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HAARP Engineering 'FRANKENSTORM' Hurricane Sandy - CAUGHT on SATELLITE and RADAR!!! ‏

guy fawkes

Active member
Conspiracy theory- A belief that some covert but influential organization is responsible for an unexplained event.

Critical thinking is what is sometimes termed a “virtue phrase”, one that everyone embraces eagerly and, unfortunately, reflexively. It shares this awkward status with freedom, creative thinking, and cooperation.

So, the storm is explained by meteorology. Europeans modeled the storm and predicted it impacting New York on the correct day. They did this a week in advance while it was still just a low pressure system in the Caribbean. This is explained to these people, and their "critical thinking" skills lead them to, "well obviously these European meteorologists knew about the manipulation and were in on it, because only governments (and Raytheon apparently) are able to model weather correctly." That is complete hogwash. Do you realize how desirable it is for all kinds of industries and organizations to predict weather? There are some absolutely insane assumptions going on in this thread.

are those your words or from some other source?

guy fawkes

Active member
people defending hamas and hating on Israel, are the same as people who root for a shit talker shit starter that gets his ass handed back to him.

critical thinking? not to be found....

you are an ass hole mate! it not possible to discuss things with folk like you about with your trollish antics..

getting my ass handed back to me.. i mean come on ... DUDE!

And it would seem that a lot of folk agree with my last post


Kiss My Ring
the thing that sticks in my craw is the lack of technical papers or any supporting evidence to the contrary.

what is vibration?

let's start there.
everything vibrates. at it's own frequency.

ever hard of 'noise cancellation'? an identical sine generated to cancel the original?

this is my understanding of the haarp technology, but on a much grander scale than anyone is willing to grasp.

made no easier by certain entities denying the probability.

believe what you will, but respect others rights to the same.

i only present my views so others are exposed and are able to discern for themselves the truth of the matter.

in that regard i will continue to post any and all relevant links.

thank you all for your indulgence.

love prevails.


Kiss My Ring
Electromagnetic Resonance Weapons: A Call to Activists

Lynn Surgalla American Biophysicist PH.D. and Former Vice-President U.S. Psychotronics Association.......................has asked me to encourage all activists to contact the office of Dennis Kucinich and express our concerns regarding the inadequacy of his recently proposed HR 2420. This new bill, although being reintroduced as a "Space Preservation Act", has failed entirely to address the weapons previously listed in HR 2977. The

Electromagnetic Resonance Weapons of Mass Destruction, as listed in 2002 by the United Nations Institute for Disarmament Research, along with Psychotronic Mind Control, sonic, laser, plasma, subatomic particle beams, ELF, ULF, radiation and any other energies directed at individual persons or targeted populations for the purpose of information war, mood management or mind control of such persons or populations, must be recognized and reintroduced into Congress as weapons that are indeed in need of being disarmed.

Electronic Harassment has been recognized by the Michigan State House and laws put in place in that state should serve as an example of what needs to be done at the National Level as well as worked towards internationally.

If you are able to, please contact Dennis Kucinich's office at 1-202-225-5871 and if unable to reach Kucinich on phone, you may express your concerns to his staff member Samantha Stinney. Please suggest that you hope that Dennis Kucinich will also return a call to Lynn Surgalla, American Biophysicist, who is actively speaking at conferences globally in an effort to enlighten people of the serious dangers of these weapons of mass destruction and calling for Congress to reintroduce and pass legislation to ban these weapons. She recently encouraged attendees at the Space Weapons Disarmament Conference, held in New York City, to continue to work with Kucinich, or any other, to have these weapons readdressed by Congress for the purpose of establishing new laws and bans within the United States and globally.


Andinismo Hierbatero
trich, you are aware that 'noise cancellation' does not result in silence, right?

subways use a frequency to cancel out annoying high pitches if present; but you'll still hear the cancelling noise and if u listen closely also the 'cancelled' frequencies.

you cannot just disappear them.


Kiss My Ring


Active member
To think a 3.6MW radio signal can cause earth quakes and hurricanes is pretty silly.

Put it in perspective!

Fat Man, the bomb dropped on Nagasaki, had a yield of 21kt or 88 trillion joules.

3.6MW is 3.6 million joules per second.

That one bomb is 24,444,444 times more powerful than haarp, and it couldn't even trigger an earthquake, outside it's own explosively created one, in Japan of all places.

It would need to run for 6790 hours to equal the power of that relatively small nuclear weapon at 21kt

Russia tested a 57mt bomb with a yield of 207 Petajoules!


Kiss My Ring
To think a 3.6MW radio signal can cause earth quakes and hurricanes is pretty silly.

Put it in perspective!

Fat Man, the bomb dropped on Nagasaki, had a yield of 21kt or 88 trillion joules.

3.6MW is 3.6 million joules per second.

That one bomb is 24,444,444 times more powerful than haarp, and it couldn't even trigger an earthquake, outside it's own explosively created one, in Japan of all places.

It would need to run for 6790 hours to equal the power of that relatively small nuclear weapon at 21kt

Russia tested a 57mt bomb with a yield of 207 Petajoules!

fusion is a completely different animal. tests of minimal power are detected throughout the planet...all that energy released at once (blew the ozone away too) instead of directing it...

...which cannot be detected without the same kind of tech...the ionosphere absorbs the energy like a capacitor until it discharges.

like someone who gets angry when someone will not listen, the anger builds until release, usually out of porportion to the impetus.

dialog brothers.



Active member
fusion is a completely different animal. tests of minimal power are detected throughout the planet...all that energy released at once (blew the ozone away too) instead of directing it...

...which cannot be detected without the same kind of tech...the ionosphere absorbs the energy like a capacitor until it discharges.

like someone who gets angry when someone will not listen, the anger builds until release, usually out of porportion to the impetus.

dialog brothers.


While those examples are open air detonation, a majority of nuclear testing was conducted under ground.

During active ionospheric research, the signal generated by the transmitter system is delivered to the antenna array, transmitted in an upward direction, and is partially absorbed, at an altitude between 100 to 350 km (depending on operating frequency), in a small volume a few hundred meters thick and a few tens of kilometers in diameter over the site. The intensity of the HF signal in the ionosphere is less than 3 microwatts per cm2, tens of thousands of times less than the Sun's natural electromagnetic radiation reaching the earth and hundreds of times less than even the normal random variations in intensity of the Sun's natural ultraviolet (UV) energy which creates the ionosphere. The small effects that are produced, however, can be observed with the sensitive scientific instruments installed at the HAARP facility and these observations can provide new information about the dynamics of plasmas and new insight into the processes of solar-terrestrial interactions.

Effects in the Ionosphere

As stated in the Environmental Impact Statement
The HAARP transmissions would interact with the charged particles in the ionosphere. The interaction of the IRI transmissions with the ions would cause temporary increases in temperatures and decreases in electron densities within the ionosphere lasting from a few seconds to several hours and possibly continuing through a polar winter night [1]. The temporary changes in ionospheric properties, caused by the IRI transmitted radio waves, would be many orders of magnitude less than those changes caused by variations in the sun's energy output.
The IRI would transmit radio waves over the frequency range 2.8 to 10 MHz. The transmitted radio wave beam would occupy a conical volume roughly 30 miles in diameter at an altitude of 300 miles. The transmitted radio waves would have up to 3.3 MW of power, only slightly higher than waves transmitted by radio and television stations.

Even if all the transmitted power from the IRI was absorbed by the ionosphere it would take more than 33,000 HAARP-scale IRIs, transmitting simultaneously to account for just 1 percent of the auroral ionosphere's energy budget. Another way of showing the vast difference between the amount of energy that would be dissipated in the atmosphere by the HAARP transmissions and natural processes is through a comparison of the local dissipation power in terms of power densities. The maximum power density of the IRI transmitted waves would be about 30 milliwatts per square meter (mW/2) at 50 miles altitude decreasing to 1 mW/2 at 186 miles altitude in the F region. In comparison, the densities of power dissipated by an aurora could exceed 2 W/2, or roughly 2000 times greater then the expected maximum dissipation due to the absorption of the HAARP high frequency transmissions in the F region. Even the daily absorption of solar radiation easily exceeds the most intense, low altitude HAARP-ionduced energy deposition rate by a factor of ten.

Temperature Effects

The ionosphere's temperature would be detectably affected within a few milliseconds of initiating IRI transmissions. Within seconds of initiating IRI transmissions the temperature of the affected conical volume of the ionosphere would begin to rise. The magnitude of the temperature rise would be a function of transmitted power and duration, transmission characteristics such as frequency, and perhaps most importantly, ionospheric conditions.
Existing facilities, such as the IRI in operation at Tromsoe, Norway, typically can enhance F region electron temperatures over a small range of altitudes by up to about 80° F, relative to natural ambient temperatures of 1340° F to 1727° F. Elevated temperatures due to the IRI would rapidly return to ambient levels once transmissions are ended. The rapid return to ambient conditions would be the result of the dissipation of the extra heat energy by collisions of heated electrons with ambient ions and neutral particles. In the F region the temperatures would return to ambient levels in a few tens of seconds. The return time to ambient temperature levels decreases with decreasing altitude through the F and E layers and down into the D layer where the neutral gas density is about one million times greater than in the F layer. In the D layer the temperatures would return to background levels within less than a millisecond of terminating transmissions.

Electron Density

Changes in electron density would be associated with high frequency induced temperature increases. IRI transmission induced temperature increases would cause increases in electron densities in the D, E, and F layers below approximately 124 miles above the ground and decreases in electron density in the F layer above approximately 124 miles above ground. Two primary temperature dependent processes would affect electron densities due to IRI transmissions. One process involves the recombination of ions and electrons into neutral molecules (two or more bonded atoms), which make up the troposphere and statosphere. Higher temperatures slow down the recombination rate resulting in higher electron densities. The second process involves the expansion of the ionospheric atmosphere due to heating. The expansion causes the ionosphere electron density to decrease.
Thermal expansion would be inhibited and electron recombination rates would decrease in the D, E, and F layers below approximately 124 miles above the ground. As a result, electron densities within the conical volume of the IRI beam could increase on the order of 20 percent. Above approximately 124 miles, above ground, in the F layer, thermal expansion would prevail over reduced recombination rate effects and the electron density within the affected conical volume of the F layer would decrease. The magnitude of the decrease could range up to 10 - 15 percent over an altitude range of a few tens of miles.

Ionospheric electron densities would return to background levels over time scales similar to, though somewhat longer than, those associated with high frequency induced electron temperature effects. In the D and E layers the electron densities would immediately return to background conditions once the IRI is turned off. The decreased electron densities induced within the affected conical volume of the F layer could last anywhere from a few hours to an entire polar night. However, IRI transmission induced temporal changes to ionospheric electron densities would be insignificant compared to naturally induced changes.


There would be no significant impacts to the ionosphere. Hence no mitigation measures would be necessary.
previous * *

Purpose and Objectives of the HAARP Program

As stated in the Environmental Impact Statement
The High-frequency Active Auroral Research Program (HAARP) is a congressionally initiated program jointly managed by the U.S. Air Force and U.S. Navy. The program's goal is to provide a state-of-the-art U.S. owned ionospheric research facility readily accessible to U.S. scientists from universities, the private sector and government. This facility would be the most advanced in the world and would attract international scientists and foster cooperative research efforts. The program's purpose is to provide a research facility to conduct pioneering experiments in ionospheric phenomena. The data obtained from the proposed research would be used to analyze basic ionospheric properties and to assess the potential for developing ionospheric enhancement technology for communications and surveillance purposes.
The layer of the earth's atmosphere called the ionosphere begins approximately 30 miles above the surface and extends upward to approximately 620 miles. In contrast to the layers of the atmosphere closer to the earth, which are composed of neutral atoms and molecules, the ionosphere contains both positively and negatively charged particles known as ions and electrons. These ions and electrons are created naturally by radiation from our sun.

The ionized gas in the ionosphere behaves much differently from the neutral atmosphere closer to the earth. A major difference is that although radio signals pass through the lower atmosphere undistorted, the signals directed through the ionosphere may be distorted, totally reflected or absorbed. For example, communication links from the ground to earth-orbiting satellites can experience fading due to ionospheric distortion; an AM radio signal sometimes can reflect, or "skip", off the ionosphere and be heard at locations hundreds of miles distant from the broadcasting radio station; the characteristic fading on the high-frequency (HF) or "shortwave" band is due to ionospheric interference. Because of its strong interaction with radio waves, the ionosphere also interferes with U.S. Department of Defense (DOD) communications and radar surveillance systems, which depend on sending radio waves from one location to another.

Ionospheric disturbances at high latitudes also can act to induce large currents in electric power grids; these are thought to cause power outages. Understanding of these and other phenomena is important to maintain reliable communication and power services. HAARP is needed to continue and expand basic research efforts on the properties and potential uses of the ionosphere for enhanced communications and surveillance. To meet the project's research objectives, the HAARP facility would utilize powerful, high frequency (HF) transmissions and a variety of associated observational instruments to investigate naturally occurring and artificially induced ionospheric processes that support, enhance or degrade the propagation of radio waves.

Investigations conducted at the HAARP facility are expected to provide significant scientific advancements in understanding the ionosphere. The research facility would be used to understand, simulate and control ionospheric processes that might alter the performance of communications and surveillance systems. This research would enhance present civilian and DOD capabilities because it would facilitate the development of techniques to mitigate or control ionospheric processes.

Civilian applications from the program's research could lead to improved local and world-wide communications such as satellite communication. Furthermore, and possibly more significant is the potential for new technology that could be developed from a better understanding of ionospheric processes.

A potential DOD application of the research is to provide communications to submerged submarines. These and many other research applications are expected to greatly enhance present DOD technology.

There are several HF transmitters located throughout the world which conduct research similar to that proposed by HAARP. However, no facility, located either in the U.S. or elsewhere, has the transmitting capability needed to address the broad range of research goals which HAARP proposes to study. The most capable HF transmitters currently operating are located in Russia and Norway and have effective radiated powers (ERP) of roughly one billion watts (1 gigawatt). One gigawatt of ERP represents an important threshold power level, allowing significant radio wave generation and analysis of key ionospheric phenomena. The HAARP facility is designed to have an ERP above one gigawatt. This would elevate the United States to owning and operating the world's most capable ionospheric research instrument.



Living Organic Soil...
ICMag Donor
Gotta sadly shake my head at the status quo defenders.

Israel is treating the Gaza strip much like the Nazi's treated the Jews in the ghetto. They (the oppressed) made a historic last stand and resisted brutal SS attacks.

World outrage about Israeli crimes grows. Did Israel overstep this time? Millions of ordinary people say so. They support Palestine. They’re outraged about daily bombing, shelling, slaughter, and destruction.

Civilians are willfully targeted. Innocent men, women, children, infants and the elderly are dying. Many others are injured. Many are in serious condition. Some won’t survive. Others will be maimed for life.

Illegal terror weapons are used. Injuries sustained are horrific. Doctors see charred, scorched, ripped apart patients.

Some show up with horrible burns, lost limbs, brain damage, or other major injuries. Others arrive dead.

Every day is Kristallnacht in Palestine. Besieged Gaza replicates Warsaw ghetto conditions. Under attack, it resembles early days of its uprising. For European Jews, it was a seminal historic moment.

They were sealed off behind high walls 10 feet high and 11 miles long. Peak population exceeded 400,000. Overcrowding crammed residents into an area about two and a half miles long by a mile wide.

Conditions were horrific. Food was scarce. Little was available. Hunger and malnutrition were extreme. Starvation was common. Sanitation collapsed. Disease was rampant. Medical treatment was nonexistent.

Thousands died monthly. Corpses lay in streets. By early 1943, only 60,000 remained. Others starved to death, perished from disease, or died in concentration camps.

In mid-February, final “resettlement” was ordered. Residents knew it meant gas chamber death. Many decided to resist at all costs. Positions were fortified in sewers, cellars, vaults, and other areas.

Residents had some small arms and homemade grenades. Mostly, they were determined to resist. In April, emptying the ghetto was ordered. Its size was reduced to about 1,000 by 300 yards.

On April 19, 5,000 SS and regular army troops stormed the ghetto. They were heavily armed with tanks, artillery, flame throwers and dynamite squads.

Against great odds, Jews stood their ground heroically. They resisted involuntary resettlement. Men and women fought together. Nazi ferocity increased.

Germans were vicious. Captives were tortured. Mother had babies torn from their arms. They watched helplessly as solders smashed their heads against walls to save bullets.

By May 16, resistance collapsed. Most held firm to the end. Captured survivors were murdered in Treblinka and other camps. Final resolution was never in doubt. Symbolically the Jews won. They fought Nazi viciousness because it mattered.


To really understand what is happening inside USA you must understand what happened to Germany after WW1 and the rise of the Nazi's. Were the Nazi's just a few bad eggs or was there deeply entrenched occult practices amongst their elite? What exactly are the TSA going to be doing on your highways, bus and train stations etc. Just following orders? Like a good German?

Tesla figured out how to get energy from the ionosphere using devices similar to radio antennae.

So the status quo defenders have by now looked into this man? This man who dies destitute and completely unknown as his name was literally removed from the history books...


Kiss My Ring
J. M. Williams Thermal and Nonthermal Interactions of Microwaves v. 1.11 6
EMR Interaction Can Not All Be Heat
Consider a tissue boundary such as the mucous membrane of the stomach wall or
the endothelium of a large blood vessel. Such a boundary will be enclosed in cell
membranes with a regular coulomb structure, the structure being organ dependent
when relaxed in the absence of EMR.
For example, without much loss of generality, let us take a structure consisting of
electric dipoles which happened to be aligned with positive pole locally pointing into
some polar fluid such as water. This is shown in Figure 2:
Figure 2. Unaligned electric dipoles in a fluid (left) bounded by solid
tissue with a membrane layer of aligned dipoles.
Now, how would microwave EMR raise the temperature of the fluid? More
generally, how can one understand the effect of microwave EMR on the structures in
Figure 2? Especially, how could a coherent, regularly structured beam create
increased disorder (heat) in the fluid?
The effect within the bulk of the fluid is easy to understand: The dipoles initially
may be assumed arranged at random with respect to one another. When they are
rotated (torqued) together, all magnitudes in phase with the EMR, they interact at
random distances and phases with respect to one another. Thus, the EMR-induced
motions contribute random momentum and therefore random energy. This is
shown in Figure 3. In that figure, the Poynting vector
is shown for EMR
propagating as a plane wave from left to right, with a few illustrative EMR torque
angles shown. The Poynting vector is given to define the direction of the incident
EMR as the direction of E ´ H , were the medium removed and replaced by vacuum.
J. M. Williams Thermal and Nonthermal Interactions of Microwaves v. 1.11 7
Figure 3. Sketch of the effect of a plane EMR beam propagating in a
bulk fluid of polar elements, with a net result of increasing the
temperature. The E-vector magnitude and polarity (+ up) is shown on
an arbitrary vertical scale. The EMR torque on a few illustrative polar
elements is shown as a vectorial angle.
So, the net effect of the EMR is to deposit energy in the fluid. This energy
macroscopically is completely disordered and therefore is heat energy.
Now consider the same EMR near the fluid boundary: The boundary is more
ordered than the bulk of the fluid, so some EMR energy will be delivered to the
membrane as free energy, not heat. It is not physically possible that no free energy
would be delivered. As it happens, in the absence of EMR, the fluid dipoles will
tend to be somewhat ordered (correlated) close to the membrane anyway, so as to
tend to line up with the membrane dipoles. This means that random motion
because of heat is screened from the membrane dipoles to some extent by the dipoles
in the immediately adjacent fluid. The heat in the fluid immediately adjacent to
the membrane is represented by lower-amplitude, less random velocities of larger,
more correlated ionic elements. All this is sketched in Figure 4, where, for variety, a
gaussian-tapered beam envelope is assumed.
J. M. Williams Thermal and Nonthermal Interactions of Microwaves v. 1.11 8
Figure 4. Sketch of the effect of a gaussian EMR beam propagating
from a polar fluid across an organ boundary with a polarized
membrane. Nothing to scale. Necessarily, some EMR energy will be
transferred to the boundary as free energy, not as heat.
If we assume in general that the Poynting vector
will not be perfectly
perpendicular to the boundary, then the interaction in Figure 4 will deliver some
linear momentum transverse to
; the EMR beam will be refracted. The angle of
refraction will be proportional to the amount of free energy delivered to the
boundary dipoles. The momentum transferred to the membrane will correspond
entirely to free energy; no heat will be involved. We ignore here the dielectric and
other properties quantifying the direction and amount of refraction. For now, we
also ignore diffraction and reflections (which would set up standing wave
modulations in the incident beam).
So, we may see that an ordering effect will occur in the direction of propagation,
and also in general transverse to it. Because all body tissue is ordered at organ
boundaries, and also is ordered in bulk (except maybe fat, and fluid such as blood,
lymph, or a digestive juice), all body tissue will receive free energy from EMR.
We therefore assert that the burden of proof should be on the claim that
microwaves act like microwave ovens and do nothing but cause heat to be
transferred to living tissue. Based on the prima facie argument of this section, EMR
should be assumed have nonthermal effects on living tissue unless explicitly
provable otherwise.


ooops, the graph didnt want to accompany me


Active member
Tesla figured out how to get energy from the ionosphere using devices similar to radio antennae.

So the status quo defenders have by now looked into this man? This man who dies destitute and completely unknown as his name was literally removed from the history books...

Keep the irael hating to your conspiracy forums.

While I don't agree with the state, the people are just that, people.

On to tesla.

Yes, he devised a simple way to gather electricity from the open air, not using something like a radio antenna, but an actual radio antenna.

Problem is it is very weak, and expensive to construct' and limited to the amount of radio waves available in the capturable wavelength.

Telsa Was a genius, but there ain't no free energy, or anything.

We also know that Tesla's capacitance estimate was essentially correct: Earth's self-capacitance is about 710 microfarads.[33]

A farad is the charge in coulombs which a capacitor will accept for the potential across it to change 1 volt. A coulomb is 1 ampere second. Example: A capacitor with capacitance of 47 nF will increase by 1 volt per second with a 47 nA input current.
1 microfarad (μF) = one millionth (10-6) of a farad, or 1000000 pF, or 1000 nF; 1 nanofarad (nF) = one billionth (10-9) of a farad, or 1000 pF; 1 picofarad (pF) = one trillionth (10-12) of a farad.

In spite of ridicule, many of Tesla's ideas have been demonstrated to be essentially correct. For example he correctly predicted the existence of the ionosphere and electrical resonance of the Earth-atmosphere system. Resonance of the earth-ionosphere cavity with a fundamental frequency in the vicinity of 7.3*Hz was demonstrated in the 1950s as the Schumann resonance.[55] The latter phenomenon was named after Schumann, for although Tesla had detected a resonance of the Earth-atmosphere system, he was not taken seriously in his time.[56] Furthermore, Tesla appears to have excited a different terrestrial resonance mode with a fundamental frequency of 11.78*Hz.

With his wireless transmission device You still need to produce the energy being transmitted, and unless you can build a tower into the ionosphere you aren't getting from there.

Then one must consider the scale of world electrical demand, 15terawatts a year, the sun is enough but we don't have the technology yet, and it's a far better path than harvesting ambient radio waves.