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H3ad goes Coco


The Voice of Reason
if u water coco before its roots have filled out your container u stagnate growth and make the plant weep, u back of the water for a day and plants shoot up an inch or two and perk right up, im talking about new seedlings that have yet to put out a substantial root ball yet, even in this thread people agree with my points and other places on the coco thread as well, just my experience, coco as a wet sponge which is what it is in a container without roots to suck it up chokes plants n kills roots, and theres less air in fully wet coco then partially wet, yes u exchange gases when u water like crazy but then of course u stiffle them by it being to wet, this again when the plants just getting its bearings, not when its already established, then i agree with u.
There is no such thing as too wet... lol... haven't you ever heard of DWC?

Overwatering is a misnomer, the problem is under-oxygenation, which is compensated for by watering more... period.

When you water more often you remove stagnation...
re read my post u have a problem with, i use low watts, its winter, my room might not be like your multi thousand watter drying out the medium as fast-
I germ seedlings under a single CFL in the freezer of an old fridge... low light and high humidity...
''Watering more will also prevent overwatering''... your funny gratfulhad-
It is an ironic way of stating a 100% true concept.


The Voice of Reason
Peat... with that constant drip, you may need to back off on the concentration some...
If you are flowering I'd begin by reducing the micro 25% and upping the dilution 50%...

In other words, try something like 4/9 in 1.5 gallons of water...
That is alot of clawing...

How's your temp and humidity running?


Yeah CF,
she's past the light & out of the garden.
They both outgrew me too much too fast.

I've got a better timed batch coming in now.

These first two were just testers.
While I didn't want to loose them, the main objective was experience.

I didn't realize that outgrowing the light could cause claw, too.
It's only happened a couple of times.
:chin: (Now that I think of it, ONLY with this girl!) LOL
But, it makes since.
She certainly wasn't getting the light energy up there.

The "over-N claw symptom" has always been at the back of my head.

This girl also clawed on me (every time) with half strength LC Mix & PBP.
(Not this much, tho)

Thanks for the help! :respect:

I'm pissed if I'm notorious for overfeeding.
Cause that means, I'm the last to know. :mad:

And that means, none of my "friends" have bothered to tell me. :badday:

:chin: WTF?
I might be notorious for something! :bis:

Hey GH!
You slipped in on me.

4/9 in 1.5 gal for constant drip.
Gotcha :yes:

Canopy temp ~ 82F
Root zone temp ~ 78F

RH ~ 40% (But, it's more now, with this bit of rain.)


''is an ironic way of stating a 100% true concept''

only true in well rooted plants, not seedlings or small plants in bigger containers were there roots have yet to reach-

and like i said, when u create a wet sponge around a small root ball(small plant big container) u sufficate it, just like people cant breath water even though its part oxygen plant cant as well, gratefulhad u just have to realize u need an amendment to your teaching or your going to cause alot of growers not this one some of them problems is all,,,,, one size fits all, one water style fits all doesnt cut it,undeveloped plants drown with extra water, fresh unusable oxygen rich sopping wet coco next to my small root developement isnt going to help-

ive just checked my girls again, finally after backing of the dam water for 3 days do i have uniform new growth of about 2-3 inches, coco doesnt dry out as fast as we think, leave a well saturated bag of coco in your room with no plant in it, check it in 3 weeks, bottom half will still be very very moist, plenty moist to plant n grow without even watering, the same thing happens were no roots have reached, plus coco is largely a sponge, bottom feedings work very well to demenstrate this.

once again as its apparently very hard to understand, im talking about young plants-


The Voice of Reason
''is an ironic way of stating a 100% true concept''

only true in well rooted plants, not seedlings or small plants in bigger containers were there roots have yet to reach-

and like i said, when u create a wet sponge around a small root ball(small plant big container) u sufficate it, just like people cant breath water even though its part oxygen plant cant as well, gratefulhad u just have to realize u need an amendment to your teaching or your going to cause alot of growers not this one some of them problems is all,,,,, one size fits all, one water style fits all doesnt cut it,undeveloped plants drown with extra water, fresh unusable oxygen rich sopping wet coco next to my small root developement isnt going to help-

ive just checked my girls again, finally after backing of the dam water for 3 days do i have uniform new growth of about 2-3 inches, coco doesnt dry out as fast as we think, leave a well saturated bag of coco in your room with no plant in it, check it in 3 weeks, bottom half will still be very very moist, plenty moist to plant n grow without even watering, the same thing happens were no roots have reached, plus coco is largely a sponge, bottom feedings work very well to demenstrate this.

once again as its apparently very hard to understand, im talking about young plants-
I know what seedlings are, nothing is hard for anyone but you to understand...

I'm not going to cause anyone any problems, but you are going to confuse them...

You are right that letting them dry out works...
I am also right that watering them more often works...
I have done it over and over and over and over with seedlings... your theories are well and good, but I KNOW it works exactly as I have stated... I have done it too many times to think different...

If you think your coco is overwatered, water it more often...

Thanks for your input


The Voice of Reason
Have you ever seen a Deep Water Culture grow?
They have some of the fastest growing most prolific root systems I've seen...
The roots spend 100%of their life completely submerged in oxygenated nutrient solution... No media at all, just nutrient solution and bubbles... If there was any such thing as "too much water" then DWC would not work so well, in fact it would not work at all...
Do you know why the root growth is so prolific in DWC?
It is not (and cannot be) roots growing in search of water... It is that roots grow best in oxygen rich wetness... be it a bucket of bubbling water or "fresh unusable oxygen rich sopping wet coco"...


in what youve just talked about the key word being oxgyenated nute solution, i take it a system with a constant exchange of gases and also probally temp regulated, far diff then a pot on the cool ground thats watered n left alone. and not overwatered or im sorry thats a ironic eupahmism for under oxgenated... weve both had a back in forth on this, soon there be people responding other then us , some for my perspective some for yours, but there will be some for mine. if u can get your coco to dry out in one or two days then frequent watering rocks, if its always wet and just wont dry out it becasue your roots arent eating fast and your just going to sufficate them by overwatering underwatering oxygenating them:xmasnut: but yes if u want to do exactly like i say and start seeds in small cups so they dry out and need frequent watering then go ahead n do what it is i already do. but if u want to put a seeling in a gallon of coco and water the shit out of it daily and show us how it grew then do it-.

''If you think your coco is overwatered, water it more often''=sounds like a waste to me, good for money grubbing water capitalist like t boon pickens and all the other capitalistic parasites who own the worlds water.


The Voice of Reason
OK... I'll germ some more seeds and show you how to do it properly...

Remember kiddos : "Those saying a thing cannot be done, should never be interrupting someone doing that thing successfully"


re read this very thread, someone talked about root rot from this, u might get lucky and have a couple work but your going to prob fuck up a few as well, daily waterings, big pot, sopping wet coco mess of shit, this should be good-

remember adulto's: i call u adults becasue i respect u to think like one, that ''can alway ask someone to prove something over just talk about it , esp when there pics are all from big plants with well developed roots which are almost impossible to over water in coco even though they claim it works in seedlings''-

let the sopping wet multi watered one inch tap root seedling swimming in coco slop begin..


The Voice of Reason
in what youve just talked about the key word being oxgyenated nute solution, i take it a system with a constant exchange of gases and also probally temp regulated, far diff then a pot on the cool ground thats watered n left alone.
frequently watering your coco creates a regular exchange of gasses and consistently supplies new freshly oxygenated solution. If your ground is too cold, lift your pots off the ground by a couple of inches, that's kind of elementary...
and not overwatered or im sorry thats a ironic eupahmism for under oxgenated... weve both had a back in forth on this, soon there be people responding other then us , some for my perspective some for yours, but there will be some for mine. if u can get your coco to dry out in one or two days then frequent watering rocks, if its always wet and just wont dry out it becasue your roots arent eating fast and your just going to sufficate them by overwatering
Bullshit. I know better from experience.
but yes if u want to do exactly like i say and start seeds in small cups so they dry out and need frequent watering then go ahead n do what it is i already do. but if u want to put a seeling in a gallon of coco and water the shit out of it daily and show us how it grew then do it-.
You are an idiot if you are putting a seedling in a gallon of coco.
''If you think your coco is overwatered, water it more often''=sounds like a waste to me, good for money grubbing water capitalist like t boon pickens and all the other capitalistic parasites who own the worlds water.
My water is FREE =P... I have a well

If your water budget is making a difference, then you have way bigger problems than oxygenation =P


The Voice of Reason
re read this very thread, someone talked about root rot from this, u might get lucky and have a couple work but your going to prob fuck up a few as well, daily waterings, big pot, sopping wet coco mess of shit, this should be good-

root rot is caused by PATHOGEN, not by water... LMAO
If you have seedlings in a big pot, you've already fucked up... I never advocated seedlings in a big pot of sopping wet coco mess of shit...
I think you are full of sopping wet shit =P

I've done hundreds of seedlings in coco watering frequently and lost way fewer than 1%...
Remember kiddos : "Those saying a thing cannot be done, should never be interrupting someone doing that thing successfully"

And I've been doing it successfully for a while now...


root rot is caused by PATHOGEN, not by water... LMAO
If you have seedlings in a big pot, you've already fucked up... I never advocated seedlings in a big pot of sopping wet coco mess of shit...
I think you are full of sopping wet shit =P

I've done hundreds of seedlings in coco watering frequently and lost way fewer than 1%...
Remember kiddos : "Those saying a thing cannot be done, should never be interrupting someone doing that thing successfully"

And I've been doing it successfully for a while now...

dont get mad, this isnt personal, i would never get personal with u, check this link out, some other people with some common sense on waterings early on http://www.icmag.com/ic/showthread.php?p=2959391&highlight=seedling+coco#post2959391

maybe your mad that u didnt get my earlier post and just wasted about 5 retorts in vain?

ill say it for the 4th time, early on coco needs to dry out a little to grow- its that simple.

to my knowledge all stagnant water becomes bacterial riden, true u use this to add more water n keep it moving but really this is just like throwing gas on fire, or changeing gas for more gas however you understand water chemistry.


The Voice of Reason
dont get mad, this isnt personal, i would never get personal with u, check this link out, some other people with some common sense on waterings early on http://www.icmag.com/ic/showthread.php?p=2959391&highlight=seedling+coco#post2959391

maybe your mad that u didnt get my earlier post and just wasted about 5 retorts in vain?

ill say it for the 4th time, early on coco needs to dry out a little to grow- its that simple.
I'm not mad, just tired of you using theory to argue against what I have experienced... I posted nothing in vain...
And I'll prove you wrong...
If I didn't already know better, then I would not be arguing this... I'm basing my posts on years of experience, not "what I read somewhere"...


u seem like u hate the word ''dry''

''god damit they dont dry!'',lol. there just in a two inch cup of dirt with which i constantly have to water and so there always wet, but my friend there drying, thats why they are breathing, isnt there more air in air then water? are u pissed at the sky or just me?

heard of waterbording, pouring water up ones nose?? try breathin that shit in, of course u could spit it out your mouth if your lucky which the plant does through its drainage wholes but in the end we like the plants really enjoy that air devoid of water every once and again-


Sharing Is Caring!
......just read the last quote in Gratefulhead sig.

THanks g for CG.....made me glad and happy!!



The Voice of Reason
u seem like u hate the word ''dry''

''god damit they dont dry!'',lol. there just in a two inch cup of dirt with which i constantly have to water and so there always wet, but my friend there drying, thats why they are breathing, isnt there more air in air then water? are u pissed at the sky or just me?

heard of waterbording, pouring water up ones nose?? try breathin that shit in, of course u could spit it out your mouth if your lucky which the plant does through its drainage wholes but in the end we like the plants really enjoy that air devoid of water every once and again-

LMAO... nah it's not your semantics... it's your wrongness...

Waterboarding has nothing at all to to with under-oxygenation in the root zone of your plants.

Your post show a lack of understanding. Comprehend DWC and then you will get the stupid concept "too much water" out of your head...