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Guerilla with peat moss


Hi friends. This is the noob question, but i must ask you for the help. I grow guerilla style only. Until now i was creating my soil mix, mainly with Castings, peat moss and perlite. This time i was short on supplies, and i created holes in the ground with just white peat (Klasmann ts3 fine - peat brand). My question is, will my autos (first time YAY! :D) thrive in just peat? Will it grow normal, just like in the other soil mixes? I am aware that peat contain a little nutrient, so i will top dress it with some castings, but will i have some unpredictable situation? I have very dry summers, and peat collecting water, so i have a little advantage, but what about the dangers of peat alone? Thanks mates for answers!


Peat will be fine as long as the PH has been adjusted with dolomite lime. You'll need to feed them with either liquid nutes or top dressed dry nutes.

Lots of "lightmix" composts are just peat and perlite with a bit of lime.



No, i don't have to. It is commercial peat moss, with PH 6.0. My tap water is around 7.5 when it stays one day open (chlorine to evap), so i think it will get to the ideal around 6.8 when is all applied. We don't have commercial dolomite lime (very, very strange), so i will use the wood ashes for up the ph if i need too. And yes, i will watch out when i apply ashes on the ground, not to add more then enough. In matter of fact, i want to use a little ashes when i transplant autos on my guerilla site, it is BIG source of K. I still looking for my organic flower fert, because i don't have here commercial organic stuff, and pump to make the tea, so i will use a little ash, but do some of you already use it? Do you know how much i can sprinkle on the ground?
For veg i will do nettles tea, because for it i don't need to be aerated (don't have pump), and it is a N BOMB, have micro nutrients, and it is excellent for some of the critters when used as a spray. I don't know why nettles isn't used up more by guys here on forum, because it is THE BEST (hands down) source of organic N, and it grows almost anywhere in the world. This is the best forum in the universe for our stuff, and these guys should use the nettles more... 90% of organic growers here use alfalfa as a source of N in the soil mix, but not the 1% nettles... But nettles have more N then alfalfa, has more micro nutrients, it is animal repellent and available for almost anyone. Also it is VERY fast for organic fert. One feeding, and on the feeding number 2, you already see the effect of it... Color is darker, no yellowing, robust growth, and all around HEALTH of the plant... Soooo good stuff ;). Thanks for answering my question, i will document my story here, as a matter of fact, i will get picture of everything, and i will start diary here.

Sorry guys for long post. If we forget the ph, will the plant has the power to push it up through 100% peat moss? It is not a compressed, it was when i buy it, but i break it, and work it out in the holes, but it is 100% peat. No native soil, no ammedmends, no nothing. That is my question?
If i am in the need to aerate it a bit, i will use the styrofoam (little balls of it), to add it to the holes. I will empty 20-30% of the each hole, and add it, and work it out evenly with fork.

So, can i use the holes, as is, or i need to aerate it? I know it is better to be a little aerated, but if the plants will thrive in all peat, i will leave like that. I will use 2 holes, and do it different from the other holes, just for experiment. Everything for the science! :D
Stay high friends :D
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