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Growing thorns

really interested in this also... my spots are based around being surrounded by thorns, and id really like to thicken them.

Vol Funk

Maybe blackberry bushes would be cool too. I'd say they're pretty dense thick bushes.

and Raspberries too.
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Hey vol,

I use blackberry and thorn patches to grow in. I have found that planting cheap ultravigourous vines such as albeilia is a good addition to the thorn patch. What it does is conn ect the thorns so that even a deer cant work their way through it . It turns the thornpatch into something inpenatrable. I have a hole underneath the thorns and crawl throug it to my plants.


king of the dinosaurs
silverback said:
Hey vol,

I use blackberry and thorn patches to grow in. I have found that planting cheap ultravigourous vines such as albeilia is a good addition to the thorn patch. What it does is conn ect the thorns so that even a deer cant work their way through it . It turns the thornpatch into something inpenatrable. I have a hole underneath the thorns and crawl throug it to my plants.

that sounds awesome!


I chuck handfulls of Espoma Rose Tone on the wild roses in my patch so they'll be nice and green well into the fall...

I'd hesitate to grow in a berry patch though, the berries attract animals and humans- gives them a reason to be there- deer usually avoid the deep thorn but if they are hungry enough they'll stand in the middle of it and nibble those berries all day...

Healthy thorn bushes have sharp sharp pointy thorns hard as iron! I go in the middle of the patch and knock off as may thorns as I can with the mini pick handle making sure not to strip the leaves...


^ lol im sure the cops would belive that. Not a bad idea tho... just grow your own ideal guerrilla spot, i like it