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Gunnar's DK Outdoor Grow 08

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This year im planning a massive outdoor grow!

Due to reasons im not gonna write here, im limited to between 40-60 plants in my own garden, but i have several plots at good friends i can use also.

I also plan to grow in several guerrilla spots in the forests, marshland and in cornfields.

My indoor grow room is not yet capable of remaining a temperature on about 25 degrees Celsius ( had some problems with water dew and mold in the wood construction so had to pull much of the insulation down and redo it another way, which takes time), so im gonna sprout them at home and grow them for a few weeks in advance before putting them out first batch being around April 1..

I have space to sprout about 140 at a time.

in the first run im planning these

Big Bud
ErdPurt x Tophaze #green pheno
Hindu Kush x Leb27
Leb27xBG x ErdPurt ( Told to be a very potent cross)
Lebanon 27
Low Snow f2 ( semi AF)
Nigerian Nightmare*
Royal Dane

* (NN i dont think could finish here at normal conditions, but ive been told its very photosensitive and will shock into AF when being grown indoor at 24 hours of light and then put outside)

Next batch would a lot of
Big Bud and Afghans to the guerrilla spots
( havent decided what strain to use in the cornfields yet cause it has to be finish October 1. at latest and i dont have enough seeds from the early strains as Royal Dane, Danish Passion etc, to fill out the planned plots in the corn yet, but ill come up with a solution when the time comes - advice is welcome)

Ill take clones from the most promising plants and use them later indoor.

My plan is to put the first 140 plants outside April 1. and then as many as possible from that date on.

Already scouting my local area with Google Earth for guerrilla spots and ill drive around inspecting them IRL soon.

The spots in the corn isnt decided yet as its too early to tell which fields the farmers are gonna use for Corn this year.
time will tell

Its also my plan to later use clones taken from my indoor grow room and use them outside as test against the harsh danish weather, Deep Chunk, Jock Horror, AfPurt ( Afghani x ErdPurt) and other from my indoor grow room could be fun to try outside.

This is my currently planned outdoor setup and im sprouting the first batch as we speak.
Things can be changed and added, but this is my plans for this years outdoor season as we speak.

the ones ive put in soil so far is

Afghan ( 10 seeds)
Afghan #P Special purple pheno ( 9 seeds)
Big Bud ( 14 seeds)
Danish passion ( 15 seeds)
ErdPurt x Tophaze #green pheno ( 5 seeds)
Hindu Kush x Leb27 ( 16 seeds)
Leb27xBG x ErdPurt ( 13-14? seeds)
Lebanon 27 ( 13 seeds)
Low Snow f2 - semi AF ( 11 seeds)
Nigerian Nightmare ( 12 seeds)
Royal Dane ( 13 seeds)

i still have room for another 20-30 seeds.
I have some from a donater and im going to pick the most exciting ones from his donation of very early danish strains
They will be put put in soil as soon as i decided and pick'em

you must have my excused now.
Im going to take the dogs for a walk and inspect the first possible guerrilla spot i found on Google Earth to see if its fit or not.
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Sharing Is Caring!
sounds sooooo interesting gunnar. I will follow this one thats for sure.



Lækkert Gunnar. Du får dejligt travlt :canabis:

Ja, lad os se billeder.

Hygge :smoke:


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Dane said:
Held og lykke med dit udegrow Gunnar, det bliver spændende at følge Nigerian Nightmare, den skulle være hurtig af en Afrikaner at være...

Tnx for the kind comments

Yes im also very excited about Nigerian Nightmare.
I hope the things ive heard about its photosensitivity is right so it can be shocked into flower and finish here ( ill take clones from the outdoor plants for use in later breeding).

I have no hopes if them creating a monster like this NN, but i wouldnt mind ;)



Look at that giant, I also bought a NN pack on SB. But only 10 of the 12 sprouted, it´s the first time I didn´t have 100 procent germination. so I´m satisfied.

It´s gonna be rough with all those Guerrilla spots, I think. I wish you the best of luck.


Ser sku godt ud gonz :) Hvis det altså viser sig at du får et monster som dette du viser, pr frø :p Men ja, udegrows er nok det bedste, har bare ikke lige et sted og gro, og er ikke så sikker på hvor fanden man lige kunne finde et, så melder pas til udendørs foreløbigt, og fortsætter indendørs :)


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gonz_DK said:
Look at that giant, I also bought a NN pack on SB. But only 10 of the 12 sprouted, it´s the first time I didn´t have 100 procent germination. so I´m satisfied.

It´s gonna be rough with all those Guerrilla spots, I think. I wish you the best of luck.

Im also hoping the NN will autoflower when put outside due to its photosensitivity, othervise im not sure it will finish here

About guerrilla grows
this dude is a big inspiration
i watch them over and over and each time i see them i fell like going into the car to check out suitable spots.


If you own a car, or is able to borrow one from time to time, just download Google Earth
Look for wood areas with some low tree areas in them.
Best spots i guess would be very dence but young forest with trees and plants ranging from 1 to 2 meters, also good to have a water source nearby.

You can then go deep into the dence vegetation and cut space in there.
Wont be visibel from anything else than choppers which the cops dont use much here for cannabis hunting.

Just bring some plants and premixed dirt.
Check them once in awhile and the result can be as the above videos esp in episode 9 and 10.

Just the idea of having several grow spots scattered over a large area and going to visit and care for them fascinates me a lot.

i also intend to grow in corn but due to the use of pesticides you have to put the plants out later, so one thing at a time and now its getting time to grow some plants for my garden and the forest guerrilla spots.

First 2 Royal Danes has surfaced :jump:

pix coming very soon.


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Brightshadow said:
Undskyld er det bare mig der syntes at du er lidt tidligt ude.. jeg planter først ud om ca. 2 mdr..


Maybe im out early but for the Nigerian Nightmare i think its a must for it to finish here to use its photo sensitivity to shock it into flower.
The rest of the strains should be able to do just fine being put outside April the first.
then ill sprout the next seed batch and put them out 3-4 weeks later and so on..

I have plans for many plants outside this year and im only able to sprout apr 150 at a time, so this is why im sprouting the first batch already, but i think they'll do just fine outside in April


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Brightshadow said:
Ja de kan måske godt klare sig.. det må vi da håbe ;)

KUN 150 ad gangen *LOL* lyder til at blive stort *S*

Alt er relativt og skal ses i forhold til hvad man sammenligner med.
I forhold til dette http://youtube.com/results?search_query=brwndirtwarrior&search_type= er det ikke meget.
!50 planter er også kun i spirings bakker og mini potter.
Min indendørs kapacitet herhjemme er kun 60x150 cm ( = 150 spirings beholdere eller mine potter)
dvs at hvis jeg flyttede dem over i 2 eller 4 liters ville jeg ikke kunne have særligt mange ad gangen, derfor er planen at spire dem og vegge dem så meget jeg kan i disse små spiringsbeholdere/potter, dvs max ca 3 uger før de bliver alt for rodbundne.


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07/03 2008

First ones to surface was 2 Royal Danes

08/03 2008

More RD surfacing and also the other strains starts popping up.

Heres a Lebanon 27 x Bubblegum X ErdPurt

Here is a small Nigerian Nightmare

11/03 2008

All strains except pure Lebanon 27 has plants above the ground now

I had plans also to sprout some seeds, in this batch, that ive gotton from Gonzo that are very early and seems very promising but theres just not enough space under the lamp with proper lightning.
I might be able to squesse them in but i risk them getting to stretchy.
I have to figure out on waiting to next batch or work out a solution.
The strains are both very early and told to be very potent.
last year the where both harvested in the middle of August.
I named them myself and since the donator hasnt objected the strain names are now as follow:

Guerrilla Stick and Early Dane
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Brightshadow said:
Jeg sider og drømmer om at du laver frø på alle disse dejlige sorter men de er jo nok ønsketenkning ;o)

Blir nok ikke dem alle.

planen er at tage stiklinger fra NN og lade nogen af guerrilla planterne foretage en naturlig befrugtning, men kommer nok ikek til at lave frø på alle sorterne.


Hej Gunnar, det ser virkeligt lækkert ude flot styk arbejde.
Jeg har lige et spørgsmål som du måske kan svarer mig på, der er noget hash som bliver kaldt for "Kashmir-maroc" i denmark og andre steder bliver det kaldt for Paki-afghan-maroc, det jeg godt kunne tænke at vide er hvad hedder frøen, er det noget specialt og hvor man skaffe det?

Siger mange tak på forhånd

Frøen ?? mener du ikke Frø-sorten ??

Jeg forstår godt at når folk har prøvet god import-hashis af de vil prøve at genskabe denne..

Men med det udvalg af sorter der er tilgængeligt syntes jeg hellere at du skal prøve at fastlægge hvilken type røg det er at DU bedst kan li´ tung stener(indica) eller euforisk high(sativa) der nest vudere om du ryger meget og har brug for en sort der yilder meget på kort tid, eller du vil have det aller bedste og godt kan nøjes med et mindre yild og længere blomstringstid..

Når sorten er valgt vil jeg anbefale Ice-hash metoden og nænsom tøring for bedste kvalitet og bedst holdbarhed..

Ice hash kan evt. senere rulles/modeleres til sort "Charas" hash
(det giver som reglen en mere tung røg, stener virkning og sødere smag)
men når man gør dette begynder nedbrydelsen af THC til CBN og CBD så jeg vil anbefale kun at gørre dette med en lille potion ad gangen..

:hijacked: Sorry Gunnar jeg ved det er lidt offtoppic.. ;)
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5.2 club is now 8.1 club...
Nice to see you Vikings at it, and doing well too !

I helped a couple of friends in Norway get started off with some outdoor genetics and now I hear stories of yellow glowing basements over there....

Ha det bra !


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ChaosCatalunya said:
Nice to see you Vikings at it, and doing well too !

I helped a couple of friends in Norway get started off with some outdoor genetics and now I hear stories of yellow glowing basements over there....

Ha det bra !

Yes theres some hype in the media about increasing number of skunk farms in Norway.
If you consider the high prices the Norwegians pay for their gods, including cannabis, its no wonder more and more cannabis is being grown inside the country instead of importing it all.

Im going to put next batch of seeds in dirt now ( previous has been placed outside under a plastic dome to protect it from frost that might still occur here.

All seeds strains and crosses have not yet been decided but im thinking more outdoor afghans, big bud, Guerrilla Gold#2, Oldfarmer Nepal, Thyphoon and early Dane ( and some Nirvana Big Bud X NL and AK48 for indoor use).

Im waiting for a good friend to send me some different strains and outdoor skunk varieties suited for outdoor and guerrilla growing.
They will be put in soil in the next seed run.
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