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Guerilla Partner Troubles....

So me and a good friend planned on doing a large crop this year and split cost and profits 50/50... so far the only real cost are the seeds and the the shovels taht we have invested ~$100 its getting to be time to put the plants in the ground w/ in the next month and getting him to scout our spot, and prepping it is becoming a huge pain in the @$$ need some advice because he knows where the location for the grow to be planted but isnt familiar w/ the land and its a large area so he prob wouldnt fine it but still a risk so trying not to create any bad karma on this lol my options are looking like:

Buy him out n hope he doesnt screw me over

Do a small grow w/ him and say thats all the clones i could get and save a larger amount for me to do in a seperate secret grow

Do all the work n still get screwed by spliting 50/50

Any advice???


Grower of Connoisseur herb's.
ICMag Donor
hmmm this sounds like a bad marriage, this guy is a "good friend"?

Sounds like your already trying to find a way out, do it now not later or man up and be honest and do the 50/50 like you agreed.

I have a very good gro-bro and we split EVERYTHING, I try to let stuff go and tell him "don't worry don't pay me for that" on small stuff and he says; "No way I want no bad energy between us"...even though I know he hasn't worked in a while and money is tight for us both.

You gotta keep the communication and energy clean or your just headed for disaster (like many marriages) cuz trust me, your gro-bro BETTER be tighter with you than your g/f or wife.....just my two cents....and I wish you the best!
Well, I've been told that there are two ships you don't want to be on...
1) a sinking ship
2) and a partnership

Still, if you feel like you wanna partner with him you need to know if he is really serious into it. If not; and if there are any doubts, then by all means you shoud DIY.
Yea seems like hes all about the dollar signs n not about the actual satisfaction of an impressive grow and doin the work i need a partner not an invester lol


Active member
hmmm this sounds like a bad marriage, this guy is a "good friend"?

Sounds like your already trying to find a way out, do it now not later or man up and be honest and do the 50/50 like you agreed.

I have a very good gro-bro and we split EVERYTHING, I try to let stuff go and tell him "don't worry don't pay me for that" on small stuff and he says; "No way I want no bad energy between us"...even though I know he hasn't worked in a while and money is tight for us both.

You gotta keep the communication and energy clean or your just headed for disaster (like many marriages) cuz trust me, your gro-bro BETTER be tighter with you than your g/f or wife.....just my two cents....and I wish you the best!
this is the truest statment i have ever read here on ic, if you aint sure of your partner bail now.
Yea seems like hes all about the dollar signs n not about the actual satisfaction of an impressive grow and doin the work i need a partner not an invester lol

Sounds like you got your mind made on this one, good. Partnerships that work out really successfully, are extreeeeeeeeeeemly rare!:tiphat:
yea def def think ill share a small plot w/ him and do my grow alot bigger and the way i wanna go it..... after this season out im solo from here out...........


Buy him out n hope he doesnt screw me over

Do a small grow w/ him and say thats all the clones i could get and save a larger amount for me to do in a seperate secret grow

Do all the work n still get screwed by spliting 50/50

Any advice???

Whatever you do, do not lie to the partner. That will forever ruin your friendship if he ever finds out.

Be honest and up front with him.

Lying... Going behind his back... Leading him to believe something is what it isn't... That really hurts your friendship in the end, and will probably end it, permanently.


Recovering UO addict.
whatever you do be honest with him...otherwise we'll also have to read his thread on here titled "wtf my guerrilla partner lied to me!"

either split or just bite the bullet and hope it works out. You can always do some shit on the side too for back up...but not at the expense of your partner. :2cents:


Active member
It's been two years I'm guerilla growing with a friend, and everything is going great.
We divide the work 50/50 (well, I do a little more things but it's because I'm more experienced).
Same for the harvest: 50/50.
Partnership can cause problems, for me it was "no fuck I'm too high and tired to go water the plants blablabla" some times, and it was fucking annoying, but finaly we've got a great harvest!
This year, same partnership!
You should know that partnership in guerilla means that your plants will be monitored and watered twice as often as if you were alone. That means more harvest!
Or just think : you're going far from your plants for holidays, and two weeks without watering can kill plants if the weather is too dry! With a partner he can water them when You're not here and vice-versa!

Of course the best thing is to have a garden and plant there for you only, but when you do guerilla, partnership is a great thing!

Peace :)


Active member
i have a "gro bro" that when i had a bad year (we were going to split 70/30) (i only had enough green for 1/3 of then plants instead of 1/2) but yeah my 1/3 got eaten (we used 3 different plots) and then at the end of the year he harvested his and i never seen anything.... kinda bunk....
but yeah just talk to him and be like there is more to it then just putting them in the ground and chopping them down and getting cash... be like if you are in you HAVE to be in and help. if you chose to not let him in and you are worried about him going and stealing your plants well that would be one of your biggest problems.... to me it seems like you are about to rest your whole year on someone you dont trust,


hmmm this sounds like a bad marriage, this guy is a "good friend"?

Sounds like your already trying to find a way out, do it now not later or man up and be honest and do the 50/50 like you agreed.

I have a very good gro-bro and we split EVERYTHING, I try to let stuff go and tell him "don't worry don't pay me for that" on small stuff and he says; "No way I want no bad energy between us"...even though I know he hasn't worked in a while and money is tight for us both.

You gotta keep the communication and energy clean or your just headed for disaster (like many marriages) cuz trust me, your gro-bro BETTER be tighter with you than your g/f or wife.....just my two cents....and I wish you the best!

wow, solid advice. I'm going through some relationship issues right now and you've hit the nail on the head.
its not as much doin the work as it is getting him to do the work ive been tryin ta get him out to the spot for 3 friggin weeks but hes so into his girl he wants to spend every second w/ her n is basically sayin it will get done when it gets done whick means:
1) Im waitin for u to do it
2) I dont give a shit bout the grow op.

Its not planting time untill a month from now IMO but i want our wholes dug, soil preped and materials out there so all we have to do is throw the clones in the hole and set up our fencing w/o that prep work done well have a solid week of hardcore labor instead of a day a week of less stressful labor.... either way i decided im doin a small grow solo on the side just because w/ his lack of care i can see this one going bunk :/


Active member


My partner is lazy as fuck! :wallbash: I've tried to motivate him but it's like :deadhorse: :cuss: I'm not sure how he's going to act in 6 months when i shut it down. But who cares, I'm going back to my old ways which means SOLO!. I'm like you seeing things go down hill. I would do a small plot with him but do my money making plot without him knowing. They never wanna do shit till it's too late.


You gotta keep the communication and energy clean or your just headed for disaster (like many marriages) cuz trust me, your gro-bro BETTER be tighter with you than your g/f or wife.....just my two cents....and I wish you the best! ++++++++++++++++++++++++ Some of us couldnt do this alone......you got to sreen properly as Julian would say....I would do the secret plot seems like you cant trust him and it hasnt even started yet...


Okay, you could do all the work, spend all of the money, set up the grow so it is self sufficient (irrigation and all), and still, in the end your partner is liable to: 1. Tell everyone, and it all gets stolen 2. Get greedy and steal it all, because he wants to buy a ring, car and everything else for his girl. 3. get drunk or wired and get you busted from his paranoia or sloppy drunkeness (or stoned stupidity)

I have been through it all....go it alone.


Sorcerer's Apprentice
Seems to me that decisions about when to do what and how to split the labor should've been one of the first you made.

Your philosophy is to do one day a week work in advance to save yourself the labor of doing it all at once.

His philosophy is to wait til he's got time and then get the work cranked out.

Neither philosophy is intrinsically "right" (though I am in YOUR camp). When I was in college, I had a roommate who would work on his term papers for weeks before the deadline. I would literally wait until 6am the day it was due and sit down at my computer and bang the whole thing out. I had writers block that could only be unblocked by the pressure of failing.

Maybe your grow-bro is the same. He needs pressure to perform.

All I'm saying is, you're already counting this harvest as a loss and it hasn't even been PLANTED yet.

Why don't you go discuss your issues with him and agree to some kind of way to go forward.

If you can't, then tell him honestly that you want to take your half of the materials and go your own way (before planting) and that he can do the same.