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Guerilla Horror!

D.S. Toker. MD

Active member
A few weeks back, the paper posted an alert of rabies in the area. Thats not an uncommon occurrance for those living in the boonies so i gave it no thought.

At daybreak on saturday, i was walking through weeds when i noticed an animal, a ground hog rustling in the weeds. I thought nothing of it and thought as soon as he heard me he would haul ass. When i was about 20' from the animal, it stood up on its back legs and charged at me full force. What the fuck????

For anyone thats ever seen full blown rabies in an animal knows its one of the most horrific sites you will ever see. I could see that this ground hog was frothing and when it was a few feet from me, it lost control of its back legs, which acted on thier own and flipped the animal upside down where it flopped around. It had lost control of its body parts and was writhing and frothing while ommitting a loud growlish squeel. HOLY !!! SHIT!!!!

I picked up a 20lb rock and lobbed it ontop of the animal. It stunned it and hurt it which allowed me to pick the rock up again and bash its head. it was dead or dying anyway.

In all of my years of growing, ive suprised rutting deer and crossed boar hogs and coyotes, but this was the most frightening incident ive ever encountered.

Be careful out there.

Claude Hopper

Old Skool Rulz
Damn, D.S., Those old whistle pigs can really scream! Never seen one act aggressive at all, it must've been sick. I'd worry about other animals around there. Don't want to run into a big rabid boar coon.
wow that is some scary stuff! You did the right thing! But now when the predators get to it that may spread it even more!! Rabies=Zombies in real life!!!!


saw a rabid fox (that was in a cage) and it scared me. i don't think i would want to run into anything bigger than a ground hog that had that stuff, and i would pass on the ground if i had a choice. from what i have heard it is not possible to "scare off" an animal that has an advanced case of rabies, it only pisses off something thats mind is gone. if an animal is acting strange it is a good idea to pay attention to it, you may be dealing with a lot more than you think.
That isnt good, D.S becareful i have seen rabid coons, coyotes and fox's all were very aggressive...

You did the rite thing by killing him, check next time and see if the coyotes did eat him( i would bet they did)..not that it really matter's

Keep safe and Green bro!


jack Haze

The rigors of guerrilla gardening. If it isn't relentless, blood-seeking ticks...It's rogue, rabid ground hogs. Hope that's a once in a lifetime encounter. I came across a pygmy rattler the other day but thus far, no ground hogs!

Stay safe out there...

Claude Hopper

Old Skool Rulz
I came across a pygmy rattler the other day but thus far, no ground hogs!

Ouch! No snakes YET for me this season.

May have to start toting a staff again. snakes, Rabid zombies, hogs gone wild...

jack Haze

Ouch! No snakes YET for me this season.

May have to start toting a staff again. snakes, Rabid zombies, hogs gone wild...

I've been lucky so far this year. I've only seen a Garter and that Pygmy. I ran across a 5' skin from a Rat snake but I don't mind those.


SHIT...I'm scared now...I thought that skeeters & deer were bad...I guess I'll be on point...isn't it great to grow outdoors....way more fun than a basement or attic...


I'm always here when I'm not someplace else
K.I.S.S. = Keep It Safe Stoners?

It can get kinda spooky out there sometimes. Your already sneaking up on your plants half expecting to find hidden cameras, ripped plants, or find somebody waiting for ya. Add a whacked out critter and a joint for some good paranoia and things start getting exciting in the woods at sunup.


Feeling good is good enough.
That critter was literally "stoned" to death... LOL

Good thing your instincts took over and you made the faster move.

Please be very careful,


D.S. Toker. MD

Active member
Hey guys,
This was the scariest situation ive had. It happened so quick - pounding him with the rock was almost instinct. I knew if this thing could collect itself i was going to be bitten. It was in the final stages, I carry a little key chain mase that i got from the rape crisis center but i dont think this thing would have been detered one bit.

Toker, it didnt occur to me that coyotes or foxes might eat the thing. I was busy trying to settle down and find something to wipe my ass with.