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Growing without a card? what are the penalties?


Active member
Looking into getting my card, but after reading the previous threads im not so sure its the best idea.

I was curious what penalties are for a small personal grow of 2 plants....never anything more....and clean record would be

thanks...just trying to find as much as i can about the laws here in Nevada and Northern Nev.


Active member
Thanks flux, i went through those the other day online. In regards to cultivation it appears as though it starts at 100lbs-2000, which is about 99.5 pounds more than anything i will ever cultivate so how does that work? is it considered something else at that point?


Registered User
they are allowed to throw u to the ground, stomp on ur neck with their boot, pull ur girl out of the bed naked and throw her to the ground with a boot to boot, shoot ur dog, throw u in jail after busting ur place up & taking whatever they want, force u to spend ten thou plus on attorneys, then still convict ur ass and throw ya in jail or put u thru probation... btw, they can still do this with a card... and they have zero accountability. oh... and they can shoot u, which is why they always have a bag of crack sprinkles in the trunk


I remember a couple of years ago, the nevada legislature was debating a plant limit bill sponsored by Senator Copening with proposed plant limits and related charges. Something like seven plants was going to be a Gross Misdemeanor and eight and above stepped up through the ranks of felonies (E-A). I distinctly remember the Judiciary Committee Senators gravely stating that they "certainly didn't want a student at UNLV to get charged with a felony for growing a couple of plants in his dorm room." The bill didn't pass and I guess it kinda left open the specific charge one might expect for growing a couple of plants. But it did make me feel warm and fuzzy that the Judiciary Committee Senators all thought it was draconian to charge a felony for less than eight plants. I wholeheartedly agreed and thought that if someone was ever charged with a felony for less that eight plants, these esteemed Nevada State Senators' prior testimony would be a great thing to present in one's defense. Anyway,
As a practical matter, in Clark Co, with a clean record you would "most likely" end up with a misdemeanor and a years probation and $10,000 in attorney fees for getting popped with a couple of plants. If they find you have guns, then you're in felony land right away because you must have the guns to murder people to protect your 2 plant crop. No doubt about that. So no guns.
Even if you qualify for a mmj card, you have a defense for growing a couple of plants anyway. You'd have to get your Doc to testify to get the charges dismissed.
I've thought about not renewing; but I guess it gives me some sense of false security, just like a lot of things. Like my aging carbon filters.
Oh yeah, and there's the neck stomping thing you have to go through no matter what you do. Just part of the process.


So according to the SB 374 testimony this morning, they want to have felony charges kick in at either 13 plants or by how much total weight the plants have. Ie, if you have 12 mature plants you could be charged with a felony based being in possession of, I guess,12 pounds based on the leo assertion that a mature plant weighs a pound.
So even for a card holder, the reality of the situation is a person is now in violation whenever they harvest more than an ounce and potentially two and a half if this bill passes.
You really can't get there from here.


Active member
been paying attention to the thread in the main forum regarding 374. i guess im just wondering what the typical penalty is for having 2 mature plants. thanks for all the info guys!

Utah Jones

New member
The only solution I see is full Legalization for the home grower Tax Free.No Jail. No Fingerprinting. No DNA Testing. No Plant Limits. No fines or fees. No FLIR. No Undercover Sting. No 300 Dollar Ounces. No Bail. No Snitches. (kind of hard to snitch on someone for something thats not illlegal). No bunk pot (unless it's a freebee). No getting stopped by Las Vegas Metro for Jaywalking and being asked to reveal prior arrest record (you know, It's nobody's buisiness anyhow).So on and so forth. I am curious to see how this all works out with the amended version of this bill sb 374 apparently headed to the governors desk for signature. Also , one more thought. Why are there only 3400 (or 3600) Nevada patients registered with the state health division. I would think there are a lot more people than that applying for the card. Maybe too expensive. $150 registration fee + $50 application fee + Doctors recomendation fee + Fingerprint fee + transportation cost from rural Nevada locations + only good for 12 months before renewal + having your name on a list available to any traffic cop that stops you for having a tailight out ,etcetera. Anyone have any thoughts on the matter. Intelligent commentary to add to the discussion. All input greatly appreciated. Peace out. Utah.

Barn Owl

Active member
Busting people is big business in Nevada and they have speed trap drug dog programs in many towns. Now some of those assholes get their dogs taken away because they have been caught racial profiling a few times and their police department gets sued.

The thread about getting the shit kicked out of you is accurate. Plus they will plaster your photo all over the news.


If you grow, make sure to have cameras set up... Now a days, that goes a long, long way regardless if you are illegal or not.


New member
If you are OK with being on the list. A couple of hundred bucks could keep your ass out of jail.
You will spend way more time and money trying to stay out after the fact. Still trouble from feds tho.

Card carrying MMP and fully state legal.

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