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H202 dilution ratio?


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What about Pathogens? thats my concern, go feeding bacteria & your feeding Bad too, kiil all first then reapply with bene's, you know your safe then. But hey man, if you think an application of bene's would work without a sterilisation then its something to consider, but id want the piece of mind of a sterile res first myself"!

Honey- is natural, & its also 100% sterile!


Active member
tbh if your way works, then id consider doing that in future myself, there may come a time i cant use H2o2. or dont want to. If adding Bene's to the res will work id consider going that way. Can you give us more details on your battle with the slime & how exactly you beat it, how long it took etc. Cheers mate, interesting!

I suppose it comes down to knowing weather you need to use bene's from the beginning or not. I think it'd be a good idea if your using organic addys or intend to at some point in the grow. We wouldnt of suffered with the brown herpes slime algae if only we would of innoculated with bene's in the first place, makes hygrozyme viable in DWC & other hydro systems, its fantastic in soil, talk about root explosion & thick stems! its like riding a bike, once you know how, your away!


Active member
Thats what id do. Sterilise, then innoculate with bene's, especially if you intend on using products that bacteria will feed on or flourish in, Organic addys etc, you want a positive healthy microheard to protect in this case. hope you beat the shit anyway! G'Luck!


Cleaning everything up. Slow going:smoke: Got a couple shots of the res-funk. Sorry about all the lines, camera's about done for. Thought this might give us an idea on how advanced this thing is.

I think I filled the res on Thursday (RO water), and gave em their first flood (Maxigro, Diamond Nectar and Root excellorater) on Friday. FWIW, I'm working with new clones (Jack Harrer). That was their first hit of nutes, and I didn't noticed the res starting to fog up until after flooding the table.

Nice roots there Mopho:tiphat: Gonna have to give that DWC a go one of these days. Ok, back to cleaning. Thanks again for all the info everyone.


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Mopho forgot to mention that the algae bloom is actually in our tap water which is not hooked up to municipal water. WE had no other way to fight the bloom other than using benies, because res dumps would make it worse, since it is present in the water. Now we have a UV sterilizer for the tap water but yeah they only way for us to get rid of the BA bloomat the time was benies.

I agree, you have to have a sterilization, and then add back beneficials. I wouldn't even bother with the hygrozyme in DWC.

The Beneficials will actually consume the algae. We used a combination of GH Sub-M, Sub-B, Botanicare Aquashield, and H&G Root Excellorator. Now we have nice white roots, although you can see some of the algae on the top of the side of the net pot:



Active member
They're still there. Look closer (as Herb smacks His side of bilbos monitor screen). The lines are much less evident than in the thumbnails.


Ok, so I threw all my pumps and tubes and what not into that little res and gave em a good hit a bleach, hooked the pumps up to the airstones and so forth and let em run for a few hours, then thoroughly rinsed everything. Think everything's pretty well sterile, aside from a little bit of brown specs left in the airstones. How anal do I have to get when it come to removing all the dried algae particles? Aside from the little bit on the airstones, I got everything I could see. But for bloom, I have a 100 gal res that (given its location) will be almost impossible to get completely clean. Is this gonna be a potential problem? Was hoping I'd be able to just flush the living shit out of it and call it good.

Got the little res all setup again. Got some h202 in there, didn't catch this on the first read through the label but this stuff can also be added at 1ml/10l every day, rather than the 2ml every 2-3 days, so I threw in 6ml into my ~15gal res, also added a small pump for constant circulation, though I'm apprehensive to add any nutrients. Any suggestions on what I should use?

I've got the GH MaxiGro (granulated stuff which FWIU is a complete veg formula, please chime in if I'm wrong here) also have Dynogrow (again, I think this is a complete veg formula) also have House and Garden both the Coco AB and the AquaFlakes AB, and SBA&B Super Nutrients (if anyone's heard of the stuff) was leaning towards using it for bloom. I know it's probably an inferior product in comparison to House & Garden AB, but I like the fact that both parts are completely clear, and supposedly it keeps a stable pH. Not sure if this has been caused by the algae all along, but my pH has always jumped after every flood. Kinda ridiculous having to adjust the pH after every flood. Mainly just wanna make sure I'm not adding anything that'll bring back the funk, and again lookin for something simple that requires as little res changes and pH adjustments as possible.

I'm still confused as hell about the beneficials and so forth. Do they eat the brown algae or do they feed it? Sorry if this has already been addressed. I'm a little slow with this stuff. FWIU the brown algae feeds on oxygen, so wouldn't adding h202 just feed the algae? I can see how it would be beneficial to the plants if the algae was eating up all the oxygen leaving none for the roots, but it seems that this would just be covering up the problem while making it worse at the same time.

Is it possible to find beneficials that don't make a mess out the reswater? First time through I used H&G w/all the organic additives and so forth. Made a fuqin mess out of everything. Reswater was almost black, fuqin destroyed my pump in one run. As much as I like the idea of using organics, I was blown away by my friends crystal clear res water and the fact that he only has to change the water maybe once a month if that. His water is different, and his formula doesn't seem to work for me. Though I would like to shoot for something similar. Heard a lot of good things about General Hydroponics 3 part (Lucas Formula) for its simplicity. Also the Ionic sounds like a good bet. Though it seems that I should be able find something that'll work out of what I already have.

Might look into one of the UV deals if this stuff keeps coming back. Not quite as expensive as I thought it would be. Wondering if the brown algae here is also already in my water supply. If this were the case, wouldn't this cause problems for my RO? I'm assuming the UV comes first in the sequence?

Sorry if I'm rambling. Thanks again for all the replies.


Suppose if the algae was already in the water, it would've showed up on the water test as having some kind of a bacteria though, which it didn't.


ok, so first to end your confusion about the benies, they do not feed the brown algae, they feed on it. If you have any kind of carb-boaster or sugars in your res, that will feed the BA. You are correct that the H2O2 will oxygenate the water and actually increase your bloom, thats why I told you not to use it, it doesnt work. Plus by using it, you are killing the benies, which are very important.

I have not noticed that our pumps go out, in fact we have been using the same pumps for some time now. I only noticed our rez getting gunked up if we use hygrozyme, which has been cut out of the regiment.

I dont remember if you already have RO or if you were getting it, to rid yourself of the BA, but if you havent already paid for one, save yourself so time and money in water and nutrients and just get the UV filter and a small boy or tall boy water filter. You'll save on cal-mag and the cost of water, since you only get 1 gallon for every three you filter.


Suppose if the algae was already in the water, it would've showed up on the water test as having some kind of a bacteria though, which it didn't.

Its not bacteria, its algae, two completely different things.


Hey Cannagirl, thanks for gettin back so quick. Already purchased the RO. The water test came back with high levels of calcium, and I was having problems with K uptake so this was my main reasoning for buying the filter. I started using our RO filtered drinking water on several plants as a test and the issue was resolved within a week or so, but come to think of it, our drinking water is also treated with UV. Probably end up picking one up as you've suggested to run in addition with the RO.

I was using something similar to hygrozyme (algyzyme I think its called) when I had the dark water problems. How often do you have to change your res?

That's right, forgot you guys are doing DWC. I'm not familiar with the innerworkings of that type of system. Do the buckets have to be changed out every so often?


Hey Cannagirl, thanks for gettin back so quick. Already purchased the RO. The water test came back with high levels of calcium, and I was having problems with K uptake so this was my main reasoning for buying the filter. I started using our RO filtered drinking water on several plants as a test and the issue was resolved within a week or so, but come to think of it, our drinking water is also treated with UV. Probably end up picking one up as you've suggested to run in addition with the RO.

I was using something similar to hygrozyme (algyzyme I think its called) when I had the dark water problems. How often do you have to change your res?

That's right, forgot you guys are doing DWC. I'm not familiar with the innerworkings of that type of system. Do the buckets have to be changed out every so often?

Yeah we stopped using the hygrozyme because of clogs and water viscosity. Now we dont change the res, we only refill and adjust the salts, throughout bloom. In the veg room we change the res about every two weeks or so, sometime I push it to 3 weeks, if the temps stay low in the room.

Nope we dont change out the buckets either, only run a heavy bleach cycle after harvest to clean the lines and buckets, then a fresh start with the sub-cultures and clean water.


Ah ok, got it thanks. So chances are this is something that's already in my tapwater? I'm on city water though, wouldn't the added chlorine kill it?

hmmm, thats interesting, if you are on city water, I doubt its in the water coming out of the tap. At least it shouldnt be, but you can test it. Take a bucket, add in an air stone, cover and let it sit over night. You will know by tomorrow if its in the tap water or not.


here is a post from mopho on the slime thread found here

H2O2 will only make it worse. I was trying to run a sterile system, GH nutes, sm-90, and h202 in the res. I started getting gunky build up, and kept adding H2O2, and it kept getting worse. The build up is slimy, oily, looks protein based or something. My water temps are around 67-69 F.


I prefer not to use physan on living plants if I don't have to, they are already a bit stressed from the algae. Seems like adding a ton of beneficials will start eating and breaking down the algae, but then it comes back with every res top off. It seems to be in my tap water, as I tested it in a bucket left in the dark and algae started growing in it. I am semi-rural and our water is trucked in and sits in a huge res under the building. The water is coming out around 80 deg from the faucet. I am filtering it, but not sterilizing it. I have a UV water filter on order, hoping that will clear this up.


Alright, got the bucket bubblin away. Thanks for the tip. That's all it needs is the airstone? I've never seen it fog up until after adding nutes and flooding the table.


Alright, got the bucket bubblin away. Thanks for the tip. That's all it needs is the airstone? I've never seen it fog up until after adding nutes and flooding the table.

The algae can form in just water, but in the presence of oxygen and nitrogen, it goes nuts. Try dropping a bit of micro in the bucket and make sure the pH is where you'd have it for your plants.


Don't have any micro on hand. You're referring to GH micro? I've got the MaxiGro and the several different kinds of AB though. Will any of these make do? I'm supposed to have tapwater in the bucket, not RO right?

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