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Guerilla Notice: Comming Trends

D.S. Toker. MD

Active member
I saw my cousin yesterday during christmas dinner. He told me that this past grow season was his most profitable - a harvest of 68 pounds of weed.

He laughs as he tells me as to rub it in my face. He thinks im stupid for working so hard when i could join him and live on easy street. He laughs when he tells me he "saw my plants". I think he's a jackass, a parasite and i tell him so.

He's not a grower. His brother owns a small cub airplane. Come sept him and his brother began their search. They identify the patches they want, wait for maturity and go harvest them.

It has become so profitable, he's decided to take on a partner, lease another plane and expand his business to cover more area. He said it only takes one good find to pay for the plane.

Theives are opportunist and I cant imagine this activity not catching on and spreading. The new face of outdoor.


stoned agin ...
get onto google maps to pick your location and show him what for ... while he's putting around in the cub you can pick your sites from your den, sitting in your underwear drinking a beer.


get onto google maps to pick your location and show him what for ... while he's putting around in the cub you can pick your sites from your den, sitting in your underwear drinking a beer.

I think you got the wrong idea..

You cant find other peoples plants from google maps..

his cousin is a ripper!!

D.S. Toker. MD

Active member
Yes he is. His philosopy is "why rob a bank when you get more money and no risk of arrest by raiding other peoples weed patches". "Let other do the work" is his motto.

I have a 10 am flight to Nausua, bahamas this morning. I plan on spending new years day on a sandy white beach smoking a big cuban cigar, looking at the topless girls and buying pena collata's and fine jamacan reefer stogies from the many pedlers who walk up and down the beach selling it openly. (They mix it with tobacco), Bahamians pamper their tourist and Nasuau rocks..

There is just something about those girls that smell like coconut oil.

Senior frog, get out the party hats cause here i come!!! Happy new year!!!


Better tell your cousin to make hay while the sun shines,because one day he is going to turn up at a patch where some guys are waiting then bad things will happen:tree:
damn that sucks for your cousin for he thinks it is easy money not wise people i know that have plants won't play the same game if i were you and you like your cousin tell him to stop and get out of the business for his very life could depend on it.

D.S. Toker. MD

Active member
Ive told him the same thing.

He's cocky about it and says that because he see's it from the air, he can tell how people get to the patch, how many are involved and where they're comming from. He knows whether the land owner is the grower or whether its a guerilla grow just by viewing the grow and the paths to it. Easy Pickings. It provides some insight as to what the police choppers might see as well.

They know whether anyone stays with the patch or lives nearby before they ever steal it. They show up for the cut at 2:00 am and are gone by 4. He laughs and says he only has to work one month out of the year.

The world is full of these people.


Well-known member
we have a scumbag where i work who is proud of being a patch pirate.i wanted to drop the mofo when he told us that,it wasnt 2 minutes after i was talking about the rippers that got me for 15 outdoor plants ,so a few pounds .i wanted to drop 1 of the crates full of furniture that i had up in the air on the forklift on him fucking piece of shit


Sup Chuck! Accidents happen all the time:)
Sorry to hear about your loss and all the others the pos rippers got.
Well DS being a grower who has to hear that from your cuz must be dissapointing.
Relative or not I'd be hard pressed to completely ruin his career!
Seriously I'd feel obligated. How many hard working souls is he planning to rob of their futures this year? While we plan, accumulate, scout,dig,prep,plan, work work work this guys chilling in the Bahamas drinkin piña coladas on us. No way hombre.
Your cousins a terrorist!
You have a moral obligation to stop him.
Karmas a bitch but a push in the right direction never hurt.
Fuck your cuz and everyone like em! I'm done:)


Sup Chuck! Accidents happen all the time:)
Sorry to hear about your loss and all the others the pos rippers got.
Well DS being a grower who has to hear that from your cuz must be dissapointing.
Relative or not I'd be hard pressed to completely ruin his career!
Seriously I'd feel obligated. How many hard working souls is he planning to rob of their futures this year? While we plan, accumulate, scout,dig,prep,plan, work work work this guys chilling in the Bahamas drinkin piña coladas on us. No way hombre.
Your cousins a terrorist!
You have a moral obligation to stop him.
Karmas a bitch but a push in the right direction never hurt.
Fuck your cuz and everyone like em! I'm done:)


In search of Genetics
I think karma only works if you believe in it.
Perfect examples are all the Mthr Fckrs you cant stand in this world who have it all and nothing ever goes bad for them.
No matter how much you hate them and say things like that mthr fckr is gonna get his someday they always seem to get what they want and never have to pay there karma bill ( Imaginary Fairytale after lifes don't count for this explanation).

The only way he is gonna pay ( If he doesn't believe in Karma) is by the hand of the person he is robbing.


Dude is gonna end up with a bullet to the head if he keeps at it!! Big time outdoor guys are NOT friendly to theives!!


stoned agin ...


Active member
I am boiling just reading this thread.I have been ripped on more than a few occasions and it is absolutely devastating!!!!!After spending $ on genetics,soil,nutes and other supplies,plus the power it takes to grow your moms inside etc.Then walking up to your patch and immediatly knowing something is wrong,but it never registers until a few seconds,and your heart just drops to your stomach seeing the ripped up plants and broken stocks,but NO BUD.Thats what it feels like you ripper fucks!Its not just that either.I think most of us do not want to use violence when it comes to geurilla growing,but the rippers are a huge reason for violence!If you have money involved and it is your livlihood you are forced to protect it!Rippers promote violence in my opinion.If I caught a guy in my plot,i dont know what i would do,but im sure it would not be pretty!!