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H.B. 1177 Decriminalization bill active in WA STATE - PLEASE READ!

funny, i logged on tonight to gripe about this stupid war on drugs and how to get something done and now THIS. i actually live here. i just question the NORML link as they, in my opinion are worthless hypocrites. however, i went to you link to their website and if all they do is help spread the word of bills, i guess they have SOME merit.

why do they suck? easy and quick. i ran for governor of nevada in 94 on a decriminalization platform (the Reno papers said i wanted to legalize it, but whatever...) and when i contacted NORML for money for signs or for even an endorsement they refused, saying they are a non profit or somesuch bullshit and COULD NOT ENDORSE A POLITICAL CANDIDATE. are you fking kidding? NO I'M NOT FKING KIDDING. P on norml. i sent an email to Rick Steves concerning this last year and did not even get a reply from him. as far as i can see norml is a part of the problem, certainly not the solution.

yes i will write to my congressman, Rick Larson, (another bag of shit) for all the good it will do. but unfortunately, writing to these morons is the ONLY thing that makes a difference, so you can bet your ass i will write to everybody and their dog. well, you said this was a state issue, i will write to whoever in the hell my state reps are, rick larson is in DC. screw it he needs a letter saying we need this on a national level as well.

All of us need to rag on everybody we know everywhere in this country to write to our idiots in power. marching on DC is nice, but letters/phone calls are the ONLY thing these clowns pay attention to. no there isnt an election soon, so their Giveashit factor is way down. but we cant stop. i thought we'd be legalizing weed in the 1970's, NOT 2070!


Active member
Any updates about what going on up in Wa?? I'm in socal but from Seattle area and may be moving back soon. Hope the state can get up to speed med speaking too as I hear getting meds is a bit tough.nuggler
I followed the link to the washington state legislature that was posted to see what the progress was on this bill. It appears that nothing has happened since the filling. It seems that the bill is destined to die in committee,to bad. Has anybody have any other info about this? Seems as though your representatives and senators are content to not vote on this bill. Not letting it up for a vote is the safe way for them,they don't have to explain their position to anyone. People in Washington should insist that this bill be voted on so they can find out what position their reps. take. Then in the upcoming elections you can take the appropriate action.

Respect bass

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