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H3ad goes Coco


just because my wit gets under your skin doesnt mean that im angry with u, its been fun, ive learned the little u have to teach, ive thanked u twice, your stuck in your ways and messing up some not all of peoples rooms, just look at the recent post in the coco forum, another freshie, person ruined his seedlings with your advice, then change up and had sucess. but i know that person was wrong in their methods and we should tell them there wrong too.

big amount of coco and seedling+your water method=fooked up plants
big amount of coco and seedling+plus very modest watering alowing some drying to occur=healthy growth

but yet u want to prove that a seedling can be grown in a big ol pot of coco and watered to the bejesus, who cares?? go waste water mate, i dont care, im saving people dead plants and water, ive never had a problem growing erbs, never, first time, last time, same great results soil or coco, never learned nothing from u but 6/9 which aint sayin much-


The Voice of Reason
just because my wit gets under your skin doesnt mean that im angry with u, its been fun, ive learned the little u have to teach, ive thanked u twice, your stuck in your ways and messing up peoples rooms, just look at the recent post in the coco forum, just saw another freshie, person ruined his seedlings with your advice, then change up and had sucess. but i know that person was wrong in their methods and we should tell them there wrong too, because its about u grateful, its all about u-
Your wit does not get under my skin... your witlessness does

If they messed up their seedlings then they weren't properly following my methods... It is not really advice since I tell people what I do or what I would do, not what they should do...

And no it is not ALL about me... But this thread IS about how I grow in coco... That's all this thread is about... You read the thread title, right?

If the person who had ruined their seedlings had done what I would have done then their seedlings would be fine... You need to find another thread to troll, this one has grown bored of you and your asshattery... If my methods fucked up someone's garden, then it should be up to them to have the discussion about what happened and why... It is not your place to jump to conclusions based on limited information and limited understanding and run around trying to correct things you barely understand...


The Voice of Reason
just because my wit gets under your skin doesnt mean that im angry with u, its been fun, ive learned the little u have to teach, ive thanked u twice, your stuck in your ways and messing up peoples rooms, just look at the recent post in the coco forum, just saw another freshie, person ruined his seedlings with your advice, then change up and had sucess. but i know that person was wrong in their methods and we should tell them there wrong too.

big amount of coco and seedling+your water method=fooked up plants
big amount of coco and seedling+plus very modest watering alowing some drying to occur=healthy growth

but yet u want to prove that a seedling can be grown in a big ol pot of coco and watered to the bejesus, who cares?? go waste water mate, i dont care, im saving people dead plants and water, ive never had a problem growing erbs, never, first time, last time, same great results soil or coco, never learned nothing from u but 6/9 which aint sayin much-
you are full of shit!
You are not saving anyone, you are confusing them...

you talkin about this guy who got damp off following your methods?
Popped fifty, 49 broke through the coco and in the last twenbty four hours 5-10 have died or are about to.

The stems are just folding over on themselves. they get real thin and soft about half way up and just die.

Temps have been a steady 78. Humidity is low. Coco is roots organic bales which is quality and pretreated. I saturated it with 2 ml. karma, and 2 ml. of calmag.

I let it dry out abit once they broke the coco surface and then three days later i fed them a solution of the same as what i pretreated with, at a PH of 6.0.
They are under fluoros and they are about a half inch above the plants.
They looked great for the first 3-4 days and now seem to be dieing fast!
Please help.
They were started in coco that had the water squeezed out of them and have been watered just once and just maybe an ounce or two in all of 5 or 6 days.
Damping off is all i can assume yet i KNOW i am not overwatering and the humidity is low. As far as i can tell high humidity and overwatering is what causes damping off. I have neither happening.
The advice you gave in his thread was of no help to him at all, he was already letting it dry...
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i was just thinking how u sounded needy, very cana proud waiting for something from me your never going to get,like respect for bad advice,, now u double posted? as well as said u dont care what anybody thinks? but also claim to want to help people..

u sound overDone, much like u overwater- maybe your dehyrated yourself? u really should treat yourself like your coco i think-

not only is your argument contrary to hydroponic gardening

this is a voluntary grow diary of a grower transitioning to a new medium

some people consider it a privileged to see how a breeder or real experienced grower approaches a project like this
he doesn;t have to share and people dont have to sbubscribe, but for the number of members I know who have had nothing but great things to say about heads gear and methods they have emulated can we keep the off topic off focus shit out of the thread

it becomes a real buzz kill when there is scratching and clawing at every turn

give the man his due respect and chase him down elsewhere like in the God forum like the rest of us :biggrin:

Happy Holidaze to th Gr3ateful Family :deadxmas:


ive tried to delete my accounts already, couldnt do it, maybe christmas will come early
-:window:that can be your gift to me , as your watering methods as a one size fits all have no use for me or alot of other people as gifts-

and then after christmas comes ill log in again and step out of a old trolls trap, i havent decided.


i feel good knowing that ive helped some people not drown there young plants, on other threads n this one to who ever looks at it and just cant stop wrecking there plants with your advice, i actaully thought u might be evil for a while, never met someone who wants to waste water n harm plants like u seem to want but u have your parameters n others have theres, your a one size fits all kind of guy, . let the name calling go, it takes one to know one, that why i havent called u any names- i dont want to know u or think i do. i just disagree with your water method for all scenerios-

i had another member send me rotten messages twice back to back, had to block them, i guess if u insult someone in prv like a troll your not a troll your just angry and have something to prove- my question is why not prove it without the anger?


The Voice of Reason
i feel good knowing that ive helped some people not drown there young plants, on other threads n this one to who ever looks at it and just cant stop wrecking there plants with your advice, i actaully thought u might be evil for a while, never met someone who wants to waste water n harm plants like u seem to want but u have your parameters n others have theres, your a one size fits all kind of guy, . let the name calling go, it takes one to know one, that why i havent called u any names- i dont want to know u or think i do. i just disagree with your water method for all scenerios-

you ain't helped anyone...
My methods do not harm plants...
My methods do not involve putting small plants in large amounts of coco... (the only valid point you made has nothing to even do with my methods)

Stop trolling...
You can disagree all you like, I don't care, but every time you post up BULLSHIT in my thread I will absolutely call it bullshit....

You fucked up your garden by NOT following my advice... Your OWN posts said so... So take your lies elsewhere...
im running this without filtering my water, ph tested my nutes and their at about 6, i have ph drops so exactly i cant tell,
my feeding schedule is feed them untill there full then just add water without run off so as the keep nutrients in solution in the medium.

Of course you got root rot keeping them stagnant and wet not allowing runoff... you cannot blame that on me on any level, you can only blame that on being a noob...

Now... You have made it clear that you disagree...
No need to repeat it ad nauseum...

No... like I said in the PM you broke Forum Guidelines by posting up... Fuck off posting up your bullshit in my thread... You're not helping anyone with your continued assertion of ignorance, and everyone who has properly used my methods seems to disagree with you anyhow...


doggie its not about your methods, ive said this oodles of times, its about others methods with your water techniques, cant u read-,

thats why iim not angry, u keep bringing up what u though u read not what i wrote. u really are for like page three argueing with someone other then me.


The Voice of Reason
doggie its not about your methods, ive said this oodles of times, its about others methods with your water techniques, cant u read-,

thats why iim not angry, u keep bringing up what u though u read not what i wrote. u really are for like page three argueing with someone other then me.

agree with most things in this post except the need to water every day or that more waterings make plants grow faster, completely wrong in my expirence,

I never said my water method was good for all scenarios, only this one... You said something was "completely wrong" that I know for a fact to NOT be wrong...

You have been crawfishing and spin-doctoring your meaning since your original disagreement... More troll sign... you never really had any point at all that had anything to do with my thread of my methods... your point is trolling


well dam it there's always some 1 who has to spoil a good thread

been a while since i posted last. heads are good ppl who KNOW WHAT THERE TALKIN ABOUT carry on i will just sit and watch

happy silly season heads every 1 :santa1:


********* Female Seeds
ICMag Donor
well dam it there's always some 1 who has to spoil a good thread

been a while since i posted last. heads are good ppl who KNOW WHAT THERE TALKIN ABOUT carry on i will just sit and watch

happy silly season heads every 1 :santa1:

You damn skippy.

Give me some Casey Jones and I'll be happy.

Now Back To The Show Head's we got some learning to do.

TY KG :)

Have A Great Day All

I had to come back here and update regarding something that well just blows my mind. I got flooded years ago and my Casey mom was lost :( she is in my top 4 of all time high's so understand I missed her MORE than my Home Theater (yes she's that good) The Heads were kind enough years back to allow me the privilege of trying their gear and was damn proud to do it.

Not just minutes ago after I posted this I went out to do a little house cleaning and lo and behold what do I find way in the back of the TOP shelf but a little baggie with Head Seeds on it. I think to myself oh Wags you kept that baggy for sentimental reason's,so I flip it over and there they were 2 BEANS of Casey Jones screaming DROP ME NOW and that is what I'm will be doing b4 bed.

Don't know about you all BUT I LOVE KARMA and yes I'M HAPPY :) :) :)

TY Heads
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thats rad, h3ad. thanks for the help with that.

awww, hilbie man...see, you messed up. now you cant flirt with h3ad anymore :D

we ll see you next time around!
Thanks for the info head, I'll try some crutons in my next mix... maybe 1/3 with the bc 5kg brick..

Any of you not hand watering and watering daily?
I just setup a watering system with 1/2'' and 1/4'' tubing to each individual plant but unless i get too much runoff the water only seems to come out of one side of the pot. Any ideas