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growing with khaleel :D


ROOKING OH SO NICE......hey i was wondering what size bags you are using when you transfer the cuts from the floater...i am guessing 1 gal but just wanted to make sure...and by the way you sold me on the float system.....can't wait to use it....dj

hey dj what up! :wave: yup, going into the 1 gallon bags. used to use Tonatiuh's method and go to 16 oz plastic cups, but got lazy so went right to the bags. lol next run is going to be focused on using smaller containers, now that i'm not working and am able to feed/water them as often as needed, no sense using the bigger ones. check back in as my veggie room grows to see where i end up. :D oh and be sure your oxygen stones don't clog up with the cloning system--if they do you can end up losing some. gotta change the water out ever week or thereabouts too, unless you are watering your plants from it like i do, then it naturally gets replaced in the same time frame or close..

great to see familiar faces, have a good one man :bubbles:


K- thanks for the input. i do believe ill give that bushmaster a try later in flower... if i get there. for some reason my girls started showing def. in their 4 in pots, and now 10 days after transplant to 3 and 2 gals they are still decaying. im worried im gonna lose them. oh well. first time for everything i guess. your girls are looking wonderful though, i was wondering how you felt about apps. (auto-pruning pots) i know the bags are cheap and easy but down the road, when you have some extra dough, you should look into them. rolling right along bud, and your thread is too! GL & +K


someone just bought another 1000 watts... time to do work!! pics to come :D

(nameless: thanks man, i'll check those out.. i know the bag thing is bad for the environment, fo sho :bashhead:)


damn, i gotta shower and chill. labor not my favorite part of growing. lol but the good news, is that i am now rocking 2000 watts of hps in bloom. :D fooking bright in there. 7.5 x 7.5 feet. maximized. here we go, ladies. overdrive.

one before shot, a few of the ladies chillin in the old veg area, and enjoy the rest. i'll get some dark pics in a bit, maybe.. peace












K- thanks for the input. i do believe ill give that bushmaster a try later in flower... if i get there. for some reason my girls started showing def. in their 4 in pots, and now 10 days after transplant to 3 and 2 gals they are still decaying. im worried im gonna lose them. oh well. first time for everything i guess.

hey nameless, thanks for the kind words bro. hmm, what kind of def, what you do think is going on? i tried to find your thread but no luck. if you wanna post some pics here please do. nothing much going on right now so mi casa su casa. (however you spell it lol) usually when stuff starts actually disentigrating/decaying your roots are toast. locked-out soil. tough part to catch is that the plant starts showing serious deficiencies, so it's counter intuitive to think you need to flush shit out and do plain water for a week or so, just letting it chill even if it sets it back.. i have no way of knowing if that is what is going on in your hood :D but maybe take one and try it out. not much to lose if they are actually dying off. could be too late. :sadday: hope it pulls through man!


Genetics Facilitator
Boutique Breeder
ICMag Donor
looking nice khaleel! pretty DC dominant i would say. are you making seeds to take them to f2??


looking nice khaleel! pretty DC dominant i would say. are you making seeds to take them to f2??

yup, they look pretty similar to each other, and to all of the other dc crosses i've seen or tried.. which sounds good to me. :D

when you say take them to f2, do you mean with a male or by hermi-ing for self-pollination? i won't be doing either lol but i don't know much about breeding so am curious to hear how it works.. thanks man, and great to see you stop by!! :wave:


gonna kick the guano up (and little of other nutes) now that we are approaching week four, and also now that there is another 1000 watts

Prof Sublime

Hard working pothead
Yo yo Khaleel, good to see you around man..

Your grow is looking great man, keep the good work up and enjoy the new setup.

Your plants are in my favorite stage right now, right when the pistils are growing. I love how the white pistils look against the bright green new leaves. Anyway take it easy and Ill slide thru soon again.


Genetics Facilitator
Boutique Breeder
ICMag Donor
hey K, when i say f2, i mean keep some pollen from the males and dust a bud on the females - then the f1's you are growing will make f2 seeds. with crosses of strains like DC, you will see the whole range of variation between the two original parents of the cross - so you can select ones that are less DC dominant from the f2's. thats supposed to be the way to go with DC crosses. i hope to take some more of my crosses to f2 this year. first step towards an IBL i guess.

either way they look nice :D



hey K, when i say f2, i mean keep some pollen from the males and dust a bud on the females - then the f1's you are growing will make f2 seeds. with crosses of strains like DC, you will see the whole range of variation between the two original parents of the cross - so you can select ones that are less DC dominant from the f2's. thats supposed to be the way to go with DC crosses. i hope to take some more of my crosses to f2 this year. first step towards an IBL i guess.

either way they look nice :D


damn!! i shoulda held onto a couple males lol oh well, i really didn't have the room to do it. too bad, what you are saying makes total sense when i think of it like the little square charts high school kids do in biology for blue-eye brown-eye (hehe) combination parents, and how two blue eyed parents can still have a brown-eyed parent cuz it's the recessive trait, etc. very cool, thanks for the explanation. if i ever get around to a batch of seeds i will have to try that out.

hmm, or if you get some nice pollen maybe send an envelope my way and i'll return the karma with some f2 BKxDC or G-13xDC beans :D lol in al seriousness, i bet the G-13 dominant ones would be out of this world.


oh, i wish i'd have had the other 1000 going the whole time. lol


old mamas a week in bloom look like they are liking the new larger digs:

cherry haze x trainwreck


viper x trainwreck


bubba x dc


heat went up a little, so i did something i probably should have done anyway.. installed a quick-rig intake vent on the bloom room:


then did something i think will work pretty well.. unscrewed the clothes dryer door lightbulb so i could leave the door slightly ajar, that way fresh air flow could come in and down the dryer's exhaust into the room, passively from the larger exhaust fan (on lights) pulling it in. ?


idk maybe not necessary but it does feel less stale when i go in there. the room itself is not totally sealed, so even with the door shut it isn't bad at all but hey why not get things primo fresh air can't hurt :D

hey, how about some veggie pics. starting to "perk" now after being in dirt a week. i love it when i just take a glance in and immediately see the perkiness, meaning they took root and are starting to grow or whatever. idk what you guys call it lol but it is cool :D





Looking nice. Harvesting my other 7 tomorrow after a 36 hrs of dark. Got a little over a pound of Purp which is my lighter producing strains. Hoping for 2 pounds on what's left. Ill have final pics tonight. Then on to the NEW spot. :dance013:


Looking nice. Harvesting my other 7 tomorrow after a 36 hrs of dark. Got a little over a pound of Purp which is my lighter producing strains. Hoping for 2 pounds on what's left. Ill have final pics tonight. Then on to the NEW spot. :dance013:

great harvest man, congrats on the bounty :friends: can't wait to see the pics.

hi everyone. a friend of mine told me that soil plants really enjoy verticle room in the containers, and having it filled up to the brim. i looked around on the mag and saw tonatiuh and other folks that seem to emulate this idea... so what the hell, i have plenty of perlite and enough soil to do it. all the veggies got transplanted into 1 gallon bags filled up instead of halfway. might set them back a few days with the transplant so soon after the first one, but it's veg, time to stress them out a bit anyway. looking forward to what the bigger digs and higher percentage of perlite does for the grow. gonna be more work for me in terms of watering, but should be able to feed them better. enjoy pics

ok pics turned out shitty lmao i'll get more later, time to shower up and go chase some tail :pimp3:


*Stoned User*
Youve done a fine job with the plants and the room. Lovin the genetics youre working with and the dryer idea is pothead ingenuity at its finest. :tiphat: I am not sure it is nessesary either but as long as its not affecting temps too dramatically, then it can only be a positive addition. :respect:


Youve done a fine job with the plants and the room. Lovin the genetics youre working with and the dryer idea is pothead ingenuity at its finest. :tiphat: I am not sure it is nessesary either but as long as its not affecting temps too dramatically, then it can only be a positive addition. :respect:

hiya trich!! :wave: thanks for the post and kudos.. lol yeah the dryer idea works famously during the day, but gets too chilly in there at lights off. either i manually open it/the vent at every lights-on/off (i'll do that the day i can make a tuna-fish sandwhich out of a welcome mat), or i get an auto-timed self-switching damper (which i'm sure they make somewhere where the guy from Holmes on Holms shops, but not at my local home depot).. or i say oh well, "for-git a-bout-it." :D

lol thanks for sayin hi take it easy man, hope you enjoy rest of show


whew, lotsa work. good to go on all soil work until harvest. until veggies are ready lol :D

enjoy pics. also picked up a Co2 boost. came with some cool little connectors. got a line on each plant. also picked up some happy frog bone meal, get a little more phorphorous/different source. all set, good to go. :yes:














