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H3ad goes Coco

One Love 731

Senior Member
I am running in a 80/20 coco perlite mix and have been running the Rez recipe but recently I have had a small amount a mag deficiency, in reading your recipe I noticed you use a gram of Epsom salt per gallon. For mixing a larger batch can I use a tsp per 5 gallons? You can see my grow in the GHS thread in my signature. Why do you not drop the micro at the end. I apologize if some of this is redundant, anybody can answer. Karma, One Love


St. Elsewhere
So I found this, and thought instantly of you, h3ad.



^^ nice find.

well my ladies are extremely happy and I can't understand why anyone would hate on this method. things are getting fat and glistening in here and I'm barely at day 23

and these ladies were started from seed and were flipped just 2 days ago, things will get tight in here too
^^ looking good

Im three weeks into my second coco run and would like to thank you again.
Last run I did have a few issues and started to see them again so a few things I changed were: diluting the mix to 5ml micro and 7.5ml bloom ( same ratio you gave ) and always making sure to run 50/50 tap as when I would run straight RO I would run into problems there also.

Now 3 weeks in consistently doing this and everything is green and I have no more burn or issues.

Also still running 1/3 ratio on my mom's under 4 floros and they seem to love it and do great... thats with inconsistent watering and not paying much attention. No burn and perfectly green and growing



Let me preface this post with what soo many other Grat3ful growers have already done...thank you soo much for helping to inform us who have neither the experience or senses to come up with on our own.

I tried to PM you to avoid clogging up this thread but for some reason cannot. And if I ask a question that has already been covered, please accept my apologies. The 24 pages of this thread was exhausting...especially when you get to the troll at the end.

1) It was said to flush the coco before using. Is this with plain water or 6/9 solution or a diluted strength?
if it is bricked coco then I would flush it heavily with ph 5.8 plain water. clear runoff is a good sign of it being flushed well enough. if you precharge the coco for seeds it should be just calmag + beneficial fungi

2) Will this formula for coco work for most strains?
yes. it is also easy to adjust for nute sensitive sativas and those hungry indicas

3) What is the environment you run in? Canopy temps, RH in veg and flower, day and night?

4) My tap is usually around 7.4 pH and usually around 300-350ppm. Should I use RO only or a mix of tap/RO?
i'd do the mix. or pure r/o. but you have to supplement extra calmag every watering with r/o

5) Once you mix a batch of nutes, how long can it sit in the reservoir before you should dump and remix? I plan on handwatering to waste, and using a pump to constantly recirculate nutes in the reservoir between feedings.
a while, maybe 2-3 weeks but the ph will slowly rise, which in turn means more ph down. i would mix up enough for a week though if i was hand watering. just keep your eye on the ph

6) You mentioned toward the end of the thread that you would prefer the "crouton" style coco. Would you still want to add some perlite or is the coarse coco coarse enough to add more air pockets?
coarse coco is not something i would use in a hand watered setup. im running coco/perlite and water 4 x daily on drip. just a heads up the ladies can really drink my pots dry in 1 day (3 gal)

7) I have some clones that were rooted in rapid rooters, then started in Light Warrior in dixie cups and then transplanted to 6" pots in Roots Organics soil. Can you successfully transfer those to coco? I could take cuttings from those clones in the soil now and start fresh in coco if it would be more successful.
i would start fresh in coco, well rooter first then to coco. i think the soil, if theres enough of it, might mess up the whole coco hydro chemistry

I am very excited to run in coco as soil has been a nightmare for me.

I am also thankful to have found you to learn from. So many times a good grower is not always a good teacher and you explain things in a way that even I can understand.

Thanks bro! :smokeit:

wow didnt even see heads reply to these but answered them anyways! lol

gl man!

Hey man, thats what I love about ICMAG, you can get tons of advice, you just gotta weed out the bs. Seems like you guys (most) in this thread know your shit. I'm always open to advice. Thanks guys!

Picked up my coco and other supplies today and will be working through the night to get it up and growing. I'll try and keep a good journal.

I have K def in mine- mg as well I think, might be just K.

I am thinking run to waste might have kept the nutrients in medium too low as compared to recirc systems.

I did the test: 6ml Micro= 470ppm 9ml Bloom= 270ppm

I made a whole res with measuring and sure enough it came out exactly as above.

This seems pretty low- and when I was running it I started getting K def (which took me forever to diagnose, cause who gets K def is coco?)

I am upping the bloom and micro some. Bloom went to 300 (10ml), still not enough- slowing upping again. Micro is at 500- though I did try as high as 550 (about 7ml).

Anyone else hit anything like this?

Has anyone else hit K def?


hi all

i currently use promix with lucas. im on well water @ 190ppm so i use Micro Hardwater with fine results .

When I switch to coco and H3ad's formula, should i keep running Micro Hardwater?


if you have really really hard water ya otherwise it should really not be a problem


The Voice of Reason
About the pbp... I am unfamiliar with it in coco, and the fert product database I use does not list the analysis... Isn't pbp a one part nute? if so, then concentration is the only issue, right? or are you looking for additive schedule also? anyhow, if you have the analysis, the calculator is at cannastats... or you could post it up and I'll plug it into the calc...



Now that you have been running the coco for a couple of years, have you made any changes to your original formula?



Is it spring yet?

Is it spring yet?

still running the 6/9... =]

The 6/9 ROCKS!

Just transplanted these little chicas earlier this week in the autopots. while i'm not totally going run to waste, i've seen some people here have some really good luck with the 6/9 and autopots. They were a little stressed out due to reverting back to veg but i can now see the new shoots coming out with normal growth.

-dodo :joint:

Last edited:


any harm in these ratios with GH micro/bloom run to waste?


days: 1-14 : 8ml micro / 12ml bloom
days: 15-21: 6ml micro / 9ml bloom / 7ml kool bloom
days: 22-28: 3ml micro / 15ml bloom
days: 29-37: 3ml micro / 12ml bloom / 7ml kool bloom
days: 38-53: 3ml micro / 15ml bloom
days: 54-60: flush with pure Ph'd water



About the pbp... I am unfamiliar with it in coco, and the fert product database I use does not list the analysis... Isn't pbp a one part nute? if so, then concentration is the only issue, right? or are you looking for additive schedule also? anyhow, if you have the analysis, the calculator is at cannastats... or you could post it up and I'll plug it into the calc...

try this database


2.5 - 2 - 5 - 1 - .5
n p k Ca Mg

PBP Bloom

and 15ml PBP Bloom and 5 CalMag+ / Magical / Cal Max profiles at:
N - P - K - Mg - Ca

sorry, I don't know the sulfur content.


Formula comparison

Formula comparison

Hi H3ad, Just wanted to drop by and say thanks for all your information and contributions to the community. Also wanted to know your opinions on Swerves's nute regimen for O.G. with GH products?

Originally Posted by Swerve
well no offense to anyone using 1 part micro 2 parts bloom for vegg but you will not get the nitrogen and micronutrients needed to get through veg... the plants look like they always want something cuz they do they want and need more nitrogen.. in flower i switch it to 1 part micro 2 parts bloom then about half way through i drop the micro to almost nothing as the calmag has nitrogen in it already. so it will keep the plants green through flowering with causeing foxtails

Originally Posted by Swerve
paulo thats the regiment for og... gh 3 part.. the lucas formula doesnt work with og...you have to reverse it...2 part micro 1 part bloom...even though in veg i swap the bloom for calmag...so in veg i run my gear like this 2 parts micro and 1 part calmag...and when i am about to be close to flower i start to add in the bloom...

·[FONT=&quot] 2 Parts micro[/FONT]
·[FONT=&quot] 1 Part Cal-Mag[/FONT]
·[FONT=&quot] Hygrozyme[/FONT]
·[FONT=&quot] When close to flower you add 1part bloom[/FONT]
·[FONT=&quot] 1 Part micro[/FONT]
·[FONT=&quot] 2 Parts Bloom[/FONT]
·[FONT=&quot] 1 Part Cal-Mag[/FONT]
·[FONT=&quot] Hygrozyme[/FONT]
·[FONT=&quot] [FONT=&quot]Half way through I drop the micro to almost nothing as the cal-mag has nitrogen in it already.[/FONT][/FONT]
