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Guerilla Tools


any idea where I can purchase huge camelbacks or devices for easily transporting a lot of water in a rucksack \ backpack kindof device? As big as possible since I lift weights so should be able to lift heavy when it is something useful like water for my little darlings aswell :)

I've used the heavy contractor bags inside my pack. works well. carried up to 12 gallons at a time. usually just ten tho. a gallon of water is 7lbs or such so it adds up quick. but works like a charm.


New member
1!!!) Beefy half spade shovel. (no mil surp or small spade)

2!!!) Multiple 5gal buckets (and a few lids, but they are so loud) and at least 2x 5.5 gal Jerry Cans. Depending on water source, if its a shallow source you can never fill full buckets so laying the Jerry cans flat in the shallow water gives you the opportunity to fill all your containers.

3) Burlap. I dont keep much on site, but I dig a hole and hide supplies and cover with burlap during the season. Everything leaves in the fall.

4) Big ass storage tote (longer one) to get many adolescent sized plants out in one mission. This leaves in a separate mission a week or two after transplant.

5) MTN bike

6) Good backpackS and CamelbakS. Obviously its not OK to roll into suburban woods during the daylight with a huge technical pack or hockey bag. I find I use the camelbaks more because they are smaller, lighter and less shady in daylight non-wilderness missions.

7) Cannabis stretcher: canvas drop-cloth with two dowels on the ends. For harvest. I dislike trash bags, they rip and they dont hold much. With the Stretcher, you can cut entire branches and lay them in the stretcher and they protect each other. Ive gotten large volumes out in single and dual person stretchers.

8!!!) Access to a pickup truck. Insertion, extraction and supply missions are WAYYYYYY easier when you have someone dropping and extracting you and dead weight.

I like garden forks but their utility is limited compared to the half spade shovel. You cant really cut or break virgin earth with a fork, you just bend the tines. After a hole is dug a beefy hand-trowel is great a mixing.
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Your thinking of the ones with the the thinner flexible tines, the type I posted a pic of kicks the shit out of any shovel of the same size for breaking virgin ground & not bending, just can't cut roots as good or shovel with it.

hahaha, the lids are so fucking loud, they kinda eat up time & energy 2, you can hurl them off a cliff & they won't spill though.

Question- how do you work the split with someone on any extraction type mission? I've never had a 50/50 partner grow work out and I will never do one again, but I'd like help via nighttime drop offs at some spots.


Question- how do you work the split with someone on any extraction type mission? I've never had a 50/50 partner grow work out and I will never do one again, but I'd like help via nighttime drop offs at some spots.

Great point Leroy Brown. I just do my own grow, but I have so many good spots to grow except for the access part. These spots I have in mind would be a drop off/pick up type effort. I have already recruited a trusty driver... this dude will only be driving.

The arrangement I had in mind was this...

1. My driver fronts me the money for about 30 femmed seeds and a few soil ammendments.

2. I do ALL the growing, digging,pruning, training,harvesting

3. He does all the driving

He told me he would like to have about 2-3 lbs. for his end of the split. Does this sound like a decent arrangement? Fair?

I'm curious to know what others think about this so post up your opinions growers.



natural medicator
Great point Leroy Brown. I just do my own grow, but I have so many good spots to grow except for the access part. These spots I have in mind would be a drop off/pick up type effort. I have already recruited a trusty driver... this dude will only be driving.

The arrangement I had in mind was this...

1. My driver fronts me the money for about 30 femmed seeds and a few soil ammendments.

2. I do ALL the growing, digging,pruning, training,harvesting

3. He does all the driving

He told me he would like to have about 2-3 lbs. for his end of the split. Does this sound like a decent arrangement? Fair?

I'm curious to know what others think about this so post up your opinions growers.


What happens if you get 3 lbs or less? does he get the whole thing?

Is he driving you around while you have plants or harvested bud?
If so, he probably deserves it.
Even if not, you're future paying him not to jack your spot(s) that he will have at least a rough idea where they are.
What happens if he decides he wants to check out the progress sometime, then decides that 2-3 lbs isn't a big enough cut?

THose things and more to consider, but it comes down to how much you really trust this person.


Sorry but it looks like I'm starting to hijack this thread a bit. Maybe we should start a new thread?

What happens if you get 3 lbs or less? does he get the whole thing?
I have thought of this scenario. If I don't hit the intended yield targets, then I figured we would just split the yield 50/50

I've already discussed with him the nature of guerilla growing and how unpredictable things can be. I'm confident that we can at least yield enough to cover the cost of seed and both walk away with plenty of personal smoke. So the 3 lbs. number is just a target, hopefully we'll do better!

Is he driving you around while you have plants or harvested bud?
If so, he probably deserves it.
Yes. I'll start seedlings in a safe location, he will drive me to the spot drop me off, leave and wait for my call to come back for pickup. I do the growing, he does the driving my vehicle or his it really doesnt matter to me I just need a driver to the spot.

He drives, I grow, we both get plenty of smoke:smoke out:
Even if not, you're future paying him not to jack your spot(s) that he will have at least a rough idea where they are.
What happens if he decides he wants to check out the progress sometime, then decides that 2-3 lbs isn't a big enough cut?
This will be a cornfield guerilla grow. He will know which field the garden is in, but would have great difficulty actually finding the garden. Next to the cornfield there is a small clearing and a year round stream, I was going to put about 10 plants in this area to split them up from the deer and combines!

THose things and more to consider, but it comes down to how much you really trust this person.

We both have alot to lose with this partnership. I trust him with information that would cost me my job... Draw your own conclusion I guess I feel pretty good about the arrangement.

Good discussion

:wave:I think I have some info good info to share on this subject!With a driver nothing is guarenteed until harvest.:ying: Depending on the distance to drive at Max I give the driver 10 to 20% depends on what happens! Some drivers are better than others thats fosho! If driver is involved with more I am always fair!:ying: Do not plant close to where your drop off or pickup are. Never trust anybody becuase we all have mouths and we all use them! So know your driver or you will be ripped! Try to find a driver that is a loner or maybe a older person never use anyones girlfreind becuase that shit will come back and huant you late season! Ohh their fightin again!! Never happened to me but that shit kinda seems like a no-brainer! For a good tool you cant go wrong with GARDEN CLAW GOLD that is the best ground breaker Ive ever used. I dont even bring a shovel with me and I get into some pretty rocky soil sometimes! It tears thruogh roots and easily can work the claw under roots cut bigger ones. Do Not buy the cheapy no name claw becuase their welds SUCK! Do a side by side and you will understand! One year my no name claw broke in the woods and I had a shovel with me.So half clawed half shoveled when I came back to harvest the clawed area the plants were 2x bigger! I hope this helped or was at least amusing! later:wave:


New member
This thing right here will be an essential tool for me this season for both bringing soil and supplies into the site and bringing harvest out.


They are extremely cheap and well made and can hold a large amount of stuff. It is a military issue duffle bag.


New member
This past summer I took Julians advice & used a pitchfork. I'll never go back to a shovel.

I learned a long time ago tri-folds are junk, but this past spring I even wore out two of those mini spade shovels!! The metal for the spade is weak & will eventually bend near the shaft. So I custom built a mini pitch fork that fits into a backpack, the thing is the shiznit. It's been through a lot and even though I couldn't get a metal d-handle at the time the plastic one is holding up fine, but I would highly recommend a metal one as my plastic one will flex/collapse on one side occasionally if I'm fighting real tough rocky soil.

I took a full size pitch fork, cut down the shaft. Stole the handle from one of the broken mini shovels by grinding off the rivets, then I had to grind the pitch fork shaft to a smaller diameter/taper- Once you get the d-handle to slip over the shaft just drill a hole, bolt on the handle & presto! The best guerrilla tool I've EVER had, & I made it so that it barely fits in my backpack.

Supplies/Tools needed:

*Pitch fork
*D-handle if your PF didn't come with one
*A bolt & nut

Took me a 1/2 hour to make.


Thats quality. Nice job. I brought a post auger a few months ago, it broke pretty quick tho and been modified a couple of times, ill get some photos up tomorrow.



This thing right here will be an essential tool for me this season for both bringing soil and supplies into the site and bringing harvest out.


They are extremely cheap and well made and can hold a large amount of stuff. It is a military issue duffle bag.

Where would one find such an item?
I have a military pack from like russia or something, it's one wide motherfucker & it's made mostly of real leather, got it on e-bay for dirt cheap, and I've definitly had 100lb's in it while bombing on an atv. However, I only use it maybe 20% over my other pack that I got at a sports store. Only time it gets used is when I need to completely fill it to max capacity. I would use it all the time but IT LOOKS SO DAMN SUSPICIOUS. I prefer something like this:


Active member
How goes folks? I've the luxury of having Canadian wilderness pretty much surrounding me so I aim to utilize it this year. My plots are not only ATV inaccessible but surrounded with dense brush also, so carrying a Rubbermaid full of clones out there isn't an option. So I made n' tested these suckers. I'm sure someones done this already I just haven't found it in any threads.

Had some 4" pvc laying around. Going to make a few with the 6" stuff aswell. That clones only 6" tall but I took a few 12"s along while prepping plots also and they were all tickidy boo when I was done hiking to the spots. After a hole was dug I just popped off the bottom cap n' it came out smooth as silk.