The Dirty Weather Report, produced by his Climate Reality Project, will kick off with footage from New Jersey's devastated shore and interviews with governors Chris Christie and Andrew Cuomo. It begins at 8pm eastern time.

In terms of policy specifics, Gore said he wanted the White House and Congress to start an immediate push for a carbon tax. "It will be difficult for sure but we can back away from the fiscal cliff and the climate cliff at the same time," he said. "One way is with a carbon tax."

It would require a balancing act, but "the most direct policy solution to the climate crisis is a carbon tax, offset by reductions in taxes on wages," Gore went on to explain. "By including the carbon tax in the solution to the fiscal cliff we can [get] away from the climate cliff."

Gore's endorsement of a carbon tax comes at a critical time, with less than 50 days left for Congress to work out a budget deal and avoid triggering a set of automatic tax increases and spending cuts.

A number of conservatives have also raised the possibility of a carbon tax – even before Obama's re-election – giving hope to environmental campaigners.

In the view of Gore and others, Obama's re-election in the wake of Sandy dramatically expanded the scope for action on climate change. So too did the endorsement from New York's mayor, Michael Bloomberg, which singled out Obama's efforts on climate, such as raising fuel performance standards for cars.

American public opinion also shifted, after a summer of punishing drought and record high temperatures. Two-thirds (67%) of Americans now say climate change is real, compared to 57% in 2009, according to a poll last month from the Pew Research Centre.

Then came last month's superstorm. A sizeable percentage of voters invoked Sandy as a factor in their vote, according to exit polls. The storm put climate change on the map after an election in which Obama and Mitt Romney went out of their way to avoid even mentioning the words, Gore said.

The president also signalled in his victory speech that he saw climate change as one of the top three priorities of his second term. "We want our children to live in an America that isn't burdened by debt, that isn't weakened by inequality, that isn't threatened by the destructive power of a warming planet," Obama said.

Gore said it was now up to the public to keep the pressure on.

"Many elected officials have been frightened of the reaction should they even talk about the climate crisis much less propose the obvious solution we need to put a price on carbon," he said. "It is just as plain as day. But the only way to give these elected officials more backbone is to ensure that they hear more from their constituents who are deeply and rightly concerned that they are not doing anything to stop this accelerating destruction of the global climate balance."

Other environmental leaders are also trying to seize the moment. Activists have called a demonstration at the White House on 18 November to demand Obama block the Keystone XL pipeline, designed to expand production from the Alberta tar sands by pumping crude to Texas refineries.

Gore said he supported their campaign. "I do agree with those who are trying to stop the Keystone pipeline. The tar sands are just the dirtiest source of liquid fuel you can imagine," he said. "At a time when we are desperately trying to bend the emissions curve downwards it is quite literally insane to open up a whole new source that is much more carbon intensive and that makes the problem worse."

But it is not his fight, he said. "For me, I believe that my efforts are best expended on the central challenge of building a sufficient support for action to solve the climate crisis. It's not that complicated ultimately. We have to put a price on carbon."


Active member
HempKat: What's wrong wth the blog I gave you earlier when you asked for a definition of a Shadow govt. To be honest I don't think you looked at it very much but if you did you'd actually noticed it contains lots of credible sources for the big picture.


Active member
ICMag Donor
HAARP is real, the science i solid and proven, to think otherwise you may as well agree the earth is flat.


Living Organic Soil...
ICMag Donor
What are your sources Hempkat? We have provided you with lots of links to our information.

Who do you trust to report the truth?

Financial tyranny by David Wilcock (NY times bestseller) is so well researched and with links to all of his in depth research. It is definitive in terms of historical accuracy...


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
But it is not his fight, he said. "For me, I believe that my efforts are best expended on the central challenge of building a sufficient support for action to solve the climate crisis. It's not that complicated ultimately. We have to put a price on carbon."

This just goes to show you can't trust any politicians, putting a price on carbon is essentially the same thing as putting sin tax on cigarettes and alcohol. There's two problems with that though, one is that morally, ethically it's wrong, the emphasis shouldn't be put on taxing those producing carbon it should be put on moving to ways where they can drastically cut carbon thru alternative power sources. Businesses go with what's cheapest and most efficient, if you can give them that then they don't care if it's clean or not. The other problem with treating it like a sin tax is that it's a great source of revenue for the politicians and they would no longer be incentivized to eliminate carbon emissions once they could profit from them. Same with tobacco. I mean it's gotten so bad with commercials and packaging depicting the worst possible results of smoking in very graphic ways. So if the powers that be feel it's that bad they have to force such blantant deterrents then why not just out law it? I'll tell you why, because for every pack of the millions smoked every day one branch of government or another is getting at least $1. Now tell me, if you got something bringing in millions of $ every day are you going to get rid of it? Hell no. It'll be the same with carbon tax and of course it'll all get passed on to the consumer, who will then have less $ to consume with and ultimately that will cause the consumer based economy to fail. Once that happens though the playing field will be somewhat leveled. The wealth of the 2% will be relatively meaningless.


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
What are your sources Hempkat? We have provided you with lots of links to our information.

Who do you trust to report the truth?

Financial tyranny by David Wilcock (NY times bestseller) is so well researched and with links to all of his in depth research. It is definitive in terms of historical accuracy...

Truth of what? Of this conspiracy theory stuff I'm getting it right from the links you all keep providing. If you read it carefully and pay attention you'll find it all sounds legitimate and everything but all of it is based on speculation. Like the link a few post back that was supposed to keep me busy for a couple of days. Right off the bat it starts with this one guy who had all the proof and supposedly shared some and was going to share more but then he mysteriously ends up with him and his kid being shot in their home and the home set on fire. Which is just retarded. I mean if our government is half as devious as you all think they could make people disappear alot more effectively and quietly then that. Of course then it went on to talk about what this other guy supposedly saw and what he felt all the stuff he never saw would prove. I mean come on. Sure it could be argued that he was offed but it could also be that this guy was a delusional paranoid who set his house on fire and then shot his son and himself. That's just one example too, everything I've seen your side put up is all speculative, well except that Lockheed Martin (part of the military industrial complex) is pioneering in nanotechnology. But that's nothing new really and it's surely not hidden and in the right applications could improve alot of things. That's just one thing though, where Lockheed's real hush hush stuff is, is in it's cyber Security/terrorism/warfare division.


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
HempKat: What's wrong wth the blog I gave you earlier when you asked for a definition of a Shadow govt. To be honest I don't think you looked at it very much but if you did you'd actually noticed it contains lots of credible sources for the big picture.

You must have a very different standard for credible then I?