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GSTF and BATF (f) Guerilla

The last of my BATF. This is #1. About 6 foot tall...but bent over. Several nice long colas like the one in the photo soaking in the sun. I believe this is the pheno that leans ATF? Nice, round red haired nuggets making up a long cola. Smells like gas.

No pics of #2, a late plant only 2 feet tall, but looking like the same pheno.

Good holes with coir, compost, water crystals...and fertilized with Liquid Eposoma Grow/ Bloom off the shelf. Last few times I used some Kelp Meal. All great stuff.


About 3 feet tall with some dense colas. Looks to finish first...I hope by early Oct.

Sideways photos suck. Sorry. Let me know how to correct and it wont happen again.

I didn't realize the frost starting up on these until I got home and say the photos. I am excited.
