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Growshops, seeds and suppliers

Jerry Maine

I have no plans to go back anytime soon, or know of anyone coming over, and I really need a bulb in 2 or 3 weeks when I plan on switching to flower. Not waiting 'til Christmas to start flowering, lol. I think my best bet would be to send a friend some cash and get them to post some across via USPS, which is seemingly a bit cheaper than FedEx or UPS, only $40 compared to around $100, takes about a week. Just worried about breakage.

The back is better, thanks for asking, am doing pretty much everything again aside playing sports. Kinda aches every morning or after long train rides but it's coming right.


Jerry Maine

Fuck it, decided I'm going to give this HPS bulb a proper testing, keep the others under the flouros and stick one of the Hundu Kush Skunks under the HPS for a few days. If it seems to be struggling I'll order one of those 250W MH units with the broad spectrum that are going for half price. As it's a Japanese company I'll be able to get it in a couple of days, won't have to worry about breakage etc. The local bulbs and international postage are too expensive, and this way I'll have both MH and HPS units if I want to encroach into the other half of my closet and get a dual spectrum 500W 3'x2'x4' grow on the boil.



Online Seedshops

Online Seedshops

Where I bought my seeds for my current grow:

Red Dog


Pretty cheap, good selection, good service.

Where I`m going to get next season`s:

Crew Grow


Cheapest Japanese seedshop online that I`ve found so far. I`ve checked just about every site, too.

Picked up a PiecePipe and some papers, etc from 420Factory. They also sell seeds but are expensive. Best selection I`ve seen so far though.



420 Factory's boss got busted. The website is down and if you do a search theres lots of posts about it (in Japanese). Seems there may have been some security issues with customer information as well??? Not cool.

I have actually talked to the guy, he wanted to talk growing/selling over the phone, the first and only time I called (I had a query about a vape). I ordered a very small amount of paraphenalia in the past, no seeds. :(


Active member
I read the police are currently investigating over 100 orders from there. Wish that stupid fuck who was telling everybody that it was legal to buy viable cannabis seeds in Japan would show his face and explain how this could happen.

It amazes me how stupid some of the people who run these kind of shops are in Japan. I too have been asked in the past from a few places about buying/selling and even making knock-off seeds. No reason to be friendly with these places.


Japanfreak: I don't think I'm ever going to buy anything from a Japanese headshop again, unless its in person w/cash.
Thank fuck my place is squeaky clean atm.

You'd think that the people running these shops would have some idea of stealth, but it doesn't seem like it. Years ago a local adult shop boss owner got arrested for dealing weed and mushrooms after the ban, from his shop. Really blatantly, too.

I still understand the law to be a somehat gray area re: seeds, viable or not. Legal to buy seeds? Maybe. Safe to do so/a good idea? No way.
I'm thinking that the shops and other people busted were investigated because of the seeds, but busted becuase of germinating/dealing/possessing, or some other offence.
Way things are going, they'll probably revise the law. Make f2s and crosses while u still can!


Active member
The law has always been pretty clear, just wasn't enforced. It has always said that viable seeds are illegal to import. All seeds that are imported for feed or spice go thru a heating process to kill them. The cops were happy to let it alone till the Rugby idiots tried growing dope in their dorm. The first step the cops took was going after Booty and the owner and manager who were both arrested for smuggling in viable seeds. The buyer can always say that they didn't know that the seeds were viable and be protected that way unless they ordered them from overseas directly which would put them in violation of the law.

The options that are left for people are using a safe address and ordering direct as people have always done. over 100 people were arrested or questioned last year for doing so though. Or making the trip in person and smuggling them back on their person which people here have done for years.

Luckily I have all the seeds I need for the time being and I think I am going to test out making feminized seeds myself from the plants that I'm growing now.
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