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Guerilla Horror!


man hippies everywhere just shed a single tear. i woulda done the same thing.. but probably woulda thrown an elbow drop off the top ropes for good measure


Hey guys,
This was the scariest situation ive had. It happened so quick - pounding him with the rock was almost instinct. I knew if this thing could collect itself i was going to be bitten. It was in the final stages, I carry a little key chain mase that i got from the rape crisis center but i dont think this thing would have been detered one bit.

Toker, it didnt occur to me that coyotes or foxes might eat the thing. I was busy trying to settle down and find something to wipe my ass with.
Eh? Stone-cold-killer afraid of being raped? I would print me a t-shirt "I killed a 100 pound hog barehanded" with a pic of the carcass, should take care of of the rapists...


I'm always here when I'm not someplace else
Eh? Stone-cold-killer afraid of being raped? I would print me a t-shirt "I killed a 100 pound hog barehanded" with a pic of the carcass, should take care of of the rapists...

Naw I went back and looked. It wasn't no 100 pound hog.
It was a 5 pound "Ground hog"

That T-shirt might provoke some attention where that rape spray might be kinda handy.

Poor lil ground hog. Weren't no bigger than a coffee pot.:laughing:

Those "Ground hogs" don't bite, they're herbivores. But the thought of a rabid ground hog rootin around in my grow and then pullin that crazy shit might have just been a compliment too. Let em get all fucked up eatin your weed and then bash their heads with a rock.

I dunno man it sounds mean to me. You gotta learn to share if you're gonna grow in the wild. You can't just go around thru the brush bashin all the ground hogs on the head and then accusing them of being rabid.

Scardie cat

A few weeks back, the paper posted an alert of rabies in the area. Thats not an uncommon occurrance for those living in the boonies so i gave it no thought.

At daybreak on saturday, i was walking through weeds when i noticed an animal, a ground hog rustling in the weeds. I thought nothing of it and thought as soon as he heard me he would haul ass. When i was about 20' from the animal, it stood up on its back legs and charged at me full force. What the fuck????

For anyone thats ever seen full blown rabies in an animal knows its one of the most horrific sites you will ever see. I could see that this ground hog was frothing and when it was a few feet from me, it lost control of its back legs, which acted on thier own and flipped the animal upside down where it flopped around. It had lost control of its body parts and was writhing and frothing while ommitting a loud growlish squeel. HOLY !!! SHIT!!!!

I picked up a 20lb rock and lobbed it ontop of the animal. It stunned it and hurt it which allowed me to pick the rock up again and bash its head. it was dead or dying anyway.

In all of my years of growing, ive suprised rutting deer and crossed boar hogs and coyotes, but this was the most frightening incident ive ever encountered.

Be careful out there.

D.S. Toker. MD

Active member
Can you see the headlines stress test! "MAN KILLED AND EATEN BY 20lb GROUNDHOG!!!"
Witnesses report a valiant fight! Heck, there might be money to be made with the National Inquirer. "ALIEN GROUNDHOG ATTACKS!!!"

"GROUND HOG POSSESSED BY SPIRIT OF BIN LADEN!!!" Look for my pic in the checkout line guys!! Im calling them today!!


Naw I went back and looked. It wasn't no 100 pound hog.
It was a 5 pound "Ground hog"

That T-shirt might provoke some attention where that rape spray might be kinda handy.

Poor lil ground hog. Weren't no bigger than a coffee pot.:laughing:

Those "Ground hogs" don't bite, they're herbivores. But the thought of a rabid ground hog rootin around in my grow and then pullin that crazy shit might have just been a compliment too. Let em get all fucked up eatin your weed and then bash their heads with a rock.

I dunno man it sounds mean to me. You gotta learn to share if you're gonna grow in the wild. You can't just go around thru the brush bashin all the ground hogs on the head and then accusing them of being rabid.

Scardie cat

Hey If You pound Jack the bear with a rock you can still top The OP.


I'm always here when I'm not someplace else
Huh uh, I like Jack, I look for him every trip but haven't seen him again.
Now I have a squirrel that waits for me and throws cones at me. I've been trying to get a picture. But I don't think my critters count anyway cause they ain't got rabies.


Yeah Doc Wins!! My 1 bear just took off like a black streak. Didn't have time to shit myself.. I knew you wouldn't stone Jack..Although I bet Jak would like a brownie.. Y'all be careful out ther.


Rabid Ground Hog Defends School Children By Sodomizin Pot Farmer. Film at 11:00!!

:laughing::laughing: sounds like the cops have a new mascot .... "woody the crazy fuckin' woodchuck says, don't do drugs" ..... can't wait to see the new d.a.r.e. bumpersticker


A few weeks back, the paper posted an alert of rabies in the area. Thats not an uncommon occurrance for those living in the boonies so i gave it no thought.

At daybreak on saturday, i was walking through weeds when i noticed an animal, a ground hog rustling in the weeds. I thought nothing of it and thought as soon as he heard me he would haul ass. When i was about 20' from the animal, it stood up on its back legs and charged at me full force. What the fuck????

For anyone thats ever seen full blown rabies in an animal knows its one of the most horrific sites you will ever see. I could see that this ground hog was frothing and when it was a few feet from me, it lost control of its back legs, which acted on thier own and flipped the animal upside down where it flopped around. It had lost control of its body parts and was writhing and frothing while ommitting a loud growlish squeel. HOLY !!! SHIT!!!!

I picked up a 20lb rock and lobbed it ontop of the animal. It stunned it and hurt it which allowed me to pick the rock up again and bash its head. it was dead or dying anyway.

In all of my years of growing, ive suprised rutting deer and crossed boar hogs and coyotes, but this was the most frightening incident ive ever encountered.

Be careful out there.


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