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Growshops in Nederland !!! Looking for Good solutions for Fungus gnats !!

Hey guys,

i am looking for Growshops in Nederland where i can buy something like Vectobac, Solbac or gnatrol. For fighting against Fungus gnats , Larvea and eggs.

thx a lot.


Well-known member
hey, i put half cut potato in the soil, and every 4-6-8 hours i pulled it out and burnt the little fuckers to the toilet, its not a fix i know, but you can get rid a bunch of them this way. good luck

Three Berries

Active member
I use the Mosquito Bits with every waitering and it's a BT type stuff. I don't think you can get it in the EU but the BT does work. Just keep using it.

I use diatomaceous earth too mixed in the top of the soil. Don't know if it works though. No gnats anyway.


Well-known member
Imidacloprid or abamectin.
I wouldn't use either of these in flower. Veg, no worries. You could try apply H202, Hydrogen peroxide. Add some to next watering, not too much. Doesn't damage plants. You can find the right amount doing a quick web search.


Well-known member
I wouldn't use either of these in flower. Veg, no worries.
Yep, i supposed that was obvious, sorry, only in veg. Anyway ... lettuce is sprayed with abamectin 7 days before reach the market.
You could try apply H202, Hydrogen peroxide. Add some to next watering, not too much. Doesn't damage plants. You can find the right amount doing a quick web search.
That dont kill all the fungus gnats, just stop at some level the damage of the bites


Well-known member
One watering with neem lasts months. It's approved in some states. Unlike a couple of the chemicals above.
I have used a few things aimed at the job, but neem wins as a single hit approved solution, that comes from walmart in the hair section


The Tri Guy
Water less, that's all it takes to rid yourself of gnats. But not so little you make the area attractive to spider mites.


Active member
There is Gnatrol WDG which is BT var Israelensis which kills Larve. The common one kills caterpillars. I use this crap inside sometimes it works but is expensive available on Ebay.
The use of Imidacloprid or abamectin is more effective. I also used ivermectin when I had covid. For the most part a little bit of a deadly poison will not harm you. I make an exception with the fentanyl and its derivative's. I wonder how many Chinese die making and transporting the stuff.
if growing under government monitoring i really doubt they can detect Imidacloprid since it works on the molecular level. 1x 10-15
Hey Guys ,

i try Vertimec, i think Abamectin is the stuff in that brand. But nothing change. I try H202 also but nothing change. Nematodes also does nothing. maybe all thinks a little. i dont no. I have a lot of yellow cards and know i try Bio-Granules from A.R.T.S . i use it yestserday . the sellers say it is strong and enough. i dont no what to do. since i am located in Europe i can not buy Gnatrol

i hear about Solbac, Vectobac they contains BTI but i dont no where to buy this in holland.