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GT205 NFT setup and fertilizer questions

Update day 19

Update day 19

So heres an update. Growth is amazing compared to what I would expect for my first run at hydro.

I have upped the ferts to a stronger and more powerfull mix. EC is now 1.5mS/cm with a boost in Nitrogen, Potassium and Calcium.







The stems are thick and internotel length is short with good side shots.

The total height is only 15cm on the highest plant and I have 55cm more to grow in height.

So - when should i consider flowering? 30cm? I have thought of switching to 12/12 with the blue (6500K) lamp for 2 weeks, then change the lamp to red (2700K) in order to prevent too much stretch.

Any thoughts?


Active member
What's the total height of your flowering area? Those are some stubby bastards man! I just thought 1.5 ec was a little high but, the plants aren't looking like they're having problems! Do you only have 1 bulb at a time meaning, you couldn't use both the 6500lamp and the 2700k at the same time? because I think they would stretch more if you were still giving them the 6500K bulb during flowering as opposed to the red just for flowering purposes. amazing job dude :tiphat:
I have a total of 70 cm up to the lamp. And there is only room for one lamp since these 250W CFL are huge.
I wanted to use the 6500K lamp since the wavelength are better than the 2700K in terms of reducing stretch. But only for 2 weeks at 12/12.
Update day 23 - Flower day 2

Update day 23 - Flower day 2

Yesterday I sat til light to 12/12 and cut the fan leafs to give some light to the sideshots.





Active member
perfect shades of green on those ladies. let the flower show begin, congrats looks to be a nice harvest in the future.
I hope so. Also I'm thinking of getting another red bulp to have 2 plants flowering at the same time, since propagation of clones and vegging takes a lot less time than flowering.

I have just got a propagator box and some Clonex, and will try cloning for the first time...


Active member
That mix you made up works v-well, i wouldnt mind trying that one myself, i thought EC 1.5 was a bit high for the stage of growth, but they look great, n-work!.

Are you going to train,Lst/Hst etc at all?
Thanks. The EC 1.5 mix was actually a bit too high, and i lowered it to 1.3 due to some leaf on 2 plants showed signs of nutrient burns. But maybe it was also due to the sudden rise in EC I gave them, since I jumped from 0.9 to 1.5 over a day. Also there was about 20ppm ammonia Nitrogen in the mix, which could also trigger the plant to do that. All in all i decided to lower the EC to 1.3 (Just adding water) and the plants have not showed more burns.

I haven't decided on any training since I don't know the growth of the plants or the restrictions of my cabinet. Until now the only issues is space, since the plants are a little tightly placed. That's why i cut the fan leafs. The lamp could also be better, since the bulp it self is restricting light to a small area and the ballast and clamp takes up a lot of space.
One good thing is that the lamp don't get hot at all. Its still completely cool after a whole day.

I could consider switching to fluorescent light since the tubes could be spread out more evenly. When growing in such a tiny space the light distribution is an issue.

But for now I'm trying to seen how it goes and are not cutting or training the plants further, except for cutting the fan leafs.
Update day 36 - 2th week of flower

Update day 36 - 2th week of flower

Time for an update

On the left, 6 Lalandia 2011 Amnesia was planted (6 of 6 sprouted)
They are under 12/12 with the 6500K lamp and another fert mixture:

N(NO3) 130
N(NH4) 10
K 190
P 50
Mg 70
Ca 125
S 68
EC is 1.5 at full strength, and I have dosed only to 0.6mS/cm



On the right the flowering is full and 2 plants have been cut (Males) and the roots/Grodanblock removed. The other plants have been moved to give more space around them. Now there is 2 Blueberry on the left and 2 Early Durban on the right.


A Blueberry



Active member
Strange, when i added my last post those pics were not there. But hey looks real good, i was wondering when you were gonna cover that corex cover, nice work man. Shame on the males, it happens & pays to sex or use fems, unlucky there. Looks better every time i look in here, cant wait to see more?

What height you set ya well made screen at? looks a little high from here, but looks are usually decieving.

G'Luck man!
I was editing the post seconds after I first posted, so probably why.

The only reason I covered it was because I needed to move the plants, and cut op the cover.

I got a propagator and I'm gonna cut some clones some weeks before I harvest in order to try out some stuff I haven't done before. Like cloning cannabis :)

I'm thinking of trying out to get maybe only 2 big plants going and getting them all branchy and filling out the screen.


Active member
If your gonna take clones, take them before flowers form, best to take em in veg ime.

I used to use heated propagators untill i discovered 'Bubblecloning', but rockwool & props work fine.

I have read that its best to take clones in veg, but also that reveg flowering clones are more prone to multiple shots. And since having 2 big plants in SCROG this would be good.
Update week 8 - 4 weeks of flower

Update week 8 - 4 weeks of flower

So the bad and the good news:

Bad news - last week I pulled a hermie:



It was one of the Early Durban's - so only one left. The flowers had already showed bananas, but no pollen was visible. So hopefully I was in time.

It was bad, since this one had real good female flowers.

But the good news from today:

Blueberry flowers:


An uneven canopy:

And the 2 weeks old Lalandia 2011 Amnesia:


Hi guys,Real nice grow op and thread!! Your doing it spot on friend !!
I used to grow in GT205's.I would add oxyplus(hydrogen peroxide)
and put a air stone in the tank to airate the water.
Im gonna try the IWS Hydro system and get back to mega yields...ATB..stay well and grow strong


Active member
Thats shit man, herm again. Hope you have better luck with the Amnesia, are they Fems?
As for taking clones to re-veg, id say you aint gonna get more shoots at all, its just slowing you down bro, take them in veg & early bloom before flowers form if you can(ideally on preflower), re-veg is another story.
G'Luck! ;)