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GrowRoom Needs some good lighting.

GrowRoom Needs some good lighting.

  • Auction - A

    Votes: 4 100.0%
  • Auction - B

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Auction - C

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Auction - D

    Votes: 0 0.0%

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New member
Hey Everyone..

So i have my whole Grow-Room almost complete. Seeds are germinating right now but i need to order a light. Was thinking ebay so i searched and found some auctions..

Didnt know if they were junk or one was better for the price to get then another...

So i turn to you all to let me know.

Here is my setup and below are the links to the auctions:

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A - http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&category=42225&item=4316674488&rd=1

B - http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&category=42225&item=4316674735&rd=1

C - http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&category=3201&item=4317853182&rd=1

D - http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&category=42225&item=4316674268&rd=1




if i was to buy any of those i'd go with "A". price is right plus its the nicest looking one you have listed. i would never buy a light with the ballest inside the hood. thats a big nono in my eyes.

:alien: SohcDutch:alien:


New member
A... mmm yes.

A... mmm yes.

Thanks for your reply.. ya thats the one i was leaning towards but being a complete rookie to this i had to ask because thats a good amount of cash to waste...

I didnt realize there was a Grow-Room Design and Equipment forum.. guess this should be in there ... ewps my bad..



I'd go with A as well... the remote ballast will keep your ballast heat isolated from your grow chamber.

You may want to go with some sort of cool tube for that light. A 400 will get VERY HOT in a confined space like that. I have a similar setup with a 430 hps... EVEN with a cool tube in this small space... it will get warm in there.

You might also rethink your double fan in in the ceiling for ventilation. To me... it seems you will have alot of ambient light infiltrating your chamber during dark hours. You need to beable to block as much light as possible during this time.

I would also get rid of that aluminum foil... you dont want to cook your plants. Paint your walls white or go with a mylar 2mm film. Aluminum foil is a big no no.

Good luck with your operation.
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New member
Maistre -

Thanks for your reply.. ya on OG i was told as long as i used the dull side of the foil i would be ok... guess i was misinformed... ill get the white paint out ASAP then...

Thanks for all your guys help so far!!!!



I would go with A also but then again i just ordered a 1k hps with mh conversion for 203.00
But i can almost bet youll get whatever light you order before i do.
Thats the cost when you get things cheaper they take longer to get.



I looked through them and think you are right for deciding on 400w. A 600 would be alot better, but heat might be an issue.

If you are going to veg and bloom in that box, go with the conversion light.

If you are only flowering in that box, go with the cheaper one that is only HPS.

That hydro kit looked cool, but I don't know anything about hydro, but I will tell you that light that comes with it will not be enough, 125w of flourescent will give you real airy, stretched thin buds.

There is a better deal for a 400w HPS, its like $90, I can't remember where, but I know its one of IC's sponsors, look through the IC sponsors, or someone chime in and tell this guy where to get his light.

And when you order it tell 'em you came from IC, it's good to let the sponsors know their getting our business.

Hope this helps, and see you growin soon!


Oh yeah, I didn't see it was not remote ballast:mad:

Get remote ballast!!!

And if you get that one with the tempered glass cover, take the glass off, tempered glass reduces light.
I wouldn't get any of those lights.

Heres a link to where I order from.


~$160 for a 400w HPS with hortilux bulb.

As opposed to $200 for basically the same lamp, but with a MH conversion bulb, which you don't even need in all reality.

I have talked to a couple people that have used both the sonagro and the hortilux, and they all say the hortilux is hands down the best bulb in horticulture.


New member
Ya the fan is good there because i felt the air blowing in an taking out air... was really strong its a good little intake outake for free.

The box is in the basement no light goes into our basement in the office it is in...

So no light comes in and only a tiny bit of light really get out...

Seems like A is the right choice so im going to order it up.

Thanks for all your help!!



Have you checked out all your options?

A is the best out of the bunch, but I think you could find a better deal.


New member
They are the best i currently found...

Please if you know of better let me know...

Ill wait on your reply's to see if there is better before ordering tonight then..

Thanks for letting me know Joe thats awesome of ya!



I think it was InsideSun . com

I looked in the sponsor site and didn't see the company anymore, but I think it was InsideSun. Maybe it was a special "for a limited time" or "while supplies last" but I swear you could get one for $90, I was going to get one but can't afford the extra heat until fall, there was a thread too, where some people bought them and their experiences were all positive if I remember correctly.

Well good luck, and if you can't find one cheaper, go on and ebay it, they look good too.


New member
Its actually 90 bucks for the shitty setup need to add the Hortilux and all that comes to 200....

Ebay deal is cheaper.. he gives me way more for much much cheaper...

You need to add the correct bulbs and reflect and stuff and hit add to cart that 90.00 dollars comes to 200.00 + S/H



the link I provided is better than the ebay links.


here it is again

400wHPS - 135
hortilux upgrade - 23

total plus shipping 158

plus, the ebay links dont' come with a hortilux, they come with a sonagro. Ive been told by people that I would be very inclined to believe that the hortilux is hands down the best bulb in horticulture.


Active member
better deals await you

better deals await you

I don't know if i am too late but, i wanted to let you know that i just purchased a 400w switchable (mh&hps in one) ballast with a nice air cooled reflector for $200.00. I found this light on ebay listed by a company called grow-light.com, they have a website (obviously) and i probably could have saved a little by ordering directly from them and not buying my light on ebay. very nice light. give them a look if i am not too late.
peAce brother,
p.s. this was a brand new light and it came with both bulbs.
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full time daddy


but i bet you couls get a 1000w for that price..

i just got 5 1000w from ebay....3 on one order ( 300.00 )
and 2 on dif orders one was 150 and the other was 90

all them price's are with shipping and bulb's used but came with them.....