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Growtent cheesey sgrog grow


Hi this is a diary for my little 2 plant sgrog in a commercially bought growtent. I`ve been growing for many years, but this only is my second attempt at sgrogging in this growtent, and is kind of like practice for the 2mx3m sgrog I plan for my main flowering room.

The clones are from Cheese mums.

They suffered a little whilst rooting up etc., not quite sure what it is that I`m not getting right about my cloning procedure. I`m in the process of cloning a further 24 cheese plants so as to select the best 15 for my other grow. I`ll be starting up a grow diary for that grow in a couple of weeks time.

Having all sorts of problems with this strain though, but hoping I`m on top of that now.

The grow equipment consists of the following:-

One growtent 1mx1mx2m(high)
1 400w sodium light
2x 205 nft tanks
2x 12liter buckets
1 4inch extractor + carbon filter
sgrog screen
2x desk top fans

Nutrients are Canna coco A+B, along with superthrive, PK13/14 from about week 3 of 12/12..

Here are some pics showing the plants a week or so ago and looking quite sad. The next ones are of the 2 selected plants now after potting up and after having some LST prior to putting the screen in place.

Any questions, please feel free to ask:joint:


Ps. How do I upload photos without filling my attatchments folder? Do I need a Photobucket account or something similar?


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Well the plants are looking beautiful, with no signs of the intervienal yellowing that`s been plaguing me. Its really encouraging as I`ve been a bit worried about running this strain again in my bigger grow, but running this 2 plant sgrog a few weeks ahead of the 15 plant grow has got my confidence high again and I`m expecting good things in 3 months time.

I`m going to fit the screen over these two tmro. I`ve been training them by tying them back and making them bush out. I dont think it`ll take long to fill out the screen:yes:.

I`ll put some pics up of the screen when its in place. It`s going to be rigid so I wont be able to move the plants till harvest once they`re in the screen. It`d make a lot of sense if this growtent had a rear entry as well as the front, it`d be such a doddle to work on this set up, maybe I`ll get busy with scissors and velcro in the not too distant future.

They`re being fed EC1.2 Canna coco A+B and a capful of superthrive, at ph6.0 and seem to be loving it. I`ll step the EC up to 1.4 as they start on the screen.



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Fitting the screen and genral ponderings. . .

Fitting the screen and genral ponderings. . .

I`ve fitted the screen now. Its good and rigid and uses the wole space running between the poles of the growtent. Simply cut some V`s in the ends of the measured pieces of wood, drilled holes and tied up with zip ties. Stretched the net over and again tied with zip ties.

I have a little bit of a dilema as to how much to fill the screen, when to switch to 12/12, and finally how much and when to cut the stuff below the screen. This`ll be a guide for my 15plant scrog that I`m just starting.

As you can see from the pics here from my first scrog, things were a bit messy below the screen, and I think the screen was just a bit too densely packed.


Here you can see the screen is right on top of some of the trained and twisted stems


Here`s one from under the screen

and finally one of the top half of the tent

First time using this method for adding photo`s, so hope it works out.



Bugger, the timer failed on my two pumps feeding the two plants, they were starting to look a bit droopy and when I checked the coco by hand I realised they hadn`t been fed for up to maybe 3 days and the medium was very dry. I gave them a good feed and switched from a digital timer back to the segment type manual switch timer and put them on a 15 minute feed twice a day.

The plants still look healthy so hopefully wont be any lasting damage. I`ll change the res in both tmro and add a dose of rhizotonic to help keep the root growth healthy.



My camera has broken so no pics at the moment. I`ll hopefully have this remedied before too long tho.

The plants are looking really good and filling up the screen with lots of shoots. I`ve just switched them to 12/12 today so its day 1 of 63.

Whilst the ec remains constant at around ec13/14, I`m having some heavy ph drift upwards. Ph5.9 will rise to ph6.7 over a few days. Is this down to the Rhizotonic I wonder(?), I know it raises ph value considerably initially but I`m wondering if its having an after affect too, it seems quite a steep rise and a bit concerned about constantly chucking ph down into it. Its two weeks running now and both times up to ph6.7

As I said tho they`re all looking good thus far, I`ll try and take some pics on my phone whilst without a proper camera.

Toke ;-)


Well despite having issues with my other larger grow using the same plants and methods, these two seem to be doing well. Around a week into flower and they`re still filling the screen up and looking lovely and healthy. Wish I could sort the issue with my others.



Sorry for the crappy photos, my camera is fucked so I`m having to use my phone at the moment.

Regards, Toke


Well 3 weeks into 9 of 12/12 and these two are looking good. Loads of buds across the screen.

I`m a bit concerned that I may have over filled the screen and let too many small shoots come through the screen, as I think there will be a lot of bud shaded from the light as these progress. I think the main stretch is over.

Still no camera so these are from my phone, and the lights were on, yeah sorry I know that`s pretty crap. I`ll try and take some over the weekend with the lights off.



They`re getting EC14 @ ph6.0, I`ll be taking the EC up a bit through the next 3-4 weeks and see how much they`re happy with.

I have`nt been filling this grow thread in much, I`ve been more than a bit consumed with problems I`ve been having in my 15 plant grow. I`ll try and keep you filled in with the progress of these 2 girls over the coming weeks though.



Just a quick one to let you know things are looking sweet here, unlike my other 14 in my other grow, still struggling to get on top of problems there.

I`ve been soooo busy trying to find the root of my problems there that I`ve not had computer time to keep up with this one, but I`ll keep dropping in til the end with pic updates etc.

Sorry, my phone aint even capable of flash lighting a lil growtent, ooh I miss my broken camera!

I think I need to take quite a few of the fan leaves off as there is so much bud being covered up and getting no light. I`m still wondering if I`ve over done the density of plant canopy in letting so many shoots to come through the screen. I`m new to sgrogging though, this being my second attempt, along with my bigger grow that is just about to have the screen fitted.

They`re looking to be doing fine, I`m going to start introducing PK13/14 the next time I fill the res.




Nice Scrog,
We have similar tastes. Good Luck with it all.

Hey Sgroger. funnily enough I was following your advice on the 500watt scrog thread, great advice mate.

Nice of you to drop in here. I`ll be updating with pics in both my threads in the next couple of days.

I`ve been thinning out some of the leaves to expose more bud to the light today, everything seems cool,though a bit overcrowded maybe.



Well I`ve been doing some work with thinning out the fan leaves on top to expose more bud. There is quite a carpet of bud under what looks like is going to be medium sized buds, and not many main cola`s. Its not how I wanted it to be and I think I may have over trained them through and well past the 1st stretch period.

Hopefully I`ll get this off a little better with the bigger sgrog grow I`m doing.

I gotta say, I had some great help thinning out the other day:biggrin:

This is how its looking now, camera phone I`m afraid, but I hope to borrow a mate`s camera tmro or Wednesday and will hopefully be able to provide more detailed pic`s

Before thinning out on top


This grow is looking better than the last one, got on top of some issues which has helped. The last grow did 4oz per plant, not what I`d hope for so we`ll see what this one does.

I took the canopy temp readin yesterday and was surprised to see it was around 92-93f/33c:yoinks:

I`ve now got it down to around 88f/31c which is still too high, so I need to think of something pretty fast here as its crucial bud building time being under 3 weeks from harvest.

What are the ideal temps for the main canopy, can anyone tell me?? 78f would maybe be ideal but how far can this be pushed without it having too much of an adverse affect?



Active member
Hey Toke,
74f-78f i would say is optimal for bloom, you aint far off with 81f. I know ideal temps at conopy level are strain variant. Mandala Strains for example i hear can take and thrive in temps over 90f, even heard over 100f is fine for some of their strains too. Have you tried aiming a fan/fans at the light/lights buddy, if you get it right i know this can help alot. If you still have that clip on blowing down above the light it needs moving to under the light and aiming at it! G'Luck oh BTW, you try tucking some of the leaves out of the way, it always makes me dead paranoid taking leaves off in this stage of growth because of airbourne fungal spores, Airbourne fungal spores which are in the air all the time need how can i put it, open wounds to bloom, just like the type of wound that would be caused by cutting leaves off, that is why i tuck if i can, remove earlier to prvent helping fungal spores bloom,imo its one of the causes of botrytis(bud-rot).
Keep on keepin onnnnn Bro'. Nice little ass helpin you out there too, whoops hope she aint ya GF'...lol.


Well Scroger, my GF or not, she does indeed have a very fine ass, and I wouldn`t be at all offended. I posted it afterall, . The lovely lady in question isn`t offended either and proud of her ass, though she didn`t expect to see it posted here at IC:biggrin:

Too many leaves tucked away would cause restriction of airflow is what I`m thinking in regards to pruning some of that fan leaf growth, which gives me the willies re bud rot/mold etc. I reckon the open wounds heal very quickly in a healthy environment. Not saying I`ve got the right approach, but I`ve done some tests with pruning verses non pruning before and found very little if any difference to yield and not had a problem with mold associated with it, this was not in a scrog set up I hasten to add. I never take a fan leaf that is going directly into a cola/bud when its anywhere near ripe, these ones I would generally tuck out of the way if necessary. Anyway I hope I`m right.

Yeah I`m going to have to deal with the temps somehow in this growtent scrog. I could do with an intake coming from the loft space to bring cooler air in, as the centrally heated house is very warm at the time being during this cold snap.

I`d like to run with a 600watt light in here but that would require a cooled hood of some sort.

Good point about the upper fan, I`ll see to this tmro, I imagine that could make a bit of a difference, I`ll let you know.



I think I defo kept training these two for too long, you can see here that the colas have`nt achieved any height as I kept training them back under the screen.

I get the feeling that this training constantly confuses the plant as it tries to send energies to the top growth tips, we keep pulling them down and others become the top growth tips so the signals in the plant are changed. They, then get the new energy drive only to be pulled back and the signals change over again. I`m wondering if this is overdone it over confuses the plant and it no longer gives a fuck about the main stems and grows several smaller ones. Dont get me wrong, I`m a fan of scrogging for sure, but I wonder if this is what Kind meant over on Skunk`s 500watt scrog, when he mentioned being wary of stunting plants through scroggin and that some strains dont like being fondled too much. I think overdoing it may have a bonzia effect on them. Shoot me down if you think I`m barking, just my feelings. What do you think?



The bud looks good and has another 2 weeks to go before chop so will no doubt put some weight on. I got 4oz per plant last time around which is nothing to shout about, 8oz from a sq meter, I`d be hoping for 12-14oz from a 400 watt lit grow like this.

The plants had some issues at the beginning as you can see in the pics clearly at the beginning of this thread, and did keep the limey appearance in the fresh growth well into flower (I wanna get to the bottom of this limey fresh growth problem, as my bigger scrog grow is 1 week into 9 week flower period and I want them to do a good deal better than this). I`ll let them do their own thing a lot earlier and hopefully this will help form lots of proper colas, but I feel there is something behind this limey fresh growth that needs improving so that the buds can form without any hinderence.

All the best, Toke ;-)


Into the last week now and flushing. Chop day is Thurs.




There`s going to be a lot of trimming for a little grow like this as I`ve trained for too long and forced every little shoot I could through the screen rather than chopping much of it off. I think I`ve got the hang of this more over in my other thread, thanks to some useful guidance from Scroger, tips hat again ;-)

Cheers Toke


Medical Test grower. Inquire within...
good luck. I dont think there will be as much trimming as you think there will be! I liked your setup seams like your dialing that sog in very well. It will only get better!


Well I`ve been doing some work with thinning out the fan leaves on top to expose more bud. There is quite a carpet of bud under what looks like is going to be medium sized buds, and not many main cola`s. Its not how I wanted it to be and I think I may have over trained them through and well past the 1st stretch period.

Hopefully I`ll get this off a little better with the bigger sgrog grow I`m doing.

I gotta say, I had some great help thinning out the other day:biggrin:

This is how its looking now, camera phone I`m afraid, but I hope to borrow a mate`s camera tmro or Wednesday and will hopefully be able to provide more detailed pic`s

Before thinning out on top


This grow is looking better than the last one, got on top of some issues which has helped. The last grow did 4oz per plant, not what I`d hope for so we`ll see what this one does.

I took the canopy temp readin yesterday and was surprised to see it was around 92-93f/33c:yoinks:

I`ve now got it down to around 88f/31c which is still too high, so I need to think of something pretty fast here as its crucial bud building time being under 3 weeks from harvest.

What are the ideal temps for the main canopy, can anyone tell me?? 78f would maybe be ideal but how far can this be pushed without it having too much of an adverse affect?


:wave: Allo, where do I sign up for one of these helpers then :moon:

Good looking butt, I mean buds man :D I see what you mean about squat buds... I make you right that the constant re pulling down of the shoots must stunt them somewhat. I am no scrogger though so am not sure just how much.

Saying that, lol, I remember reading that the shoots where only trained for the first few weeks of veg and then first week or 2 of bloom allowing the replaced shoots to then get a week of stretch which would supply multiple 8-10" rounders bat sized colas, or if your lucky fook off baseball bat sized ones like scroggermans :D


Active member
Hey Toke,
Dont tell me these are the same Pheno's your having issues with on your other Grow buddy, if they are then im stumped and have never seen a pheno thats healthy in one room and not in another when conditions are good.?
G'Luck Man.........Scroger!


Yeah, that`s right mate, the same stock. The only difference is that mine had all the serious def`s/lockout problems throughout veg period, whereas these didn`t have the same issues. ie no interveinal yellowing and other stress signs. That`s why I figured the damage may have been done to mine during veg, but it seems odd that they`d do so well up to the point they did.

These 2 in the tent managed 5 and a quater oz each.


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