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Growing some Ganja


Well-known member
Sorry to hear that, Anjey, bummer indeed. I don't dare leave when I've got a grow going, which is most of the time...


Active member
Hey thanks DWD, yes it was a total failure other than edibles that run. I like to boil my ganja in water a couple times first anyways before making edibles for taste so hopefully negates any mold risk.

We are back up at it. Much better location, clean, radiant floor heat, ~20 minutes from the land we now "own", mile or so from the ocean. Big upgrade from the non-insulated, old, moldy garage we were growing in before, though we have to use tents here. We saved Zamaldelica, ZamxZkc 2 phenos, RS, and 3 Juanita Panamas in clone form. And have plenty of seeds for summer. I kept the RS only to make seeds of. I only enjoyed the taste of 1/6 RS, though they weren't grown as well as they could have, and the high is fine but light for me. But it has excellent characteristics, of high yields, tremendous resin production, excellent structure of inter-nodal space and branching habits, excellent mold and pest resistance, the best resistance in my humid forest chunk garden with 6 hours of light. So I will seed her up with several other Ace varieties this summer (and the Bluedigi).

I wanted to try to keep a little more updated these Juanita Panamas as I haven't seem them on here yet, and I let them get destroyed last time I grew. The soil is a little hot for them, I am working on getting all the details right. Foliar feeds of seaweed, vermicompost and aloe, calcium from egg shells and vinegar. Preventative neem sprays in veg/early flowering. More care and managed temps / humidity. My soil was much too basic at first, hearkened me back to the words of Gorilla Ganja long ago, that a little goes a long way with ash. I've been burning all my bones and shells from cooking and adding them to the soil so overwhelmed it a little. It is mostly fixed now I think but already I see some deficiencies maybe potassium/phos/or calcium related? I top dressed with alfalfa and fish bones and will give that foliar (first time with the shells) today so hopefully will improve. I will also get some clay from the land, my wife found some lovely green clay (we made face masks :) ) and theoretically it has all kinds of nutrients and minerals in it, and I think its a big thing my soil is lacking so I will try to water some in.

These are in the back row right and left are JxP, front row are ZxKC (the Zkc in middle is different squatter pheno) and the rest are bluedigiberries. Some nice early frost on big leafs of JxP. Great smells. These are the clone moms we put in to get an earlier harvest. We hope to fill our other 3 beds with ZKC, Zamaldelica, and Blueberry in each. And have one closet light with a Zamaldelica mom in flowering now.

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Active member
Heres our selected Zamaldelica from a regular pack going again:

I finally got a ph meter (silly not to have earlier) and the water in this house is coming out at 8.8 !

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Active member
Coming along, we have been enjoying them a lot. #3 tighter beautiful resiny buds but more of a light lemon smell that I associate with the Panama, though I have never grown it, and that foretells cloudlike euphoric relaxation. #2 more physically sativa buds but a more pungent sour/skunk to them leaning aromatically to the JP I imagine. This is about 5 weeks from flip.





Active member
these two beds just tapered down to 12/12 in the last couple of days. they are all of the same clones one of Zamaldelica (4) and one ZKC (3)



Hopefully these go well. The 9.2PH we had out of the tap was not helping things go smoothly we think.


ACE Seeds Breeder
Thanks for the update Anjey :)

The Juanita x Panamas look like they won't be great yielders, but they are very resinous and fast flowering, and i'm sure their terpenes must be very appealing at this point ;)

Best wishes with the new Zamaldelica and Zamaldelica x Kali China cycle too!


Active member
Hi all,

We've been trying to work out the kinks of the grow. We brought powdery mildew here to our new temporary place, not taking a serious enough job cleaning all grow materials before we moved and likely bringing clones hosting the fungus. I've been trying to take the least reactive responses possible, but in this case my simple and homemade solutions were not working, and I think our 9+ ph water opened up succeptibility and was disabling general health and function. I cratered and decided to buy some "organic" fungicides, I went with Regalia (a knotweed extract, which we made and used on our outdoor when it was growing and got no botrytis, we can make again this summer and store some) and Cease (b subtilis). I also after attempting to lower humidity to counter the PM and it changed nothing (note that the outbreak was relatively controlled did not dominate everything). So I discovered VPD, which I follow more in line with now as my theory of environmental control and it has only improved health, I run the tents at around 45% humidity 65f at night and 55% 75f in the day.

After trialing these indoor grows for the last 2 years a realization has firmly set in which is that I cannot grow without stress or justify growing indoors without as close to a perfect environment as I can. We were in two rentals these past year and a half and a temporary spot is not the way to grow for me. We have ideas for a space on our land that can combine a food certified kitchen, place to make cheese and process meat, a HEPA filtered entrance lung room raised beds built in to the ground drainage ditches potentially leading to a pool with some fish and plants growing it in for water cycling. Spending these next 2 years building amazing soil from our land and focusing on our outdoor, building projects and land development. And then we will see if things align to build such a structure after we have gained so more building skills.

We love the way the Juanita x Panamas turned out. Super resinous and fragrant, strong relaxing effect not narcotic. Taste is very rich lemonesque incency hashy reminds me of a super silver haze style smoked a while ago. #2 sativa-er has a very funky taste and smell attached of a rich dark fruity hash savory with the lemon that you can taste in the back of your throat and nostrils. Regarding the potential of its CBD, I have to say that for us we the CBD/THC strains that we have grown from Ace Erdpurt, and PxJP have been very effective. We don't get very high for more than 10 minutes effect from most dispensary weed whatever the % THC is supposed to be.

We did harvest early to avoid the PM getting worse and to begin with healthier, non clone from the infected house plants. And the Zamaldelica is still incredible, it is very strong, it is psychedelic in the sense that it can overwhelm normal sensory control and leave me gaping in awe of the universe and comfortable in my place in it. The edibles from it last maybe 8 hours of intensity. The heart can pound and there is a rush at times. Sometimes when the body is tired I feel it can contradict its energy coming to terms with the lack in the host and causing discomfort. We love it and hope it will finish beautifully this time. We will try to keep its clone these next years so we can grow it indoor even though she can't finish outside for us. Oh yes, and it also smells and tastes amazing with its honey melon mango spiciness.

Some pics, here is Zamal4 and ZKC3 a little after 4 weeks of flowering now.



This is as far as we got the Z4 upstairs to before harvesting, sad to cut her before the glory of her crowns formed:


Active member
Juanita Panamas - oh yes I don't think they are such poor yielders those in the last round were poorly managed mother plants flowered out. I'm hoping for a much better run this time.

The two plants on the left are Jp3 in back and Jp2 in front, and the two on the right are Jp1 which we haven't seen finished yet.




Very very oily herb, cannot tool grind for joints, ruins grinder, gets too oiley and unsmokeable in joints by the halfway point, needs to be hand ground, still feels moist at 62% humidity.



Well-known member
FYI, when we get powdery mildew in organic growing under greenhouses (I'm talking 150+ square meters greenhouses), one way to get rid of it is to completely close them and let temperature reach 60+ degrees celcius. You will loose yield and plants will not like it but it will kill any fungus and plants will mostly get back up afterwards.

I never had to do it myself so I cannot speak for the results, but I heard it can work.


Active member
Unforutnatley still some powderly mildew popping up, not a lot and cleaning most all but still. Harvested ZKC early as it was getting worse, Zamal looks steady okay here and there JxP just starting to get a little. But will probably make it through okay. The ZKC harvested early is still lovely and super resinous and nice grapefruit aroma and very strong.

JP #1





ACE Seeds Breeder
Hi Anjey,

So glad to hear you are pleased with the terpenes, resins and effects of the Juanita x Panama Goddess fem cross :)
The strong lemony incensey terpenes from Panama Goddess should mix very well with the strong skunk/chem terpenes of Juanita,
producing something very similar to what a Super Lemon Haze should be, but with balanced THC/CBD chemotypes and with remarkable CBG content as well.
I truly thank you for your interest in giving a try to this new hybrid from our R+D.

Pleased to know that the Zamaldelica x Kali Chinas produced an interesting result despite the early harvest.

The damn powder mildew, it was a fungus that has always been very common in orange trees and many other ornamental plants but it was never a problem with cannabis plants around these parts until 2006 approx. I don't know what happened then, whether the fungus mutated to be able to infect cannabis plants in a more effective way or if a variant of the fungus not seen here previously suddenly came to our country through infected clones, but the reality is that since that year powder mildew came to stay here, and after a few years battling with it and learning through the hard way (throwing infected plants to the garbage) we understood that there's not an organic solution that will fully eliminate or keep under control the powder mildew during flowering (especially in indoor grows and greenhouses).

So the actions to be taken are always preventive. You can spray sulfur or even use systemic pestices during growth stage, in that way you can still save your mothers, but none of these can be used in flowering. So once your flowering room has been infected by powder mildew the only solution is to finish the cycle and clean everything (tools, pots, walls, fans, intractors and extractors, tubes, filters, etc ...) in depth with bleach before considering start a new cycle.

Your sexy Zamaldelica 4 from the regular version seems to be quite special for you ;) hope you manage to save her in clone form to be able to keep enjoying her in the future.


For PM, I always found raw, un-pasturized milk, mixed 1:5 or 1:10 with water, applied as a foliar up to week 2-3 of flower, is a great preventative. The lacto bacillus or w/e it is helps heaps on PM. Seems odd spraying plants with milk but its always helped me. Also I think the PH disrupts its growth. Cheers all.


Active member
Hi Dubi, thank you for your thorough and honest words and interest, we appreciate it a lot.

We fine the Juanita Panama to be really exquisite, making one the best all around plants we have ever smoked, probably our favorite overall along with Zameldelica we have grown. The smell, oilyness, long hashy joints, relaxing strong effect of JxP just makes for an all around experience of excellence. I think she can be a solid yielder and is also very beautiful and produces tremendous resin on fan leaves as well. So I haven't given her the best runs here with my PM problems but I still see these merits. I will post more pictures later on she is looking nice and PM free *to the eye* currently.

Thanks for all the PM info regarding your experience. I came to the same resolution more or less, it is very unfortunate but is what it is and I think it could be resolved. (Cody I did try milk at some point but I think it was already - I guess systemic?) As you are saying Dubi the mothers even if seeming clean can't be flowered or will likely show symptoms.

We have come sort of full circle since the last post I had - from talking about building an elaborate grow room, to now planning on cleaning and selling our lights etc and getting out of the cycle of indoor growing and using bought energy etc. It seems like the logical conclusion that I am sure to come to eventually with the lifestyle I want to live so I should make that choice now.

So we will be doing all of our work outdoors and in greenhouses. The genetics we have and intend to work with are Erdpurt, ZKC, Zamaldelica, Juanita Panama, Red Sapphire, Snow Moon and Erdpurt x Auto Malawi. We also have from Verdant Green Bluedigiberry, 4 females of Og Kush x Cherry Bomb, Bubba Kush and a male and female from the Chemdawg ibl. It will be seeds of Erdpurt, Snow Moon, Erdpurt x Auto Malawi and BDGB for this year and clones for the rest. We will make many crosses with these genetics and over time I think that these genetics will offer a lot of interesting and wonderful possibilities suited and selected for my climate and preferences.

Thanks again Dubi and all much love