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H3ad goes Coco

There is no Ca deficiencies 6/9 has what you need. Tap water 42ppms PH 5.8 to 6.2 most of the time 5.8. I feed the hole time in coco Pepe La Chem.


Depending on the type of coco you are using (buffered or not) the coco itself will hold on to a good deal of the calcium and magnesium that you are feeding into it...also some types of plants need more than others.

While the formula grows good bud, you miss out on things that can make it much better. Silicon, humic and fulvic acids and using a separate veg formula until flowering begins WILL increase your yield. So what I am saying is the formula works great, yes. But there are much better product out there to use in Coco nowadays.

I used the gh for a long time with great results...but I get even better results now with Cogr


Active member
Love using the 6/9 formula. I've found it works just fine with CES and Technaflora nutes as well. Once in a while i'll add some additives like CalMag but my plants generally do fine without it.
So the revised formula is 6/12 with a 1/4g of epsom? Or a full gram? Epsom needed if using tap or just if using RO?


Well-known member
I wonder if the 6/12 will fix any of my issues I've been having.

Normally run 6/9 in vented spaces with no issues.. always healthy. Now Im struggling with deficiencies, etc while running 6/9 in a sealed space w/ co2. I'm growing larger plants, but aside from that have not changed a thing. RO water.

Is it likely that 6/9 is just not enough for some large shrubbery in a sealed space with lots of wattage and co2?

grow nerd

Active member
I think you might have just figured it out. I've only flowered in sealed rooms, and always run into Ca/Mg/P deficiencies with 6/9 on very low TDS tap like you guys or R/O ... thinking back, only times I was able to get away with straight 6/9 was in veg, which was in a non-sealed environment. Which deficiencies are you seeing?

eastbay jpl, are you in a CO2-enriched, sealed room?


I wonder if the 6/12 will fix any of my issues I've been having.

Normally run 6/9 in vented spaces with no issues.. always healthy. Now Im struggling with deficiencies, etc while running 6/9 in a sealed space w/ co2. I'm growing larger plants, but aside from that have not changed a thing. RO water.

Is it likely that 6/9 is just not enough for some large shrubbery in a sealed space with lots of wattage and co2?

Are you feeding every day? If not, you should. Maybe even 2-3 times a day depending on plant size and pots. If you are, then try using 10-20% less water when mixing your 6/9 formula if they look hungry with co2 and sealed environment. But it wouldn't hurt to go 6/12 if you need to.
I run a sealed room Co2 at 900 ppm room temp 78 to 80 hum 45 % I water every day with a good run off like 10to 20 %. You just looking to keep your Mg at 60 ppm that is what the epsom is for. So with 3/6 epson is 1.3gm 6/9 epsom is 1gm and 6/12 epsom is 1/4gm all per gl.

grow nerd

Active member
Any particular reason you run @ 900ppm vs the "traditional" 1200-1500, and <80*F instead of 82-85*F?

Are you getting better results?

Have you ever run @ 1200+ppm @ >= 82*F? Any deficiencies?


Active member
I run a sealed room Co2 at 900 ppm room temp 78 to 80 hum 45 % I water every day with a good run off like 10to 20 %. You just looking to keep your Mg at 60 ppm that is what the epsom is for. So with 3/6 epson is 1.3gm 6/9 epsom is 1gm and 6/12 epsom is 1/4gm all per gl.

RO or tap? My tap is 150ppm and my plants are showing defficiencies.. Not sure if I should up it too 6/12 and start using a 1/4g a gal of epsom or just bump up to 6/12

grow nerd

Active member
Well, are you seeing Mg deficiencies or are you seeing P/K deficiencies? pH?

eastbay jpl said that he uses tap @ ~40ppm.


my tap is less than 30 ppm and i run 6/9 just fine. Non sealed room. After 2 weeks flower I run 6/12. I never use epsom. Maybe 2-3ml of calmag once in a while for a couple of waterings but thats it. Botanicare coco bricks.


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I have run 1200 to 1500 ppm with Co2 in my room. I run it at 900 now from a tip from DHF
he is a old time grower on here. He got his info from Heath Robinson.


Heath didn't run sealed rooms. He uses a fan that is big enough to exchange the air in the grow twice per minute. L x W X H x 2 = cfm needed. Supposedly 900-1100 is good though for co2 and sealed rooms. I always thought you had to have temps at 85 for it to be absorbed the best though. Might be harder to dehumidify the room at 85 though.
I run my room at 78 to 80 deg on the outside temp the inside is 84.5 on the display. My hum is from 37 to 50% with light on with light off 65 to 70. Im going to put in a 10in fan with filter with a motorized damper setup to a humidistat set at 45% when light go off.


Active member
I'm not very good at distinguishing deficiencies so hopefully someone can chirp in... I think its Mg though? Stems to the fan leaves are purple you can see in the last pic. Sort of looks like N at first but they are getting full blast 6/9 and only on their 5th node so I would be a little surprised if they needed more N at this point.
They are being watered with aerate tap that comes out at 150PPM and usually feed is around 750-775. I was watering for a while with 5.8 on the dot every feed but was suggested to let PH drift so the last 2 feeds have been 6.2.






yeah you shouldn't be seeing that. Not sure exactly what it is. Id stop using any foliar or additives for a while and just the 6/9 with 5.8ish pH. Make sure you're mixing the micro in the water before adding and mixing the bloom. Don't know what else to say really unless your pH meter is off.

It kinda looks like they may be burning a bit. If others can confirm that, then either some foliar spray or additive is causing it or you need to cut the 6/9 down to 3/6 until they get bigger. But i'm thinking they should be able to handle 6/9 by now.


Active member
yeah you shouldn't be seeing that. Not sure exactly what it is. Id stop using any foliar or additives for a while and just the 6/9 with 5.8ish pH. Make sure you're mixing the micro in the water before adding and mixing the bloom. Don't know what else to say really unless your pH meter is off.

It kinda looks like they may be burning a bit. If others can confirm that, then either some foliar spray or additive is causing it or you need to cut the 6/9 down to 3/6 until they get bigger. But i'm thinking they should be able to handle 6/9 by now.

Mhmm, Ive used magic green as a foliar and they responded great.. Last time was about 3 weeks ago. For a while I was using Roots excel, drip clean and silca but have now dropped all those and running straight 6/9. PH pen is calibrated once every 2 weeks so I dont think it's PH. Ill stay strictly on 6/9 for a while and see how they respond.