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Guerilla Grow - 49°N - Haley's Comet & Early Riser - 2010


New member
Greetings All, :wave:

This year I'm doing a guerilla grow. The genetics I've chosen are: Sagarmatha Seeds - Early Riser and The Flying Dutchmen - Haley's Comet (both are regular seeds). These are early maturing strains that will hopefully finish in time for my area (49°N).

I've planted the seeds on 25'th of April - 4 x Early Riser and 4 x Haley's Comet. I've started the seeds directly in soil (really liked this guide).

I'm germinating the seeds in my modded computer case. The case has two fans, but due to the high noise they make I'm running only one of them. With two 35W CFL lamps on the temperature doesn't go higher than 26°C (78.8 °F). That's pretty fine I guess. Btw, the case is placed in another box to keep the noise down and the light under control.

The first plant to sprout was an Early Riser (code named ER-1 :)). It was too fast comparing to the other seeds and (due to lack of experience) left in the dark for 24h. It stretched a big deal. But it's doing fine now. As of today (2'nd of May) 4 plants have sprouted and look happy. The other ones are still on their way (one of them is doing fine, the other three have been taken out of the soil and had their outer shell cracked a little with the nail).

The plants will be moved outdoors as soon as they're big enough. The spot is located in a forest.

Any advice, questions or suggestions are most welcomed! Oh yeah btw, this is my first grow :D.


the only advice I would have is to cover those transperant pots with something so no light get to the roots (roots don't like light, they die off). Best bet is to grab some of that fat green painters masking tape (I think it comes in 2-3" wide rolls) and cover the pots.
Have a good season!


New member
Thx a lot for the advice. I will definitely do sth. about the light getting to the roots. Thought about wrapping the pots in green duct tape, or sth. similar. I have some green paint laying around but don't want to get the paint smell going around the house.


New member
Greetings me friends!

The plants have slowly been growing towards the sky and I'm happy with what I've got so far :). Even though a lot of mistakes have been made, the herb is forgiving :).


Out of the 8 originally planted seeds, 4 have died (1 has died when I tried to remove the seed shell from the first set of leaves which were accidentaly removed too ... :(, two others have died due to soggy soil and other complications, and the fourth one has been accidentaly ripped... oh well.)

Two out of the four originally planted HC seeds have been stunned due to soggy soil... (lesson learned). I've transplanted them and they're slowly starting to gain weight... Take notice of what happens when you overwater your seedlings (second pot from front-right, and first one from back-right). These two have been planted at the same time as the biggest plant on the picture.

I've replaced all 4 lost seedlings with 1xHaley's Comet, 1xEarly Riser, 1xBiddy Early and 1xFruit Automatic (freeby from Dinafem). The Fruit Automatic (second from back-left) is already starting to smell like grapefruit... amazing!

What I've noticed so far is that Early Riser has a much more vigorous growth than Haley's Comet. The roots and leaves are developing faster. The biggest plant in the picture is the Early Riser which sprouted the first (in that hell of soggy soil), and is amazingly fast growing.


In one week I'll move them outside.


Hey buddy, you seem to have a pretty similar situation to me. I'm growing at 51N, and started my seeds April 28th. My partner and I are first timers as well. My plants look pretty similar to yours in terms of size too. Your biggest one's a beast!

What's this you're saying about soggy soil? It's REALLY dry where I live, so I'm watering twice a day at least, with foliar sprays in between. Basically I water when the soil is really dry. But when I do water, I water the shit out of them. I spray the soil until it's too wet to take any more water, and then I move on to the next plant. I've got 49 plants, so that takes a while. I then repeat the process. The water never gets through to the bottom of the pots, so I always thought this was too little watering, if anything. But I'd definitely call the top of the soil "soggy" after doing this, so I'm a little concerned by what I'm hearing.

EDIT: you can check out my grow at https://www.icmag.com/ic/showthread.php?t=173586


New member
Hey 007.! Nice to hear about your grow. I'm definitely going to take a seat there :).

About the soggy soil... Well, I was talking about the soil where the seeds have been planted. Before putting them in soil I have watered it too much... So after it had dried a little it became hard as stone (almost :) ). So the seedlings couldn't develop roots in there... That's why they were stunned.

As soon as there is enough roots and bigger water intake by the plant there is no danger in giving a hell lot of water to your plant. But it's important to let it dry too. I'm watering my plants once in like 3-4 days... As soon as the soil is dry. They seem happy though :).


007 i think he's talkin about accidentially overwatering his plants while there indoors (a very common mistake for all of us), hey deadbeef... not sure if u were aware of this, but you actually want to underwater seedlings beacuse it will force the roots to stretch more in search of water creating a stronger root system, contrary to just allowing them to be content. I actually made the same mistake of planting seedlings in clear containers and really fucked shit up for myself (alls good now) but anyway ur lucky u fixed the prob. early!!! Good Luck with everything... I can't wait to see how everything turns out for ya!

Ps: I don't kno how much past expirince u have, but if theres one thing i could tell ya... it would be dont try to care for your plants to much or "baby them". I use to get so excited when my seedlings first started sproting that i would try and do way to much in an attempt to get them "growin". You really just have to be patient, water them sparsly, and "try" not to look at them 10 times a day lol. ALSO I CANT STRESS THIS ENOUGH DONT USE ANY NUTES TILL THERE ATLEAST 3 WEEKS OLD, and even then only use 1/4 of the recomended dose

+REP for ya bro love the tread so far, an keep the updates coming, and yea welcome to the best grow guide on the planet that being everyone at ICMAG!


hey good luck with this, it's gonna be really fun I'm sure, just be careful and don't tell people you're growing anything, go to the spot only when you need to do something important..don't go just to take a look. I'll be watching this!


New member
madman2001, thanks for the advice. I'll be watching out for that... Fortunately I've grown out of that age when I have tell everyone what I'm doing :D. (or did I?)

DiiZZii3 I hear your man. Luckily, I can see the plants only once a day... and this has been playing to my advantage so far :D Sometimes I'll let them for a couple days and check them and see how big they've grown :)... And I'm feeling like a father :D.

Regarding watering, my rule of thumb is to water only after the soil has dried and the plants look a little thirsty :) There has been so many posts on this forum stressing how important it is to let the soil dry and let the roots stretch...

I've bumped into the Mandala Seeds' guide on fertilizing. I'm not feeding the plants anything and I'll let them be for a few more weeks.

Oh yeah btw, I'm keeping the plants on a 18/6 light schedule.


New member
Greetings my Friends!

At last, here is an update on what’s been going on with my grow for the last 2 months. Well, to be honest, nothing extra special happened, but that’s the point, isn’t it? :)

So... currently I have 5 plants growing. Two Early Riser’s, one Haley’s Comet, one Biddy Early and one Easy Ryder. All of them have been planted outdoors in the forest, except for the Easy Ryder which is growing in my garden.

Every hole has two bottles dug in it to make watering easier and more efficient. Here they are before putting the plants in:


The bottles have a bunch small holes in them to let the water slowly drip into the soil.

Here is a pic of some mushrooms growing nearby :D :


The Easy Ryder (will harvest it in about 10 days):


And my two beauties - Early Riser (left) and Haley’s Comet (right):


I haven’t used any fertilizer so far (except for some compost mixed with the soil)... Will give them some at the end of this month.


New member
Just checked the plants... Three of them are males. So I'm left with two nice looking females now :D. Kinda sad that Early Riser nbr.1 is a male... That was a beautiful plant... Tall (2 m), very branchy and resistant to stress. Have placed a few of it's branches nearby so I can get some seeds...

The two females I've got now are both Haley's Comet. Next year will give another shot at Early Riser and maybe will do some 8 Miles High.

Hopefully in two months I'll be smokin' these two beauties. :D


New member
Yep, they started flowering over a week ago. Overall I must say that Early Riser was the fastest maturing plant. While Biddy Early and Haley's Comet have just started showing their sex, Early Riser was ready to spread its polen around. :D

And are the haley's comets flowering yet?

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