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Guilty Pleasures!!!!!


Active member
I have a few guilty pleasures, and this morning I indulged in one of them. I had a some McDonald's for breakfast, and then I had donuts for dessert, after I finished my breakfast!!!!! The donuts are not a guilty pleasure, but the dessert after breakfast is.. Here is a pic of my yummy feast!!!!!


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that aint nothing but 10 cent lovin
so just curious, when you get MickyDs for breakfast do you go with a large coke? Cause Im feelin you on that, a good guilty pleasure is a large Coke with breakfast instead of OJ or coffee.


Large size coke... Rules out NYC! LOL. Anyways all u have to do now to feel guilty free, do some spring cleaning, upgrade compost bin, etc....


Active member
i thought im the only 1 whoo did it!lol i also love breakfast for dinner!and dinner for breakfast!(most of the time its a breakfast burger)


Lammen Gorthaur
Fuck me, I GOTS to have that Starbucks French Roast extra heavy in the a.m. to get the motor kicked into gear. After I have had 4 jumbo cups of that I am ready for the prescription meds, some mushroom tea, some Excedrine Migraine and then some weed to round off the edges.

Currently I do it all with a diet shake cuz I have to lose some poundage. I've been taking my problems out to dinner too often and it shows.


Active member
I wish the Oj at McDonalds as bigger, it's a tiny little thing. A large milk is good too!!

Mt Toker

My guilty pleasure is bacon, only reason why I'm guilty is because I eat about 4 pieces every day. Most the time in sandwich form.


Cheese! Vegan cheese sucks bad, especially melted. I'll have an ounce a week, usually on Friday night, and I pay for it all day Saturday.

Also once in a while I'll have a beer or two, I can get away with two and not end up spending the next day depressed. Took a lot of drinking to figure that out!

mean mr.mustard

I Pass Satellites
Vegans don't eat cheese.

They don't eat food for that matter.

They eat what food eats.

Vegan cheese is as prevalent as vegan milk... IT DOESN'T EXIST.


Vegans don't eat cheese.

They don't eat food for that matter.

They eat what food eats.

Vegan cheese is as prevalent as vegan milk... IT DOESN'T EXIST.

Wow, I better call the hundreds of companies doing quite well selling vegan cheeses and non-dairy milks and tell them that their products don't actually exist!

Oh, that's it! YOUR guilty pleasure is sniping with off-topic comments! Good on ya!