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livin my way the high way
i just got arrested at skool for possesion of a sac that wasnt even mine. a kid put it my console this morning and left it there. :bashhead: anyway ill have to deal with it, o well :fsu:
Deal with the situation, do your "time", take the punishment, DON'T bring up anyone else's name, and most importantly..... in about a year, kick that kids ass so hard he will never make that mistake again ;)


livin my way the high way
i already dealt with it no names and all just a shitty feeling not really about the getting arrested my mom looked so disapointed but it wasnt mine so i told the truth but the fukin pigs :angrymod: didnt believe it tho but some good WILL come from it because im going to turn it around to a positive situation somehow i might just :Bolt:


Active member
a 'kid' put it in your car?

who in the hell are you letting in your car? and how come you don't know who it is?


Everyone acts like telling the cops who's weed it actually was is snitching or something. Where I'm from thats taking accountability for your actions, not some juveniles game of letting someone else take the blame.

I would have given that dudes name in a second if he put it in there and is letting you get fucked for it.

Don't snitch, but don't take the blame for someone else's stupidity.
the person hurt the worst in this situation is your Mom. its not even a real hurt from what it sounds like, more of a disappointment. you need to get things clear with her. then deal with your friend. So you got charged with possession? there are ways to keep that from going on your record. all in all i think everything will be ok


livin my way the high way
yea i not to worried it just sucks i just said i had never seen it and had no idea how it got their. the principle said the only way i wouldnt get in trouble is if the kid confessed to it even if i told them whos it was. hes a good friend so im pissed at him but not gonna hurt or anything after all its a small charge, from what it looked like it was a gram or less


hoooo boy

hoooo boy

well yeah you could tell he was underage as soon as i saw "skool". don’t worry about mom, most of them are goody two shoes anyway. live your life, and stay the course, you’ve got trouble and there will be more to come; after enough of it, you’ll realize that there are worse looks to be getting than the patented mom look #431 " oh i am so ashamed", or #256: "where did i go wrong with you"

deal with it the best you can, and then deal with your friend. Its not your fault these asshats look at weed they way they do. If you’re the artsy type then just tell them it helps you with your art. If you wanna really stick it to them all, you can give them a loaded statement (for example): “yes its mine , its my weed! I had no choice, there are kids bullying me at school and I cant get any help, my grades are falling cause I was trying to deal with it and I was getting down about it, and my mom was getting on my case about my grades, the pressure was just too much.” That way you’ve covered, how the school has failed you in more ways than one, and how mom isn’t so perfect and neither is life!

but please be warned of the added affect of the teary eyes and they’ll even cry for added affect. just confused balls of emotion these women. ive got a mom, wife and two daughters and i tell them ALL the same thing, they are all confused wads of emotion.

"men come from the planet earth, women come from a planet they made up in thier own minds"

**and remember on their planet, you aren’t supposed to be harmed in anyway, grow up, or be mad or pissed at her, your supposed to be loved by everyone and never leave her and love her more than life itself
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three for playing, three for straying, and three f
It's neither of your fault! But at the same time it's both of your fault!

You would not get into this shit for a pack of cigarettes in your car! Pot smokers have been waaaay too tolerant. Bill Mahers Norml speech says it best..

as long as we remain cowards..that's the way it's going to be..
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livin my way the high way
im not under age i turned 18 the day before i signed up on this website im just in my senior year so i had 6 wks to go until i was finally out but i guess i just got out earlier