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H202 and coco: do you sterilize your res?


I recently had to relocate my res to a different room and it is raisng my water temp higher than i would like, mid 70s F. I am running GH Flora Micro and Bloom 6/9 drain to waste, with H&G dripclean from time to time. I usually mix up a fresh res about once a week, but after a few days after a mixing a new batch where my res is now I noticed a little bit of a smell creeping in. So I have been reading a lot about sterilizing res's, but didn't find a whole lot of info on people running h202 and coco. Do you use h202 in your res with coco? Do you think I should since I most likely won't be able to keep my res temp low enough? Or do you have other suggestions for keeping my res and my girls' roots happy?


Active member
Of course you know that H2O2 will kill beneficials. If that's not an issue, use 1 Tbl/gal of 3%. That should do the job without causing root damage.

Actually, I'd use 1 Tbl when you mix the rez. That one time should get you thru the week, but if you want to treat it again, 2 tsp/gal should be enough. Good luck. -granger


Thanks Granger2. Yeah I am not using any beneficials right now. I have also been reading that some people use bleach to keep a dead res, any experiences with this? I am really wondering if the dead res will impact yield and quality? What are the pros and cons of running a dead res?
i bought a steamer...i use it for res, equipment..pretty much everything.

Steam kills mostly evreything i have heard of, without the worry of chemicals.


Active member

Could you go into more detail? I'm interested. What model, where, price, etc. Pics would be nice. Thanks. -granger


ive been adding h202 to my nutrient mix which is only canna A/B and some protek silica.
i grow in a coco/perlite mix of pretty much 50/50. i love the added oxygen from the h202. that with the perlite allows me to be able to give my plants more consistent waterings and the roots seem to love it. im able to transplants quicker then before. its my understanding that the h202 will eat the dead roots that max exists so for me that replaces the cannazyme. i use rhizotonic as a foliar when needed and this is the first time ive started a set of plants while using h202 regularly with coco. not sure if ill continue to constantly use it one in flower but may still use it one a week to give my plants a boost of oxygen. does this make any sense?


The problem with h2o2 is that it is broken down too quickly. I used it successfully in a cloner, but it has to be added daily. If you do add it, you better be ready to add it everyday. There is really no way to know how much is still in there, if any at all, and maybe it won't last the whole day.... With chlorine, at least you can test for it. I did a lot of research into h2o2 because I REALLY wanted it to work, but the only successful dead res's I found were using chlorine. Regular chlorine has to be added every few days, but there is a product that has chloramine, it is suppose to be good for a week at a time. Do some searches for krunchbubble, he uses chlorine and posted some good info about it. Honestly, my flower res does better leaving it alone at high temps than using h2o2, but will be testing the chlorine thing when I get more time. I asked about it in another thread, but got no responses...


I don't use h202, but bleach at 1ml per ten gallons of water is working for me. Had the smells and some cloudiness in my blumat res until I read that lazyman suggested this. Add back every few days and you'll be fine. I might go to h202 for the reason that thecatsmeow mentioned about the roots.


Yeah I read that he has had good results with bleach too. I just tried some 27.5% H202 last night, so we'll see what happens, fingers crossed. I was lookin into bleach because it is suppose to stay in the solution longer before being evaporated and is a hell of a lot cheaper.


Active member
Peroxide isn't that expensive unless you're overusing it, which is not good for the plants anyway. One Tbl/gal of 3% is plenty to do the job, and if you want to add it daily use 2 tsp/gal.

It depends on how you look at the quick break down thing. To me it's good that it quickly degrades into water and oxygen. The O2 is good for the roots. Pathogens won't increase their numbers very quickly after the H2O2 breaks down, so daily is fine regardless of how quickly it breaks down.You can make 3% out of concentrates. Good luckl. -granger


I've been trying baquicil in my reservoir. My reservoir has been developing a surface scum. Calling it a scum is a bit of an understatement. It will cover the whole reservoir and get an inch thick. I really poured on the baquacil to try to combat it and I felt like I was watching the little shop of horrors. Cal hypo knocked it back.

Maybe it isn't the H2O2 that is feeding this stuff. Maybe once it gets established and develops a head, it is able to float above any H2O2 treatment. I'm not saying it's the baquacil causing it but the timing is suspicious.


wow i never knew this. so if i start using h202 its only good for 24 hours and i have to add it everyday? thats crazy
I've been trying baquicil in my reservoir. My reservoir has been developing a surface scum. Calling it a scum is a bit of an understatement. It will cover the whole reservoir and get an inch thick. I really poured on the baquacil to try to combat it and I felt like I was watching the little shop of horrors. Cal hypo knocked it back.

Maybe it isn't the H2O2 that is feeding this stuff. Maybe once it gets established and develops a head, it is able to float above any H2O2 treatment. I'm not saying it's the baquacil causing it but the timing is suspicious.

poste every nute you use. ill almost guarantee it is one of them.


Active member
Re: H202 and coco: do you sterilize your res?

I agree, are u using any additives? Floralicious plus makes a nasty odor after 24 hours of sitting in water...not harmful to your plants though

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It a salt fest in there.
4 g maxigro
1 g maxibloom
2 ml dutch master silica
2 ml calmag +
1-2 g epsom salts

I just started running floralicious plus for S&G so I can't do a side by side comparison now.

When i put roots excel in there, I got a very different, nasty brown slime. What I'm getting is more of a top scum that I would liken to the head you get on brewing beer or maybe the scum at a treatment plant.

I haven't put any H2O2 in for about 10 days. No scum. I think I hit the res with cal-hypo when I mixed it this time. Maybe I'll put some H2O2 in a couple days before changing just to see.

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